Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Protective Instinct

03/15/2008 04:33 pm
They are so protective of each other -  Long may it last.  I see Willow and Co. are still in 'I know best' mode.  At least Tara has the sense to steer clear.

03/14/2008 10:03 pm
Great last line, and I have to wonder what would happen if one of the Scoobies overheard or saw one of these sweet, caring moments between Spike and Buffy. I'd like to see them give an intervention to a Buffy who doesn't care about their opinions or isn't afraid to yell at them!
Great job on this chapter, I'm looking forward to them learning the secrets hinted at.

03/14/2008 02:20 pm
Wonderful update, thanks!