For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.17

04/14/2008 09:24 pm
WOW the war is on two fronts with neither nowing about the other...intense.

Well written pre battle scene.  You can feel the building tension.  Spike clearly feeling responsible for the outcome and it is wearing away at him.  Good Angel is there with him and that he is actually accepting a role of lieutenant and friend.  They worked well together in the past and that might help now as will Willow's magic ability.

The old hatreds and angers are unsettling but very realistic.  Many is the time when old wounds must be ignored for the greater good.  Nice touch.

Really enjoying this story.


Thank you! I worked a very long time on this, so I'm really glad you like it. :)


04/14/2008 07:54 am
Wolfram and Hart sure know how to lay siege on two fronts!  

Waiting for more with bated breath! 

Yep! They sure do. Wolfram and Hart’s motto, divide and conquer when you can, be sneaky and underhanded when you can’t. But it’s better to be both. :D

I should have more soon. I'm writing the next part right at this moment. Thank you for the review. :)

04/14/2008 07:33 am
Loved the chapter.
Thank you. :)