Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Eruption

06/10/2008 08:05 pm
“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do,”
Too right! Buffy never did know the 'real' Angel!
Now she's beginning to see him without the rose-tinted glasses of a teenage crush.
Now then... just as long as she doesn't go for a trip down that river in Egypt....

05/25/2008 04:36 am
well, that should hasten angel's departure from her life. very good read, thank you.

05/19/2008 09:46 pm
Wow.  Love Angel's reaction.

05/19/2008 10:16 am
Buh-bye Angel. You don't just sling the Slayer into a wall and expect any kind of pleasant greeting the next time you see her. You'd think he'd know that Drusilla was just there--especially since I have my suspicions as to who brought her there--although the blinding jealous rage might have made that little fact go unnoticed. Revello Drive is looking pretty good now, because it has a disinvite for Angelus and Drusilla was never invited in the first place.

05/19/2008 06:36 am
Ooo, scary Angel!  Or maybe it was Liam.  Sometimes it's hard to tell with him.  I think Buffy needs to do a little more research with Giles to find out just what exactly she is dealing with.

Maybe the little bit of Slayer's blood will help Spike.  I know it was only a few licks, but it's potent stuff.  
Thanks for the update.  Looking forward to more!

05/19/2008 03:32 am
Yay for this update!  Hope for more soon.  Thanks.

05/18/2008 11:33 pm
oh my gosh. angel is a *grrrrrr!* COMPLETE LOSER! ( there, kept it clean :P) i cant believe he hit buffy!!! good for spike on the self control! and geez, figures dru would do something, eh? well, loved the update. oh, like the idea of spike staying at the summers. maybe itll happen faster after this lil incident.

05/18/2008 11:32 pm
oh my gosh. angel is a *grrrrrr!* COMPLETE LOSER! ( there, kept it clean :P) i cant believe he hit buffy!!! good for spike on the self control! and geez, figures dru would do something, eh? well, loved the update. oh, like the idea of spike staying at the summers. maybe itll happen faster after this lil incident.

05/18/2008 10:43 pm
Well the night of the exes had some interesting revelations.  Buffy saw a side of ANGEL that she didn't expect (and how will she dealwith his backhanding her and refusing to even let her talk??  She's not so "in love" now that she'd accept it from him).  Yes they need to get Spike to Joyce's house where he'll be safe from Angel.

I really hope that Buffy DOES find out the history between these two during the course of things.

Excellent....LOVE this story!!


05/18/2008 10:41 pm
I just have to say how much I am enjoying this story. This chapter was especially amazing!!!!!

Keep it up!

Mark Evans
05/18/2008 09:59 pm
Thanks for the great update :D .  Who knew that I could hate Angel even more, lol.  I can't wait for the next chapter.

05/18/2008 09:45 pm
I must say, things have most certainly taken an interesting turn! I'm left more eager than ever for your next update!

05/18/2008 09:02 pm
Ooh, Angel is not happy.  Loving Spike and Buffy!

05/18/2008 08:44 pm
High drama indeed!  That was riveting.  Excellent update.