Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Not Right Now

03/31/2008 05:11 am

Glad Buffy made a stand with Willow.  Love that since she's not comfortable seeing Spike, she's making Dawn her abassador.

03/30/2008 11:50 am
A small kernel of hope that she will see Spike would be there for her.  Nice update!

03/30/2008 06:21 am
You're back - hooray!!  Hope you had a good time away.

I'm glad that Buffy stood up to Willow.  Maybe time away from the Scoobies will give her space to sort out her feelings for Spike.  I think she should go and visit Tara.

Looking forward to more. 

03/30/2008 04:08 am
awesome chapter.  I am glad that at least Buffy has the presence to have Dawn check on Spike.  I am glad that she told Willow that she had to leave. 
Thank you. Glad you liked it. I think not having Willow around was a good thing for Buffy- she needs time and space to deal with things. Thanks for reading!

03/30/2008 01:47 am
Buffy's head must be reeling trying to bring back all those reasons for denial.

03/29/2008 08:24 pm
A confusing time for Buffy but at least she now sees her 'friends' clearly now and she's not punching Spike in the face... yet!  Nice interlude with Dawn.
I can safely promise no punching of Spike. She's still figuring things out, but there will be no violence! Glad you liked. Thanks for reading as always.

03/29/2008 06:59 pm

I'm so glad Buffy remembers everything from her amensia time and that she's changing her opinion of him.    Very eager for more :D

03/29/2008 06:24 pm
aw, sadness. poor buffy. all confused. though, man, spike must be confused out of his mind! what's he supposed to do, say, act around her... i like how you had buffy have willow move out. seems much more realistic than her still staying at the house like in the show. love the conversation of dawn's and buffy's at the end of this chappie, and how buffy wants dawn to go visit him, wonderful job. cant wait for those next chappies!


03/29/2008 02:08 pm
Fortunately for you, I missed the last update, so didn't have to wait around gnashing my teeth for the conclusion of the cliffhanger. LOL

Beautiful scene in the last chapter, including the inevitable heartbreak of the result.  I'm now waiting eagerly to see how Buffy plays this out. Really enjoying this story. :)
You got lucky :-) No more cliffhangers though. Glad to hear you're enjoying.

03/29/2008 01:38 pm
Ok, while disappointed with Buffy's typical reaction to sleeping with Spike, I am VERY pleased that she both would stick up for him with Xander, and is encouraging Dawn to see him.  So thank you for that.  I can't wait to see what happens next; bring on those updates!!!
Don't worry, her reaction is soon going to be far from typical. She's just a bit shellshocked. Thanks for reading!

03/29/2008 01:16 pm
So glad you are back and ready to post more!  I am glad to see that Buffy is actually thinking about what happened, and how her perceptions have changed rather than just being freaked out, and that she admits to Dawn that she would stand up to Xander again.  That's huge - both to think it, and to admit it.  Now she just needs to do it.
Very glad to be back! She's definitely changing the way she thinks thanks to the spell and it's going to have some huge consequences. Thanks for reading!