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The Past Never Forgets by 3988Akasha
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Willow had felt the magic before it was used. Her mind swam with horrible thoughts, thoughts of what the Council was doing to Buffy and Faith. Lucky for her, no one saw the brief flicker of black in her eyes. When she saw the bright flash of light, she nearly fell over from the power of the magic. She repressed the urge to join in whatever ritual was happening in the library. The power was just so…wow. She did, however, react soon enough to keep Spike from tearing into the library. If he did, the ritual would be interrupted and more damage could be inflicted.
However, once the energy had subsided, she all but shoved the vampire into the library.
Spike lunged at Travers and was about to snap his neck, when he suddenly fell to the floor. The others watched in horror as his face contorted in pain. He cried out. Willow was the next to feel the pain; she fell to her knees next to the vampire. Spike looked over at the red-head. Willow nodded before she took his hand in hers. A pale yellow light emanated from their joined hands. Slowly, the pair felt the pain subside. Abruptly, Spike broke the connection with Willow and cried out once more.
Giles didn’t know what to react to first: his charges being gone, or the vampire and witch on the floor in obvious pain. He looked over at the man whom he had considered a mentor, a genuine white hat. This was the first time in his entire existence he had ever wanted to kill another man. Giles now knew that he would do whatever it took to ensure the safe return of both girls.
“She’s alright. It worked,” Cordy paused, “You can get up now.”
Spike nodded at her and gracefully stood to his feet. He turned to Willow and offered her a hand up, which she gratefully took. The pair looked intently at Cordellia.
“You’re sure?” Spike asked.
“Yep. Buffy’s fine. Faith, well, she’s not in immediate danger,” Cordy said.
“Just a bit scared,” Willow added.
“Right then,” Spike said as he turned to Travers, “You wanna explain what the bloody hell just happened here?”
Travers knew he was in a spot. There would be no escaping this. He always had to do things the complicated way. He knew the group would figure out what had just transpired, but he’d hoped to be out of the country long before then.
“Yes, Quentin, I do believe an explanation is in order,” Giles said careful to keep his voice even.
“This,” Wesley indicated to Travers, “is the head of the Council. He does not need to answer to any of you. He had already informed you all that the girls would be tested.”
At his words, Spike’s game face was on. There was no way for him to suppress his rage. These men had put Buffy in danger, his mate…his demon would have vengeance. He just had to keep the men alive long enough to get the information from them.
“You know,” Spike said calmly, “I hate my poof of a Sire with every fiber of my being, but the bastard did teach me quite a few little tricks. Not to mention my namesake…I’ll make you beg for death, mate. There is only one way to avoid a painful death: Tell me what I need to know, now.”
“This is exactly why the Slayers were tested. You have a soulless vampire among you and treat him as an ally!” Travers exclaimed, “I will not be threatened by a monster.”
“I do believe that can be arranged,” Giles said.
Travers didn’t reply, instead he threw a dagger at Giles.
“Suspend!” Willow yelled.
Travers stared gape-jawed as his dagger hung in the air, inches from its target.
“I’m going to take a leap here and assume that she is not a registered witch,” Travers taunted.
Willow blushed slightly and turned her head away.
By this time, Spike had more than enough of Travers. It was too much that he had sent Buffy and Faith to wherever he’d sent them, but to attack Red in front of him…that was the last straw.
“Where are my girls?” Spike growled dangerously.
“I don’t know,” Travers replied truthfully.
Spike had the tweed covered man by the throat within the blink of an eye. “I’ll only ask once more, mate.”
“I told you the truth. I don’t know where they are,” Travers squeaked out.
“What incantation did you perform? There was a lot of energy in this room. You sure weren’t just floating pencils,” Willow said. She gave the man her best resolve face.
Realization hit him. Travers knew his chances of making it alive out of the library were slim. Perhaps if he cooperated with the group they would spare his life. It was a long shot, especially with the vampire and witch, but he’d take whatever chance he had.
