Consumed by benslilbug
Chapter: Greeting

04/29/2010 04:06 pm

04/29/2010 04:06 pm

08/16/2008 12:40 am
Natalie is great.  Love the way she got Spike in trouble and she hasn't even been born yet.

08/14/2008 04:03 am
natalia does sound as one would imagine buffy  sounding at five. fun read, thank you.

07/03/2008 09:37 pm
Very cute - and time for some Angel whupping.

07/03/2008 08:59 pm
This story is so fun. I liked this chapter a lot, especially the funny future family dynamic.

Here's my additional nit:
"the light breeze that past through the desert" should be passed.

Please keep this one coming!

07/03/2008 05:57 pm
I like your fic! really like the way the story is going! I hope u update soon!

and Natlia seems to be the cutest kid!

07/03/2008 05:39 pm
Cute kid!  Spirits bickering was funny.
One tiny nit, though...
"submit to the slumber which had alluded her for quite a while. "
I think you mean eluded - as in escaping.  Sorry to be a pain...

07/03/2008 03:31 pm
*melts at the cuteness that is Natalia*  That was an adorable chapter.   I can't wait to read more.