Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Giving In

03/31/2008 11:17 pm
Just the nice progress I was looking for.  Great chapter!

03/31/2008 09:14 pm
Yes!!  Hooray for Buffy!!  She finally admitted her feelings to herself - and then to Spike.  Rough road ahead with the Scoobies, but at least she won't face it alone. 

03/31/2008 07:43 pm
Go Buffy!  I hope she can stick to her guns, now that she knows what's right for her.

03/31/2008 05:54 pm
That was lovely! Thanks for all the updates!

03/31/2008 04:01 pm
Yay Buffy!!!!!

At last... But I doubt her friends are gonna be happy *frowns*
Are they ever? At least she's going to be very happy (and who wouldn't be with a lovely Spike for their very own? :-) )

03/31/2008 02:19 pm
Nice to see her thinking about what's going to be good for her rather than "what will my friends think?" That's a sign she's growing up.
Yep, she's learning to think for herself, which is only going to get better and better for her. Thanks for reading!

03/31/2008 11:57 am
Yeah for Buffy and epiphanies!!!  Yeah for naked Spike feet!!!  Can't wait to see more; please PLEASE have a confrontation with the Scoobies! 
A confrontation with the Scoobies is of course inevitable... but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer. Got some fluff to do first! :-) Thanks for reading!