Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Fate

04/08/2014 03:37 pm
Lovely, sweet story.  Not so many soulful Spike stories in early series stories.  I like it.


08/31/2010 08:25 pm
That was really good! bravo

sister cuervo
09/22/2008 01:46 am
 Oh lovely!  Nothing like a happy ending to make it just perfect.  I've really enjoyed the journey from beginning to end.

07/08/2008 09:25 pm
really great story, v realistic characters, loved this, one of my favourite Spuffy stories

07/03/2008 06:33 pm
Once I started reading your wonderful story, I could not stop.  It brought me joy and happiness.  Thank you.

06/28/2008 10:08 pm
sweet read, thank you.

06/25/2008 06:19 pm
i love this it ended on a great note i can't wait to read some other your other stuff.*

06/18/2008 05:42 pm
Just wanted to say Thank You for a really great story ... I really enjoyed it ... and didn't want to put it down!

06/17/2008 01:02 am
What an incredibly sweet story.  Please write more as soon as you get back on the internet!!!  Suggestions for the future--more Spike POV--he is so wonderful!

06/16/2008 11:08 pm
Just started reading this story yesterday.  I couldn't stop reading it once I started. It had me hooked. It touch me to see them building a friendship first. Buffy taking care of Spike and then Spike taking care of Buffy. It has been a while since I have read a Spuffy story an where I couldn't stop until the chapters ended or story ended.

I was almost expecting Angel or Dru to come back.  Not that I wanted to see them back. LOL

I'm also surprise that Buffy never thought about how Angel could have done the same thing. About him getting his soul attached forever. That shows you how different  Spike and Angel are. Spike always willing to whatever it takes to be with the person he loves.

I'm sad to see it end go but I look forward to reading more from you.

06/15/2008 04:30 pm
very sweet story

06/15/2008 08:14 am
I've got to say that this is my favorite story of yours so far. You always write so well, but this fic was really well done. I love how this fic was longer than others. It was written at a slower pace and I loved that. You wrote the characters perfectly as always. There's only one thing that bugged me. I mean it didn't really bug me a lot, since I really enjoyed reading your story.  But I just want to mention although it wasn't such a big deal. I didn't like the fact that in your story, the happiness clause was attributed to sex.  I mean, don't get me wrong. I get why Buffy and Spike would be cautious with the whole Angelus thing. Yes, sex with Buffy was what ulitmately led Angel to lose his soul. But, I don't view the curse in general being only about sex.  The way I see it, is that a moment of perfect happiness can occur for whatever reason and it doesn't have to be attributed to sex. For Angel it was sex. Or rather I think it was because he was finally with Buffy.  Maybe you decided to keep equating the curse with sex, since you wanted to drag out Buffy and Spike's consummation of their relationship. Anyway, I truly enjoyed it .

06/15/2008 07:04 am
oh me gosh i loved it!!!!!!! okay, love how spike actually went to try and find a wait to keep his soul. (though it would've been cool to see him still love buffy sans soul...) not like angel the loser!
i loved it i loved it i loved it! i love all your work! youre awesome!

06/13/2008 05:28 pm
I really enjoyed this! 

06/13/2008 02:06 am
Thank you. A truly wonderful fic, as all yours are. A perfect place to draw to a close too.
How on earth are you going to survive with no internet for a whole month? I go into withdrawal induced anxiety attacks when the power goes off for just an hour, as it did here yesterday.
I look forward to reading more Spuffiness from you as soon as you're back.

06/13/2008 12:52 am
I really loved this.  Just a nice story all around.  You're sure to win some awards.

06/12/2008 11:22 pm
Wow, four chapters today and then out with a bang(bad pun).  I have really enjoyed this story and look forward to what's coming up next.  Thanks again for all your hard work!

06/12/2008 08:08 pm
Fantastic story!
I really enjoyed every single line of it and congrats on the 6 chaps in 2 days thing! that's amazing!

You deerve any and all the awards and nominations you have/will receive.

06/12/2008 08:00 pm
Great story!  I really loved reading it.  Looking forward to what you'll post next when you return from hiatus. :)

06/12/2008 06:53 pm
Man. I can't believe it is over! No!

Sadly no one got to see how Spike could be without the soul but I guess that is okay. Haha.

Fantastic story and of course ending!

Can't wait for something new!

See? You just pump out the chapters....6 in two days? AMAZING! Haha.

They have made my finals much easier to tolerate. Haha

06/12/2008 05:56 pm
The perfect ending - it's been a real pleasure to read this and thanks a million for getting it finished.  Good luck with the house move.

06/12/2008 04:05 pm
I always love your stories! All of them are so great with the Spuffy! and I would love if you go back to season 6 in the next one! ;) 

06/12/2008 03:48 pm
You are a Firecracker--6 chapters in 2 days! That's phenomenal!  I've loved every bit of this season 2 fic and look forward to your next endevour, which ever season you may choose.  You'll be missed while away!

06/12/2008 03:02 pm
I'm so sad it's over :'( But it was a really fun ride. Hope your internet connection is back soon, can't wait for another awesome story :)

*Hugs* Thank you for sharing
I know. Me too :-( I was growing quite attached! Glad you enjoyed it though and I will definitely be back for more. (until then, I just added a one-shot as well: 'Desperation') Thank you for reading!

06/12/2008 02:58 pm
YAY You!!! You tied it up in one lovely romantic bow.  Nothing forced or too fast....lovely job.

Enjoy your time to yourself and come back muse in full force soon (so happy you have left us not only with this completed but so many other really well written stories of yours to also enjoy in the interim). 

This leaves me with a big smile.  I can see how much happier ALL of their lives would be had this happened....sigh....lovely.

I must have imbibed some sort of Spuffy-creating magic :-) Glad you enjoyed the somewhat bumpy ride. Thank you for your continued support and I hope to see you again in July - be assured that I'm sure I'll have something written to post straight away.