“We used a time spell,” Travers began, “It was used to send each girl to her most dire moment…be it past, present or future. Once they have overcome whatever obstacle exists in that particular time, they will be sent back here.”
“Wait, if it’s to their most un-good moment, they may never make it back,” Xander said softly, “Slayers: short, brutal life.”
No one wanted to admit that Xander was correct. It was too much for anyone to dwell on at the time. Buffy always came back; she’d done it once…she’d do it again. Faith, well, she was too stubborn to die. Hope was the only thing they had; they had to hold on to it until the very end.
“You have no idea when or where the girls are? What kind of sick joke is this?” Giles asked, “You’re dealing with magic you can’t control!”
“They’re all alone,” Cordellia whispered.
Spike picked up on the girl’s despair. He used the sliver that remained of his claim with Buffy to pick up on anything that might help them. The feeling was so weak, he assumed that if the claim was with another vampire or with someone who chose not to acknowledge the claim; it would be useless to him.
“They’re together,” Spike said, “At least, in the same time.”
“What?” Travers exclaimed, “That’s not possible!”
“Why not? What aren’t you telling us?” Giles inquired.
Travers gulped, “The spell was altered to send each girl to a separate time. They needed to be tested individually. It would not be of any use to us to test them together. We already know they are very capable when they are performing together. We needed to know how they would fare on their own.”
Spike released the man and smiled to himself. There were times where he just loved being one of the good guys. He’d always hated the Council, and now he was able to do something about it. Sometimes unlife was just good.
“Why didn’t the girls go to separate times?” Wesley asked tentatively. He’d witnessed his share of close encounters, but the scene playing out before him chilled him to the core.
“I really can’t imagine anything. The incantation was performed perfectly. By all accounts the girls should have been separated,” Travers mused out loud. He momentarily forgot his surroundings.
“It amazes me that a Slayer makes it past her first day with you lot in charge. Don’t you wankers know anything about vampires?” Spike asked.
At the tweed men’s blank looks, he continued.
“You should have been able to recognize the claim as soon as the pair walked in earlier,” Spike said.
Travers and Wesley paled considerably. This was completely unheard of. Of course Slayers had been killed and turned, but never claimed.
“You can only claim one mate,” Wesley said slowly, “How did it effect both Slayers?”
“Sister claim Buffy performed,” Spike said casually. He perched on the edge of the table and lit a cigarette, “Right smart girl that Slayer is. Of course I came up with the idea, but she had the brains to look past the shit you feed her and recognize the potential in the ritual.”
“She agreed to this?” Travers asked.
“They all did. Slayer wanted to make sure her little mates were safe while you were running your bloody test,” Spike said.
“Well, this certainly changes everything,” Wesley dead panned.
“I fear that when they return we will be forced to perform another test,” Travers said.
This time, Giles reacted and had Travers by the neck.
“You will go back to England and leave both girls alone,” Giles said. He squeezed Travers’ neck as tightly as he dared. He didn’t want to suffocate the man…yet.
“We need to figure out a way to get them home before something really bad happens to them,” Willow said. She was so tired of the testosterone show being performed.
In reply she was greeted with glares from all the men, even Xander.
“This isn’t helping Buffy or Faith,” Willow said.
That seemed to do the trick because Giles instantly released Travers and Spike’s face returned to his human features.
A knowing smile spread across the witch’s face. She loved being the sensible one.
“Know any spells to magic them back, Red?” Spike asked.
Willow shook her head.
“To the books then?” Xander asked.
“It seems research is the best option at the moment, yet,” Giles replied, “Unless you have some useful information to offer, Quentin?”
Travers shook his head.
“Very well,” Giles said.

No one knew how to answer her simple question. They all knew the answer; they just weren’t sure how they should tell Buffy. Something about her seemed different.
“She got sick earlier this year, Buffy,” Dawn said quietly, “She…she died.”
