Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Friendship

05/15/2011 04:37 am
OMG! This is my favorite story I've read on this website so far. I even love it better than my own Spuffy story!

06/10/2008 11:02 pm
Friends... yeah, right. I just hope they don't forget the pesky curse also affects Spike! Mind you, I don't see Spike going all Spikelus if he loses that soul, not now he's got close to Buffy & Joyce.

05/30/2008 06:38 pm
Friends.  Cool.  :D

05/29/2008 11:45 pm
Kisses, even friendship kisses are of the good!!!
Well, exactly. Got to start somewhere... at least it's out of a dreamworld now, so we're getting somewhere :-)

05/29/2008 09:33 pm
Perfectly lovely!  Warm and tender moment here as two bleeding people cling to one another.  The beauty is that we all know how perfectly they go they will be finding that out as well.

Glad Buffy got past her own "hurt" to see the comparison and how insignificant her own "love story" was compared to a century of devotion.  Poor Spike had spent his entire unlife caring for and loving Dru in spite of all manner of bad behavior on her part (he knew she couldn't help it...understood) lose THAT must be like finding your self adrift in a small boat in the middle of the ocean!  Buffy's "love story" with Angel was a drop in the bucket with both time AND memory investment.

Lovely and tender.  You have echoed the emotions of that scene at the end of FFL on Buffy's back porch....the tentative reaching out and comfortable silences.

Dru and Spike were pretty epic, especially compared to the minor event of Buffy and Angel. Spike's got his own suffering to go through, of course. But it's nice that they have each other :-)

Glad you liked. Thanks as always for reading and reviewing.

05/29/2008 09:15 pm
The true friendship growing between Buffy and Spike is enthralling - they have such an innocence, despite everything that's happened.
Good to hear. I'm really enjoying writing this actually - angst, but not the usual kind of Spuffy angst. It's nice. :-) Thanks for reading.

05/29/2008 07:52 pm
great Spuffy encounter - it's grand to be able to give these two some real friendship and connection without all the drama and violence -  I could make a Valentine Card from this; a lovely Spike and Buffy connection.  Like many of the viewers, I never accepted that Angel and Angelus were separate men.
Merci! No drama (or minimal) and definitely no violence- always a good thing. There'll be none of that from me, rest assured. This story may well veer into fluffy territory with only mild touches of angst. :-) Thanks for reading.

05/29/2008 07:36 pm
That was nice. 
But now I'm waiting for the bad to show usually does after nice...
Love that Spike is fitting in so well, just _being_ there. 
No bad for at least, ohhh, several more chapters. :-) There has been bad after all- Angel left (well, it's bad for Buffy anyway...) Glad you enjoyed and thanks for reading.