Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Compassion

05/29/2008 07:07 am
I love this twist.  Can't wait to read on and see what happens next.

05/17/2008 09:01 pm
i'll repeat , angel was always class act. right! buffy should be starting to question her great love soon. very good read, thank you.

05/15/2008 11:30 pm
What a twist!  I love that we're seeing Spike ensouled so early and how Buffy will see Angel without the guilt of having killed him.  Angel seems to have mixed feelings.  Excellent chapter.

05/10/2008 01:18 am
Put him out of his misery? Well obviously only Angel deserves a chance at redemption. Makes me wonder if Buffy hadn't been there if he would have slunk out and left Spike to suffer or if he would have staked him. I often wonder whose soul was stuffed into Angel, anyways. I get the impression that his own wouldn't have made much of a difference. This chapter certainly lives up to its name (Buffy has it, Spike has it within the limits of a devastating addition just a very short time ago, and Angel not so much).

05/10/2008 12:02 am

I've just read the first two chapters and I'm hooked!  Great descriptions - I can feel the emotions coming right of the screen. 
More as soon as you can, please!

05/09/2008 11:34 pm
Oh - this is really an interesting idea - great start, having both Angel/Angelus-William/Spike ensouled at the same time and location is a wonderful idea.  And I like how you have put Buffy, as well, in a new mind set too.  I sure hope that you will be able to bring us new chapters on a regular basis - this sshould be  a really exciting story.
There may be a few delays but never more than a couple of days, I promise. This fic seems to have taken over my revision time. Oops :-)

05/09/2008 10:38 pm
Great update. Really interested to see how you show Spike with a new soul, especially at this point- evil but wanting to save the world. Also, just that hint that his game face can come forward without his decision to do it could open up a couple of interesting situations!
Looking forward to more-- great chapter and well-written characters.
Thank you muchly! Glad you enjoyed.

05/09/2008 10:37 pm
I don't think I've seen any other fics with this premise, so I'll be fascinated to see where you take us. Something tells me that with two souled vampires to compare Buffy will very quickly begin to see the difference.
But of course... :-) That's the greatness about this situation. As you may already be able to guess, the Bangel is going to be pretty minimal once she starts to see the differences. Thanks for reading!

05/09/2008 08:59 pm
Excellent update and I have to say, a very surprising turn of events. Looking forward to your next update.

05/09/2008 08:25 pm
It's an interesting idea and I'm very curious to see where you're taking it.  Can't wait for the next chapter.

05/09/2008 07:33 pm
Typical Angel to solve his problems with a stake (or fire if it's female).  Bloody bastard.  Hope Buffy REALLY thinks about that.

Typical Spike offering comfort even in his own pain.  Hope she thinks on THAT too.

Going to be great comparin them side by side.  Excellent!!!

Definitely going to be a lot of thinking to do with two very different vampires in a similar situation. Thanks for reading!