Buffy blinked several times as her “sisters” words penetrated her brain. Her mother was dead. Something about that didn’t seem right to her. She knew this girl had no reason to lie to her, if she really was her sister, then they would share the same mother. Quickly, she reminded herself that this wasn’t her home. This was something different. This was the Council’s test. She wasn’t the Buffy these people knew. Realizing that she needed to offer some sort of response to then news, Buffy’s mouth formed a silent “o”.
“Why was Faith in prison?” Buffy asked, effectively changing the topic.
The entire group stared at her.
“Cuz she tried to kill us?” Xander said.
“She also switched bodies with you and screwed your boy toy,” Spike said.
It was Buffy’s turn to stare.
“Faith, slept with you?” Buffy asked Spike.
“No way, B. Never,” Faith said.
“I just need to say, ew,” Xander quipped, “Riley, Buffy, not Spike.”
Buffy was way confused now, “I never dated Riley. I dated Angel, then Spike, well Spike and I never actually did the whole date thing, but…”
Her voice trailed off once she saw the horrified looks on her “friends” faces. Buffy sighed deeply. This day was going from bad to weird to worse. She pulled her hair up and tied it loosely into a pony tale.
“Bloody hell!” Spike yelled as he leapt from the couch.
“What?” Buffy asked.
He couldn’t find words, he just pointed at her neck. It wasn’t possible. It just wasn’t. He’d never…
“I told you we never did the actual dating thing. We sort of skipped that part,” Buffy said.
“Yeah, you and B did the claim thing, then we did this wicked Sister claim so now I can totally feel when she gets hot for ya,” Faith said.
Xander only heard the parts of the conversation he wanted to. Spike had claimed Buffy. That meant that Spike had bitten Buffy. He’d never liked the Peroxide Pest and now he had a good reason to stake him. So, before his brain could communicate with the rest of his body, he was lunging at Spike with a stake.
“No!” Buffy yelled as she tackled Xander to the ground.
“What Buffy? The thing bit you! You can’t tell me that you’re ok with that, can you?” Xander asked.
“I am. We all agreed it would be best. With the Council coming to test Faith and I, it seemed like a good idea,” Buffy said defensively.
“Buffy, when the Council came to test you, Faith was in prison. They were only testing you. They wanted to make sure you were capable of dealing with Glory,” Giles said as he began to furiously polish his glasses.
“Who’s Glory?” Buffy asked, “The Council wanted to test us because we were jerky to Wesley. He was the Watcher sent to Sunnydale after they fired you, Giles.”
“Buffy,” Giles began, “How old are you?”
Buffy scrunched her nose up in confusion, “Eighteen. You know that Giles. The birthday I wasn’t supposed to live to see.”
“Buff, you’re not eighteen. We’re not in high school. We blew it up two years ago. The Mayor ascended and Faith was put into a coma, by you,” Willow explained.
“Didn’t think you’d have it in ya, B,” Faith said.
“Me either,” Buffy replied.
This was too much to handle. Too much was different.
“Spike?” Buffy asked softly, “You didn’t claim me?”
Spike hung his head. He didn’t know what in the bleedin’ hell was going on. His mark was on the Slayer’s neck, there was no mistake about that, but he didn’t feel the connection of the claim. He didn’t remember making the claim.
Buffy stood up and began to pace. Was it all a dream? Maybe she had amnesia. That would explain why she didn’t remember anything about this place. She must have been dreaming or something when she jumped from the tower and when she hit the ground, her other memories had been erased. That had to be it. Unfortunately, that didn’t help her, and she didn’t believe it.
“I really don’t like the Council,” Buffy mumbled.
“At least that’s still the same,” Anaya said.
“I think it would be best if we all got some sleep. We’ll begin researching tomorrow at the shop,” Giles said as he stood up.
The other’s followed.
“Should someone stay with her?” Willow whispered to Giles.
