Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Home?

03/19/2008 02:22 am
Hey - give me that tee shirt.

03/12/2008 02:47 pm
It'll drive Willow nuts that the first thing Buffy kinda-remembers is being in her coffin.

03/12/2008 08:35 am
I like that Buffy naturally still trusts Spike -- and is Willow ever going to apologise?

03/12/2008 01:24 am
Liked it. Like the freaky nightmare. Love the Spike/Buffy interaction. Beautiful. Can't wait for more.


03/12/2008 12:12 am
I love Randy and Joan Stories - I can't believe I hadn't noticed this when you first started posting it.  The next chapter is where?  *looks around, behind review form, in the margins...*

03/11/2008 10:32 pm
And they just keep getting closer.... 
Wonder what Spike's going to think about drinking blood and eating Weetabix.  :) 
Looking forward to the next chapter.

03/11/2008 10:31 pm
I hope this memory loss sparks some closeness w/ Buffy and Spike, and I'm very curious as to what Xander did tell him (something quite unpleasant, I'm sure).
But of course. This memory loss is going to bring them very close. Well, 'fraid Xander's words remain a mystery for now...but you can be sure he's not happy.

03/11/2008 09:52 pm
So glad they can be there for one another...looking forward to the next update.
They're definitely going to be leaning on each other a lot. Thanks for reading!

03/11/2008 09:08 pm
Another wonderful chapter! I hope Amnesiac Buffy learns what Xander said to Spike and gives him a good talking-to. Has it not occurred to any of them that any other vampire without memories would follow instincts to attack all of them? Even on AtS when Angel lost his memories but kept his soul he attacked Cordelia. Spike now has instincts about protecting them. I wonder what he'll do if he starts to feel bloodlust or forgets about the sun's dangers and so much more... I can't wait to read the next update!
Great job!
Nope, they don't seem to have acknowledged that amnesiac spike still doesn't want to bite them... They are blind though. Buffy at least will have some sense I promise. Thanks for reading!