Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Hurting and Hiding

03/14/2008 05:42 am
Spike knows her so well even when he doesn't know her.  There really are made for each other.
Looking forward to more! 
Let's just hope they realise that! :-) Thanks for reading.

03/14/2008 04:03 am
I love the tenderness between them.  It's so sweet.

03/13/2008 11:53 pm
What's up with the Scoobies?  Their attitude is getting wierder by the minute - their harshness is helping no one.  It's a good thing Buffy has Spike, she's very fragile. 

03/13/2008 10:42 pm
Had a couple of chapters to catch up on, but I'm still really liking this version of Randy and Joan.  Just enough of what they are to make it believable, and enough loss of memory to let her enjoy him. 

03/13/2008 08:39 pm

It's fun to see them speculating about who they were.  I'm so glad Spike is able to give her some semblance of comfort.

03/13/2008 08:31 pm
Aww. Poor Buffy.  Hopefully she'll remember how nice he was to her when she gets her memory back.
We can only hope! :-) Thanks for reading.