Out of My Head by AJ Hofacre
Chapter: ooh. spike lips.

Enjoying it. Thanks :-)
04/26/2010 12:39 am

10/23/2008 04:14 pm
Aww man Riley still trying? Good chapter, Spike made Buffy cry lol

06/26/2008 02:42 pm
 Riley getting the "We are not your way to Buffy" speech was stellar.  The gang have circled the wagons, and he is a persona non grata.

Spike ranting and raging in Buffy's bedroom was hysterical.  He was so agitated and angry that she's wormed her way into his conscience, but you turned the scene into a funny, playful dance.  The image of Buffy jumping to retrieve her camisole had me grinning, and the segue into heated kissing was seamless.

Spike controlling himself, waiting until Buffy is well and truly done with Finn, makes sense.  Buffy would feel like she's cheated beforehand, and that could drive a wedge between them.  It's all very entertaining.

04/10/2008 01:11 am
"Something had to be manipulating her, making her seem happy and fine, when truthfully, she must be miserable inside without him there!"  Oh,for--...Get a grip,you doofus!
"Calling all ego-maniacs, please report to Riley Finn. We repeat, all ego-maniacs, please report to Riley Finn at headquarters. Make sure your ego has been fully inflated. Twenty times its own size is the minimum limit."  :
"Buffy shot a glimpse at him, sprawled on her floor, cocky, seductive grin in place, and a really big get your eyes back up here right this instant, Buffy! She turned away from him, blushing and flustered. William the Bloody absolutely, positively did NOT exist below the waist!" :D:D

Do I have any chance but lovin' this beauty?
No,I don't.
So you've repeated for the last several chapters :) No worries, I'm still diggin' the reviews you're leaving :) Thank ya muchly!