Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Stress Relief

04/03/2008 02:15 am
*sigh*  Soo romantic; your fluffy Spuffy is VERY good!  Can't wait to see more; please, more chapters soon??? 

04/03/2008 12:07 am
Aww, thanks for the extra update today.  They're so sweet with one another, I'm glad she's letting him be there for her.

04/02/2008 11:28 pm
Scrumptious!  You can't beat a bit of sweet happiness.

04/02/2008 11:12 pm
Your fluff is so lovely.  Good to see them meshing together so well.

04/02/2008 10:19 pm
awwwww..... thats soooo cute!!! i love fluff! specially spuffy fluff!

dawn is sooo funny.

ill be waiting for more!


04/02/2008 10:13 pm
Yes he is such a romantic.  How I wish he had been invited to her room at some point, even in S7...sigh....thanks for giving us that *G*.

They are so very sweet together. Yes, she can relax and just be herself with him.  That was true in canon until OMWF too, when she realized she was attracted and ran screaming in horror.  He takes ALL of her and cherishes each bit.  Nice.

Lovely update!!  So lucky you are putting out several to savor.


One typo:
"you look at me with something over than hatred"

You meant OTHER instead of over...silly spell check!
Oops! Just went and fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out.

Glad you're enjoying. I always wish things could have stayed nice and relaxed between them but of course it all went wrong. This is me making up for all the wrong things in S6 :-) Especially him never being invited to her bed...