Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Change

06/28/2008 09:00 pm
am sure spike is ready to kill anything. very good read, thanks.

06/11/2008 05:10 pm
O My God! great chapters!!!! they need to have sex soon!!! Lol

06/11/2008 03:42 pm
So, the crypt it's very fitting for Spike I think.  Hope your move wil be swift and you'll be back with posting soon! Lots of luck--moving is such a pain!

06/11/2008 03:00 pm
Wow... and you were worried that you were all caught up LOL.  If you don't post daily that's okay...we're here to read when you are ready.  You've spoiled us with multiple updates daily but even gready sods like us will manage for a story this lovely.

Ahhhhh the crypt...I have a soft spot for it and glad he's looking to nest there.  Naturally Buffy can help make it homey from the start.  It is really practical too with the below ground access.  Now they need to use restraint because they aren't likely to be interrupted!  Oh my!

He's broken the "I love you" ice and now he'll keep saying it.  Hope she gets over that last hump and returns the words.  THIS Buffy isn't so damaged that she can't say the words and he needs and deserves them.

Great treat to find this updated!!

I know! I think catching up with myself gave me an impetus to write - I've just written two more chapters! :-) :Last update for a while will be tomorrow though- I'm losing the internet for a month. Oh dear!

Yep, he's definitely in his comfort zone with the L-word. Buffy's getting there but of course, fear of a repeat holds her back. But all will be well...