“I’ll be fine, Wills,” Buffy said.
Willow blushed, “Sorry, Buff. I just want you to be safe.”
“I know. I’ll be fine. Faith and I will be good and stay in tonight. Then tomorrow we begin with the books,” Buffy said with a slight frown at the idea of research.
“Ok,” Willow said as she left the house.
“Spike, shouldn’t you be leaving now?” Xander snapped.
“NO!” Buffy and Faith yelled.
Both Spike and Xander looked at the girls curiously.
“I want him to stay. Xander, I can take care of myself, you know this. I feel safer with Spike around,” Buffy said.
Xander shook his head. He’d never understand Buffy. “Alright. At least he can’t hurt you.”
“What do you mean?” Buffy asked.
“Chip,” Xander answered simply.
“That,” Faith began, “is a snack food.”
Xander rolled his eyes, “There’s a chip in Spike’s head. He can’t hurt humans with out getting a major headache. Riley’s commando buddies implanted it in his head last year.”
Buffy frowned. She didn’t like the idea Spike being in someway unable to defend her, not that she needed it.
“Wait, commandos, Riley, impotent…no, flaccid,” Buffy rambled as she resumed her pacing.
Spike perked up as he heard Buffy talk about him being impotent and flaccid. Maybe things were beginning to come back to her. That wouldn’t explain his bite marks, but this was the Hellmouth, some things were never explained.
“What are you talking about?” Faith asked.
“Before you showed up, I had a Slayer dream, at least I think that’s what it was…not really sure, anyway, Spike was chained up in Giles’ bathtub. We had this whole discussion about the commando’s and their lab. He was upset about drinking pig’s blood. Giles’ mug said, ‘Kiss the Librarian’. I’m just not sure what any of it meant,” Buffy said.
“You’ll have to tell Giles tomorrow,” Xander said.
“Yes, tomorrow. Tonight, Xander Harris, I want you to give me many orgasms,” Anya said as she pulled Xander out the door.
“She sure knows how to pull her man,” Faith commented.
“So, you’re not from here?” Dawn asked.
Buffy turned to look at the young girl. There was something about her that made her appear to be so much older. Maybe even older than Spike.
“I don’t know, Dawn. This place looks like the Sunnydale I know, but it isn’t. I’m sure that if I was meant to be here that I’d know who you were,” Buffy said with a smile. She’d secretly always wanted a little sister.
“The Buffy from here only has memories of me,” Dawn said. She was used to things on the Hellmouth and decided just to go with it. “I’m really mystical energy. Glory wanted me to open a portal. I was the ‘key’ to opening the portal. The monks decided the best way to protect the key from Glory would be to give it to the Slayer.”
“They created a human?” Buffy asked.
“Sort of. Willow had you do a spell that showed you what things looked like without all the memories. Like my room was full of a bunch of boxes and I looked like a bunch of particles,” Dawn explained.
“This Buffy might be worse off than us, B,” Faith said with a smirk.
“Yeah, no Spike,” Buffy said as she looked at him.
Spike looked at a very interesting spot on the ground. It would be so easy for him to give into the feelings this Buffy was showing. Everything he’d wanted was right here. Buffy, this Buffy was claimed by him somewhere else. “I am a lucky bastard.”
“I’m yours Slayer. Always have been. You’re the one that doesn’t want me, remember?” Spike tired.
Buffy shook her head. The her from this place was just dumb. Spike was so good to her. He was her match, her equal. She only hoped that the Buffy from here would realize that before it was too late.
“How are we going to get home?” Buffy asked Faith.
“Dunno, Giles said research tomorrow, but I don’t know what we’ll be lookin’ for,” Faith said.
“I’m so in favor of pounding the Council into the ground, starting with Travers,” Buffy said.
Spike smirked. He’d never like the wankers. If it weren’t for the bloody chip, he’d go and pound them for her. He’d do anything for her, always would…even if it killed him.
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