Star-Crossed by TammyDevil666
Chapter: Chapter 8

04/04/2008 12:28 am
have to disagree with buffy cordy is better than that, not xander. no one deserves xander. loved spike's answer to the question at the end. very good read, thank you.

03/13/2008 12:00 am
I love the line about vampire Harmony without a reflection.  So true.

And what a cute conversation between Buffy and Spike.

03/11/2008 10:19 pm

Harmony and Cordelia in the same chapter - priceless!  And it ended with a kiss....  Looking forward to more!

03/10/2008 07:51 pm
Ooooh!!! I loves it. Steamy Spuffy goodness in a decidedly different way!! Hurry up with the chappies!! :)