Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Broken

09/30/2009 02:55 am
Great start! Very curious to see what happens. More please?

05/29/2008 03:29 am
I love the start!  Got me hooked right off the bat.  : )

05/21/2008 11:59 pm
Oh, I like this!!  I even managed to make it through the Bangel without too much dry-heaving; a testament to your skill as an author, I'm sure!!!  Cant' wait to read more!!

05/17/2008 08:54 pm
angel was just going to walk away. he always was a class act. very good beginning.

05/15/2008 11:08 pm
Great start! 

05/09/2008 08:25 am
*gapes* more?

oh, this sounds sooooo good!!! i just finished re-watching season 2 and have been dying for a good twist! love it! cant wait for more!


05/09/2008 07:14 am
Wow, there are so many places this could go. What a fascinating AU concept. I'll be keeping an eye out for more.

05/08/2008 04:50 pm
Well, that's an interesting start--the Chinese curse sort of interesting. Way to go, Angel, with the "we should just go". Loser--can't stake Dru, but could care less about Spike. I can't see Buffy just walking away, though. Looking forward to more.
Oh, Angel's going to get worse, I promise. :-) Of course Buffy won't walk away. She's actually got a heart. Thanks for reading!

05/08/2008 03:20 am
More please - it's really good.

05/08/2008 02:59 am
Ohohoh! Please update soon...! What's wrong with Spike?? What did Dru do to him?? Ack, I'm beside myself here - in a very good way!

Fantastic start, and if you couldn't tell (cause I was subtle and stuff), I'm anxious for an update. :D

2nd Wind
05/08/2008 12:05 am
man that was a good chapter *phew* kinda glad that she didn't kill Angel this time. But poor Spike T-T
Can't wait for the update :)

05/07/2008 11:58 pm
I hope we get to see more detail about Spike breaking, and what Buffy might be thinking of it. Not so sure about the gang's reaction to Spike and hope, with Angel there to get some frustration out on, they might be slightly fairer to him, especially with all he's about to go through. And that part where Angel realizes what's happening and suggests they go, just leave Spike in agony he should know from when he first got his soul!... and didn't give Buffy any more information was so Angel--and I'm not talking angel-bashing, but the real, self-righteous, "mature" decision-maker Angel from canon. Man, I hope he's there to see Buffy fall for Spike!
A great start and I'm looking forward to more! Wonder what Joyce might think of newly-souled Spike? This story already has me excited to see how you handle the next part! Please write more soon!
Wow, major reviewage! Thank you.I don't even know where to begin... I'm not sure I can fulfill all these things, but you can bet there's going to be a lot of what you've guessed. It's going to be an interesting change process for all involved.

05/07/2008 10:47 pm
Gawd, what a great start, I'm already hooked!!!! So glad the not-procastrinating thing didn't go as planned ;) At least for me it's a good thing.

05/07/2008 10:02 pm
Duh also meant to say that maybe Buffy will have another souled vamp to compare Angel and not buy into the crap about him being two different beings (and no memory of Angelus' actions...*snort*).  If she gets to see him as he really is then bring on the Bangel LOL....its in a good cause.

The Bangel is definitely not going to be with the rainbows and puppies... because of course, there must be Spuffy at the end of the day. But yep, it's going to be an interesting comparison between the two vampires... Good to see you on board! Thanks for reading!

05/07/2008 09:59 pm
OH that Willow!  Two for one but missed Dru.  She would have killed herself so it's just as well.

Look forward to reading this one.


05/07/2008 08:36 pm
Oh I like it!!! Great beginning...waiting for more! :)

05/07/2008 08:13 pm
Oh my...this looks very interesting! Glad your back!
Good to hear! Nice to see you on board again :-)

Well, I couldn't stay away for long. This idea kept niggling at me when I was trying to work so I just decided to have done and get it out on paper, so to speak. Hope you enjoy!