Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Confrontation

07/09/2012 05:33 am
Pleaseeeee tell me Willow´s curse has a different happy-clause or something.... pretty please with a cherry on top?

Love your Spik, he is sooooooooo sweet ^

06/12/2008 03:37 pm
Oooh Mr Protector, I like it!

06/12/2008 03:59 am
Great Update - and as much as I love Spike, boy does he need to get a little more "anger" control - What both Buffy and Spike need is things to go a little smooth right now - Angel/Angelus should still be a huge and vital factor in their world perspective - Vampire's can do so much damage so very easily  -  they have so much to lose -

06/12/2008 03:44 am
oh, todd the loser. xan-man's right. am i sensing a possible spander friendship?! i love those!
man, i love these kind of records! =p

06/12/2008 01:01 am
Oh, well done Xander for agreeing with Spike! Not sure how agreeable he'd be if he knew the true situation though...

06/12/2008 12:15 am
Oh my....jealousy bubbling to a rapid boil there.  Not really fair to old Todd but poor Spike is really sexually frustrated and that Todd had her and didn't want more must grate on his last nerve.

Can't imagine the crew not catching on fairly soon for so many reasons.  Spike's eyes always betray his emotions and they have to know he is in love with Buffy or they will soon.

Xander has a jealousy problem too so I can see him immediately siding with Spike in this case.  You can smell the tetosterone in that alleyway LOL.

Thanks for the extra treat!


06/11/2008 11:39 pm
Get him Spike, Buffy needs to be spanked for that little bit of badness.  Thanks for the update!

06/11/2008 11:38 pm
Wow- wasn't expecting anymore for awhile! Thanks! Glad Spike at least got to give the guy a little scare as retribution.

06/11/2008 10:53 pm
I love reading this story, it just keeps getting better and better. I'm on edge, then I'm happy and I could scream for the amount of tension!  Let this story never end!