Moving On by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Reunion

04/22/2008 12:23 pm
Come late to this story - but I love it.  You write so that I can clearly see the three of them in Angel's office - all stymied by history and emotion and holding back.  Good job!

04/22/2008 06:16 am
Well, that went better than it could have.  Now they just need to talk, alone, and maybe some Spuffiness with ensue! 

04/22/2008 12:58 am
Back now!  I want more. :)  Love Spike's reaction to what he saw in Buffy's eyes for that flash and how he finally understands her.  Great moment and chapter overall too.

04/21/2008 10:52 pm
ARGH!  Ok, this isn't any better!  I'm breaking out the picket line!  Please update again soon, I'm dying to see what happens between them!!!  Oh, and great chapter by the way!  *grins*
Damn, I was hoping to avoid the picketing! :-) Would another chapter tomorrow make it better? Not promising an easy time for them though... Not just yet anyway.

04/21/2008 10:15 pm
Glad he can read her again to know what she's thinking.I really hope she sees Angel's attitude, that he thinks he has dibs on her heart (and realizes that Spike has been reminded of that "fact" likely more than once or twice...maybe even the fang gang backing up that attitude.. .   She might understand better that between her kissing Angel the night before before he died ad the attitude of Angel and his gang then Andrew's comments made him doubt her words there at the last).

Lovely chapter...maturing Buffy is a good Buffy.


04/21/2008 10:07 pm
Talking would be good - so long as they listen to each other!

04/21/2008 07:29 pm
Looking forward to the next!