Set during Tabula Rasa, a brief snafu in the spell Willow performed causes Giles and Spike to be hurled back in time to the places they desire to revisit the most; Spike goes back a few years earlier during Willow’s “will be done” fiasco, and Giles to London in 1853, where he meets a young, beautiful woman named Anne.

Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 1,109 - Updated: 06/24/2008 05:33 am


Set during Tabula Rasa, a brief snafu in the spell Willow performed causes Giles and Spike to be hurled back in time to the places they desire to revisit the most; Spike goes back a few years earlier during Willow’s “will be done” fiasco, and Giles to London in 1853, where he meets a young, beautiful woman named Anne.

Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 1,186 - Updated: 07/21/2008 12:02 am


Set during Tabula Rasa, a brief snafu in the spell Willow performed causes Giles and Spike to be hurled back in time to the places they desire to revisit the most; Spike goes back a few years earlier during Willow’s “will be done” fiasco, and Giles to London in 1853, where he meets a young, beautiful woman named Anne.

Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 1,383 - Updated: 09/08/2008 09:08 am


Set during Tabula Rasa, a brief snafu in the spell Willow performed causes Giles and Spike to be hurled back in time to the places they desire to revisit the most; Spike goes back a few years earlier during Willow’s “will be done” fiasco, and Giles to London in 1853, where he meets a young, beautiful woman named Anne.

Genre: , , , - Rating:
Words: 1,460 - Updated: 01/04/2010 09:26 am