Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 3. The Sooner; The Better

02/20/2008 04:22 am
fun read, thank you. bonus points for dawn's great responce in the last paragraph.
LOL!  Bonus points.  I'll take them.

02/19/2008 08:15 am
I so love Dawn's ability to put things into perspective!  And there was  even more protective Spike!  Thanks for the best friend moment!  It was so great to see Buffy and Willow being honest with each other and talking like they used to.  I'm really curious about this book Giles is supposed to get.  Really hope there will be some scenes with Spike and Xander trying to work together in the basement!
Thank you.  I'm glad you liked the chapter : )

02/19/2008 03:15 am
Thanks for the update!
You are very welcome.  *hugs*

02/18/2008 08:44 pm

Excellent conversations all round - and Dawn's snappy comeback really aced Xander.  Nice chapter.

Thank you.  After I wrote that line, I reread it and had a good laugh. 

I worried about this chapter being boring because it was just a bunch of people sitting around talking and not much action.  I'm glad people are liking it : )

02/18/2008 06:55 pm

Great update, loved all of it and can't wait for more!

I'm so glad you liked it : )  More coming very soon.

02/18/2008 06:35 pm
he he he

great chapter!
: )  I'm glad you liked it.