Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Succumbing

06/07/2008 03:18 am
very good read, thank you.

06/05/2008 09:54 am
Ouch - that was awkward.  I hope it doesn't affect the progress they're making.  I'm really liking how you keep focused on Buffy and Spike.
Well, expect more awkwardness and some surprising (or maybe not so) revelations... and a handful more awkwardness :-) Got to live up to my 'Best Angst' nomination, after all. hehehe.

06/05/2008 09:43 am
Stop teasing! I love the romance of the story, and the tenderness and hesitancy of th character feels truly authentic.  HOWEVER, these last couple of chapters feel more like extracts.  Mere episodes are frustrating because the plot of a short, serialised story is one of the most important aspects.  Have you read 'Tales of the City' etc by Maupin? Excellent example of serialised hooks.  Bring on the beef, and keep the chapters tighter and tauter.  Sorry to seem critical, but it all stems from a desire for more.  Reward your reader, don't tease her! 
Sorry :-s *slap on the wrist* I guess I was just worried about making things happen too quickly... But I will be bringing on the beef, fear not, this was all just build-up. I will stop teasing... a little bit. Not that I can promise fluffy Spuffy goodness :-) Thanks for reading and thanks for the feedback.

06/05/2008 09:37 am

06/04/2008 11:54 pm
She needs to think....why did he just assume he was rebound guy (after all he just lost Dru and the hundred year history there....if anyone MIGHT be a rebound it would be Buffy!).  This should tip her off that Dru and Angelus were more than a brief thing and that Angel/us had always been a barrier, Spike had always been the "convenient substitute"...couple that with remembering how he treated Dru (like giving up all his own desires to save her from Buffy when locked with the vamp lovers for example) and she'll see how without the soul Spike can and did love.

I do go on!  LOL  You are writing this perfectly I do not mean to presume in any way!

Love the way they are dancing around each other.  Very in keeping for the time and circumstances.

Typical Angel to not even write a note but make certain he marked his territory with the postcard.

Love Joyce and her easy move into family to include Spike.

Glad you're enjoying and please do feel free to go on- it's always lovely to get lots of feedback. Don't worry, the whole Dru/Angelus issue is sure to come up. Just not for a while... :-) Little less dancing around each other and a lot more directness to come... Thanks for reading!

06/04/2008 10:20 pm
Two updates - woohoo! :)

And Angel ruins the moment again!  Without even being there!!  Wanker. 

But it's a promising start.  Buffy just needs to realise that she doesn't need a rebound guy, she needs Spike.  And Spike just needs to realise that he needs her, too.  So now, all they really have to do is pack their bags and leave Egypt!

Great updates, thanks!
But Egypt is such a lovely place... beautiful river, sand... why would you want to leave? Yeah, arses need to be put in gear, but they're both quite vulnerable now and Buffy is not very experienced so yeah, it's not going to be an easy journey out of Egypt! :-) Glad you liked and thanks for reading.