Wiping The Slate Clean by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Wiping The Slate Clean

04/08/2014 07:48 pm
Just what I needed today.  Thank you.


06/13/2009 04:45 pm
Love this ending!  It cut the tension beautifully.

sister cuervo
10/14/2008 11:17 pm
 That was such a sweet ending.  All's well in SunnyD (at least until the demons show up again), lots of Spuffy goodness and fun, too.

07/28/2008 10:17 pm
I found your stories via a rec from an LJ friend.  So glad I did; this is wonderful!  Smart, well-written, and with a hopeful ending. 

I like the way you handled Xander and Willow.  I adore them, but they were probably at their worst in season 6.  This seems to me like a realistic way for them to have acted.  I do think though that at their core they are strong, caring people and so the ending rings true for me.

Very clever exploration of the possible reprecussions of Tabla Rasa, too!

04/07/2008 11:01 pm
Very nice, and I didn't think it soppy at all!!!  Fluffy, not soppy!!!  Can't wait to read your next story; bring it on!!!

04/07/2008 04:02 pm
Soppy can be good.  I completely enjoyed this story from start to finish.

Glad the scoobies have been put on notice....they will have to keep silent until they are proven wrong.

Lovely romantic ending and the way it COULD have gone had Buffy seen what was in front of her.


04/07/2008 11:40 am
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this story - great to give Buffy a chance to see both Spike and the Scoobies for what they are - Thanks for that
Thank you! Always lovely to hear that people have enjoyed.

04/07/2008 10:14 am
NICE READ - and I was glad you had them all make up at the end - hope Tara get's that invite for dinner as well -
Didn't want to leave anyone sad and lonely. Wanted a lovely happy, fluffy ending for once. :-)

04/07/2008 06:47 am
Went away for the weekend, came back and found multiple updates!!  Hooray!
Nice ending.  I would have liked to have seen Tara in there again, but now that Willow and Xander have accepted Spike, I'll just have to assume that things will get sorted out with her, too.  I like that you gave Buffy a decent job and a happier-looking future.
Looking forward to your next work - good luck! 
I know, the way the story went, I never got back to Tara. But things would definitely have worked out for her too. No-one was left out of the soppy ending. :-) Glad you liked.

04/07/2008 02:31 am
very nice work of fiction. I enjoyed tons  thank you

Good to hear! Thank you!

04/07/2008 01:20 am
that was sooooo cute! i loved the ending! *sniffsniff* happy-ness for all... sappy but good. ^_^
dont worry, im definately on the look out for new stories. will be waiting!

Hehe. Glad to hear. Cuteness doesn't hurt, I find. The new one will be up in the near future.

04/07/2008 12:16 am
Yes, nice soppy ending.  They deserve a few of them.  Thanks for the story.
They definitely need a bit of fluff. So do we I think! Thanks for reading!

04/06/2008 09:35 pm
Sometimes a soppy endng is required! Lovely story to read. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

04/06/2008 06:49 pm
Soppy - but so rewarding. :)  A lovely ending to this fun story.  I've always felt that if Spike and Buffy could have spent a bit more time as Joan and Randy, season VI might have gone a bit smoother for them.
Good to hear. Well, anything would have been better than how season 6 actually went! Thanks for reading!

04/06/2008 06:28 pm
*sniff* I just love it when the Scoobies make up...And Spike and Buffy together, and the way she said she loved him and stuff was so sweet :). I loved it, soppy endings are the best ever:P!
I quite agree! I just couldn't resist with this story: after everything else was going right, couldn't let the Scoobies be at odds. Thanks for reading!

04/06/2008 06:16 pm
Sometimes soppy is good!  Thanks for sharing,,,I'll be looking for your next!
A bit of fluff is always nice. :-) Thanks for reading. As I said, watch this space.

04/06/2008 06:14 pm
An apology would have been nice but I'm glad it ended well.  I've really enjoyed this story.
I think apologising might have made Xander explode! :-) But yep, all ended well. Always good to hear you enjoyed.

04/06/2008 06:10 pm
I like the fluffy ending. It was a lot better than what happened in the show, for sure.

I'll be waiting for that new fic ;)
Not sure when it'll be up, but probably soon. Hehe, I do enjoy turning the show into a nice fluffy version. Would have been much better, IMHO! :-) Glad you liked.

04/06/2008 04:38 pm
hahah yeah the ending was pretty soppy, but still good!  I've been following this story since you started posting it, and just wanted to tell you that I loved getting the updates!  thanks for a great story love!
Thank you. Glad to hear you liked it, even with the soppiness! :-)