For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 2.1: Fade To Black

08/07/2011 10:57 pm
Is this story finished? I would love to read the rest. Finally Spike gets some respect from someone, and Buffy and Angel realize that the universe does not revolve around them!
Sadly, it is not. :(

But I am still working on it. I know it's been forever, but I want it finished before I post any more.

Anyway, thank you for the review. I'm glad you liked what I've got posted. :)

08/01/2008 09:29 am
"As for the Spike/Buffy loving, that will come sometime between this chapter and the end of the story. "

Well, that tells me a bucketful of nothing :D
I know. :P

07/28/2008 09:27 pm
another fine chapter added to the tale. thank you.
You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. :)

07/28/2008 09:02 am
Okay, I stayed up all night last night and re-read this whole thing, and is is just as well thought out and carefully plotted as the rest of it is. I liked the talk between Spike and Willow, I also like Angel as a vampire better in this, though he has been better in more recent chapters. On to the one bit of crit I have.... I Need Spuffy Loving! Hurry up and write some happiness for our duo, poor Spike is needing to let off some stress :D 
Thank you!!! ::hugs Lis:: It's reviews like yours that help me silence those irritating doubts I have about my writing.

As for the Spike/Buffy loving, that will come sometime between this chapter and the end of the story. :P