For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.14

02/26/2008 01:41 am
thought the conversation with aneirin would have mellowed buffy . seems she can be as egocentric as her friends. very good chapter, thank you. loved the ending scene.
Buffy and the Scoobies are a bit full of themselves aren't they? ;)

I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for the review. :)

02/25/2008 07:48 pm
I always thought it strange that the only sign of Buffy training Dawn was in the first episode of season seven. Given the inherent danger she was in because she lived with the Salyer, she needed a lot more training that that. It became on of the dropped plot points of season seven, like Dawn's friends.

That Oracle certainly knows what he's talking about. Looks like Buffy needs to take her ego down a notch or two.

And I doubt that these people are impressed by her being the Salyer , even if there was only one at a time. Salyers are always replaced , so ther's a line running back to the first Slayer but there is only one Key and one Father of the Key period. They are uniquie and irreplacable.

So did I. I mean seriously, how much trouble does Dawn have to get into before some one teaches her how to fight? They did drop many potentially good story lines then.

You are right that these people are not impressed with Buffy being the Slayer. Not only are slayers replaced but also their prophecy didn't call for a slayer.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for the review. :)

02/25/2008 03:51 pm
Yes!  Spike sees she DOES care (the no shoes, thin nightgown revelation was PERFECT.  Spike is so observant and knows her so well that her actions showed so much more than a months worth of words!).

Love how "unimportant" Buffy and her crew are and that their presumption is treated  the arrogance it is.  Love Spike's explanation of he and Dawn being the Chosen ones in that world, not her!

Kennedy actually being helpful?  GOD the world IS ending!

Glad Giles has the template, wonder how he'll use it to help?

I adore this story and am delighted to see the excellent update.

PS: small typo here<i>"people tell you how sorry they are for your lose.”</i>  Clearly you meant loss and spellcheck didn't catch it!
Poor Spike's been jerked around so many times that he needed both the words and the actions to go hand in hand.

Is it bad that I'm getting a kick out of making Buffy being the slayer unimportant? :P

I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for the review.

By the way-typo has been fixed. Thanks for pointing it out. :)