Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Talking

04/03/2008 02:08 am

04/02/2008 08:41 pm

Got a feeling they won't be able to be private for long.....Scoobies have a habit of sticking their noses in where not wanted or needed.

“I love you, Buffy,” he murmured softly, “I’ll do anything you want if it means I get to have you."   Yes, that was Spike in S6 in a nutshell.

Lovely update.  Very tender, sweet and hopeful.


04/02/2008 02:26 am
Aw, that was sweet. Just the right touch of doubt and apprehension on Buffy's part, and fear on Spike's. 

"....just tell me now.."  Made my heart ache for him just a bit.

04/02/2008 01:55 am
Oh, I hope Buffy doesn't mess it up!  At least she is telling Dawn, and I think she is right, she couldn't hide it if she tried.  May have trouble hiding it from the others too.

04/01/2008 09:33 pm
oh me gosh i loved it i loved it i loved it! im so glad they decided to tell dawn. i foresee a bunch of dawn squeelage when  she finds out! ^_^ oh, that was so cute. i love how you make it all nice and sweet but still have the normalcy, like it doesnt move too fast. you know, how spike openly says 'i love you' to buffy and she says 'i know.' i loved that. can't wait for more!!!

04/01/2008 06:16 pm
Nice fluffy chapter.  :)

I'm sure Dawn will figure it out before Buffy even tells her!  Thanks for the hair bit - I always loved the crazy-basement look.  Can just imagine it...mmmm.

04/01/2008 05:00 pm
You write them so beautifully, thanks for sharing.

04/01/2008 12:47 pm
What a nice chapter. :-) I really like that they have the chance to know eachother again.... And that Dawn gets to know as well. Please update soon.!!