Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Things Are Looking Up

04/04/2008 08:26 am
Just caught up with three updates - thank you, thank you, thank you!  :)
Love what's happening; Buffy's being her own woman and has a strong partner by her side.  I'm really looking forward to seeing Tara in this fic.  She and Spike always had a nice relationship on the show and I love it when it gets explored more in fics. 

04/04/2008 03:50 am
I am glad that things are looking up for her.  She really needed this and I am glad that they don't have to worry about hidding from Dawn.

04/03/2008 10:37 pm
This is all going very nicely  - a decent job and a happy home!  Long may it last.

04/03/2008 08:19 pm
Yay for Buffy's job! And thanks for the las part; very hot!