Flood Of Emotion by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Day One (Part One)

04/17/2009 04:28 pm
Love the gentle companianship.

11/06/2008 12:38 am
My darlin, this was just SO WELL WRITTEN!

Ive not read something so simplistic and so 'essence of spuffy' for a very very long time.

Please for the love of all things truly beautiful, never loose this style of writing. I thought this was going to be just another fic during my evening of reading, you know as per usual...but its not.

You captured something by letting the MOMENT tell a story, instead of building up the 'plot vessel' in to this big beast of a monster.
Spuffy is the subject of your portrait, in your sweet sweet hands they do not need Plot Monster.

Christ i love you right now!!! and not only for giving me the divercity i somehow knew id been lacking.
Wow, thank you! So much lovely feedback. Makes me all warm and squishy inside :-) I'm glad you're enjoying this story. It was one of my favourites to write but one I struggled with because the muse was not co-operating (which was why I wrote a challenge response, instead of coming up with my own idea!) I decided to focus on Spike and Buffy and their quiet moments together so I'm glad the effect worked well. THANK YOU!!

07/31/2008 04:48 am
sweet read, thank you.

Flames to Dust
07/30/2008 12:53 pm
I enjoyed  the way in which Buffy and Spike were related themselves in these first days after her resurrection and I love how well you treat their emotions in this history.
Be still like that!!
And...NO!!! Spike would never try to bring her back and YES!!! He had stopped them.

07/29/2008 10:55 pm
Just a day and we already got alll these cute moments between them? color me happy

07/29/2008 08:55 pm
Great second chapter. Update soon. I absolutely love the way you're going with this. I also love that you updated already. Are you going to update every day? The talks between Spuffy were sweet.
It has been known to happen :-) I'm a bit of an update freak. Glad you're enjoying it and hope you like where it goes.