Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Want

06/07/2008 07:56 am
I won't be able to find out what will happen *sniff sniff* but excellent story. They really do both need a good slap upside the head. Hope it ends well but knowing you it probably will (yay). *sniff* T_T 
Why not? Glad you like what you've read. I'm sure I can bring about a happy ending, fear not :-) It's what I do. Hehehe.

06/07/2008 07:31 am
believe the author's comments at the end of the chapter covers almost everything. excellent read, thank you.

06/06/2008 07:02 am
okay. i trust you. and you gave us kissage, so.... =)
loved it! even tho there was drama! lol.

06/06/2008 02:42 am
As I've said before, I've faith in you to make things right.  Half the fun in reading is to see how you make it work! Have a lovely weekend! 

06/06/2008 12:59 am
Oooo hope she remembers his slip up.  How long he's wanted her was a hint that it predates the soul...hope she dwells on that a bit.

Yes they are very in character.  I think Spike DID feel undeserving of her after he got the soul....part of what held him back in S7 and after he came back from dusting...this makes perfect sense.  Add to that her youth and having just lost Angel and he's not at all confident enough to offer what he does have, that loving heart.  SHe'll have to make him see that what he has to offer is much more than most and that she wants it.

Buffy is quite young but glad she has realized it's not just a crush.  She is concerned about his needs (what a lovely difference)...this bodes very well for the long tem but hell for now. Hope she sees that he needs to feel of value as a man and does something about that.

EXCELLENT!  Enjoy your weekend and looking forward to Monday.


06/06/2008 12:19 am
Four updates for me since I missed it yesterday, I know you will get them together before the end, and a little angst won't be to bad.(It will only be a little, right?)

06/05/2008 11:01 pm
Um, Spike?  Why don't you just pop over to Giles' or something and see if they can "fix" the problem with the curse?  Get that soul stuck to you all permanent-like?  (Never really understood that clause, anyway.  Dust him, infect him with boils, put his head on backwards, fine.  Turn him loose on the population again?  That was just idiotic.)
Well, his blood doesn't exactly run in the direction of his brain... takes time to think of sensible things I'm sure :-D

Yeah, pretty stupid curse. Kinda like in the Mummy where the curse gives him the power to be immortal and rule the world... idiots. I like the head-backwards idea better!

06/05/2008 09:58 pm
No hate here, girl - I'm enjoying the stupendous goodness!  Considering their recent traumas, I think it would be implausible if they got over it so quickly.
Yay! :-D Of course, a slight pause doesn't mean the Spuffy goodness is on hold forever. They DO want each other... but it's gonna take something big to wake them up to reality. Glad you don't hate. Thanks for reading!

06/05/2008 06:37 pm
Don't want to sound dumb, but when Spike says "What I can give you... s'not even worth it." -what isn't it worth? What he could give her, love or whatever he's thinking of, isn't worth the loss of his soul?
Other than that little huh? moment, I really liked this chapter and all of Buffy's reactions were very real. Poor, impulsive Spike is trying to be responsible and mature and it just doesn't fit him. I think it's a lot more about having people who care about him, (and I loved that absent-minded kiss on the cheek Joyce gave him!) and Spike is afraid if other things get involved and complicate the relationships they won't care about him anymore.
Can't wait to see how you get them together now! Great story, as always.

Not worth taking the risk of possibly losing his soul. Spike feels so little of himself that he doesn't think what he has to give is worthy either, doesn't feel like he's worthy of Buffy. He is a silly, insecure vampire sometimes. :-)

Glad you liked this chapter though and understood why Spike stepped back - I was worried with this one. Thanks for reading and hope it makes sense now.