For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.13

02/23/2008 09:56 am
Looks like Buffy might actually have to earn forgiveness this time. She's had it too easy in that area with Spike until now.And he has every reason to be angry at her for not telling him about the Immortal. Letting him think that he meant nothing to her and that she'd moved on so quickly (and to a scumbag) was thought;ess and cruel.

Great chapter.
Yes, Buffy does have some groveling to do. If only she had listened to Dawn. :P

I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for the review. :)

02/21/2008 02:42 am
it seems that communicating is always going to be their problem. very good read, thank you.  surprising touch having xander playing peacemaker. played well.
Spike and Buffy were always very good at putting their foots in it, weren't they? :P
I'm glad you liked how I had Xander talk to Spike. I wrote that scene and Xander was the one who showed up.

And as always, thank you for the review. :)

02/19/2008 08:37 pm
I do so love this story and am excited with the update.  I'm kind of glad Spike put  Buffy off and made her see the hurt she caused.  He's right, she should have done SOMETHING to let him know that she was happy he was back at least!

<i>"It only made the Scoobies reluctance to accept him all the more painful. Here in Ærworuld, he had done nothing but show up and pledge to fight in their war and the people, for the most part, accepted him. Spike had fought by the Scoobies’ side for three years, at first reluctantly and then willingly, and they still did not trust him. It hurt more than Spike thought it would and he wondered briefly if his death had fazed them at all."</i>
So well put!  No matter what Spike did over the years (and especially that summer when Buffy was dead and there was no way he was seeking her favor in return for his actions), they never treated him as anything but an annoyance and suspect.  That always made me angry and it likely did rankle.



I'm so glad you liked it. When I started writing it, I just couldn't have Spike fall at Buffy's feet. I'm of the belief (most days) that Spike didn't believe Buffy in the Hellmouth. And that he didn't go find her at first because he was scared.

So after getting treated like a person instead of a thing, Spike reacted to Buffy's usual way to treating him with anger. Granted he doesn't know that the Scoobies have changed their tune where he is concerned, for the most part anyway. He'll find out eventually. :)

02/19/2008 01:17 pm
Love the changes you made to Spike & buffy's reunion scene; great chapter; can't wait to see more!!!
You were right about that section being rough, so I added in some more dialogue. I'm glad you liked the changes. :)

And you should have the next chapter in a few days.