Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Family

06/10/2008 07:55 pm
Oh, I wonder what Angel was tryinng to get Spike to do that upset him so much? Good for Joyce telling Buffy she should bring Spike home to look after him.
Oh, Buffy! How disappointing! Why would you want Angel cuddles and kisses after that?

05/22/2008 04:05 am
joyce seems to  quickly size up angel. 'm sorry i asked where he was. very good read, thank you.

05/16/2008 12:20 am
I wonder what Angel did to set Spike off, or was it just the fact that he was there.  I think not.

05/15/2008 09:18 pm
Great Chapter - really like the subtle way that you are handling the emotional changes that come from the Angel/Angelus phase -

05/15/2008 03:31 pm
Yeah, well this Buffy i quit forgiving, maybe that's good cause if she wasn't  she'd probably kick Spike out. But the relationship with Angel still squicks me out, specially so soon after Becoming. Anyway, i just wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying this.

05/15/2008 02:56 pm
I can't wait for Joyce to get them out of there! Thanks for another double update!

05/15/2008 01:21 pm
How great was Joyce, and her subtle ways of letting Angel know she is not a fan.  i was surprised that she was willing to let Spike move into her house, but I can understand her desire for Buffy to come home.  Seems the relationship between Buffy and Angel is very mercurial right now.  i don't know if having Angel's smell on Buffy is going to help Spike trust her more.

05/15/2008 11:45 am
Buffy is persistent in her Angel stupidity. And yay Joyce, for the sly comments.