Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Bonding

05/30/2008 06:50 pm
Nice chapter.  :)   One friend helping another.

05/30/2008 03:09 pm

Love the hair-do scene - they really are making good pals.

05/30/2008 03:56 am
Indeed he is! 

Yes they are developing a friendship....nothing bonds a pair faster than grooming one another LOL (not really joking there BTW)

They are so very comfortable with one another that it's sweet. 

Love the gradual steps toward one another.

Good to hear. I'm having so much fun writing this easiness between them. Seems a shame to mess it up with UST... :-) But it'll come, fear not. And yeah, he's totally lovable. Thanks for reading!

05/30/2008 03:49 am
"I'm just lovable." such modesty. delightful read, thank you.
Shame he doesn't really believe it. He is totally lovable. Glad you like. Thanks for reading.

05/30/2008 02:11 am
Great new chapters!
Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed!

05/29/2008 11:50 pm
Two updates again?!  We are going to get spoiled really quick!
Much spoiling to come as well - I am effectively on holiday for three weeks so updates are going to get manic! Thanks for reading.

05/29/2008 10:56 pm
Congratulations on your exams - the banner is great!  Thanks for another lovely chapter!
Isn't it just? Dawnofme is a goddess. And thanks- I'm so glad to be free and as a result, slightly hyper! :-D

Thanks for reading. I think this chapter was one of my favourites so far!

05/29/2008 10:55 pm
Loved the hair scene! 
Where did he get the dye? 
Their interplay in great - so friendly and fun.
Bought when he was getting his 'smokes'. :-) Probably should have put that in somewhere... Glad you enjoyed. I really enjoyed writing this chapter- lots of fun and of course, half-naked Spike. Woo hoo! Thanks for reading.