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One of One
I really thought I could count on her to do the right thing. She is the Chosen One after all, moral to a fault. And hell, after the way she treated him last year, I really thought that it would be a no-brainer for her.

I underestimated the power of love. Corny, but true. I assumed that because he was evil, because he did evil things, she would get rid of him. I forgot to factor in that this Slayer is in love with her future champion. I didn’t figure on her giving him chance after chance and trying to help him. Guess it’s true what they say: love is blind.

Oh well, time to pull out the big guns, I guess. She’s gonna use love to foil my plans? Fine, I’ll use love to make the next ones. Now all I have to do is track down that ex-slayer’s son, make him do his arithmetic, add two and two together. Nothing like a little ice-cold vengeance. This’ll be a cakewalk.