Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Façade

06/01/2008 08:09 am
I've just caught up with three postings.  Congratulations on finishing your degree!!  

Three great chapters.  Emotional roller-coaster when read back-to-back.  Poor Spike.  But, two steps forward, one step back is still progress, just slow.   

Thanks for the quick updates.

05/31/2008 11:34 am
Poor Spike, one step forward, two steps back.  Really like how the relationships are going in this story.

05/31/2008 04:44 am
Wow - that was a powerful chapter.  The swaggering "old" Spike, coat and all, (yay) and then reverting back to the broken one.  Wonderfully written. 

05/31/2008 01:10 am
YAY!! the return of the coat!!!
okay, actually, that chappie was kinda sad. dang you. lol, jk. i still loved it.
cant wait to see what happens next. poor wittle spikey, all troubled and confused.


05/30/2008 07:11 pm
Damn!!!  That's just like Sunnyhell. Things go good, things get better, then "Bam", everything turns to crap. Spike needs some TLC and a little snogging so he'll feel better.

05/30/2008 06:57 pm
awww, Poor Spike , and he was all happy before. Buffy's right, though, he's going to need to learn how to cope.

05/30/2008 05:09 pm
Yes....Spike is still fragile but as he has ALWAYS done he hides it behind his armour.

"It was a barrier too, a façade to protect him, to protect that vulnerable man of whom she had caught no small number of glimpses. A vulnerable man that was not Spike, not William, but a combination of both. "
Precisely!  That coat, the whole look actually, was always how he "suited up" for the role of big bad.  The gentle poet was always in hiding but ever present.

Wonderful how Buffy sees and understands him.  That is what she never did in canon...never really saw him at all until the end.  Your Buffy does see and she cares.  He needs and deserves this and it is lovely to read.


05/30/2008 03:11 pm
Double treat!  You rock.  Spike's expecting too much too soon from his recovery - hope he lets Buffy help him.

05/30/2008 02:46 pm
Two wonderful new chapters - love how you brought him back to all his vulnerability - excellent use of his coat as his mask. 

A great big "thank you" for being so regular with your updates - really appreciate your efforts -

05/30/2008 02:42 pm

Amazed to see Buffy's insight into the parts of Spike and have her not back away from it.  Thanks for sharing another great chapter!