Moving On by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Reality Hits

04/20/2008 04:23 am
Huh, and I bet the two vamps will be discussing Buffy and the Immortal. I hope Buffy can hear what they think when they don't know she's listening, and really tell the difference between Spike and Angel. Great job!

04/19/2008 10:56 pm
Sneaky Buffy.  Wonder if she'll borrow a trait from Dawn and listen at the doorway...could overhear just about anything.  Please conttinue to update promptly if you can.  Thanks.

04/19/2008 10:42 pm
We will be getting to the ass kicking of Spike soon?? I really want to see Buffy give him what he deserves :P

Lovely chapter, can't wait to see more :)

04/19/2008 10:09 pm
Okay Buffy...deep breaths and TRY to think about him first for a change LOL.

Nice POV on her mindset.

Thank you very much.

04/19/2008 09:08 pm
ok, if she leaves now without speaking to him, I'm going to go on strike and picket!!!  LOL!!  Can't wait to see what happens next; you're evil with the cliffhangers!!!  Evil!!
Sorry! :-) Next chapter is up so no more cliffhanging... And you'll see there's no need for a strike!

04/19/2008 07:49 pm
Loving this story...can't wait to see how Buffy is going to handle seeing him! 

04/19/2008 07:24 pm
Oh, poor Buffy!  I hope she doesn't do her typical 'freeze and/or run' routine.  She needs to go upstairs and see Spike.  If she does run to Willow, Spike needs to follow her.

Looking forward to the next one.

04/19/2008 04:15 pm
So happy for the update. Can't wait for the next!

04/19/2008 02:50 pm
I'm so glad Buffy didn't have to deal with the agony of not knowing about Spike, and having a clueless Harmony reveal it was great, but now she's thinking about how Spike didn't want her to know. Oh please, please don't let her chicken out and decide not to even go see him! I don't know if I can handle that. Plus, don't know how long this story will be, so don't know how long you might drag out the misunderstandings once they do see each other and maybe start talking/arguing. Thanks for the quick update!
She won't be chickening out.. but it's not going to smooth sailing, sorry to say. Thanks for reading. Glad you like.

04/19/2008 10:24 am
I really feel for Buffy, she's shellshocked.  I hope it doesn't get worse.
Has to get worse to get better, so they say. But I'll see what I can do :-)