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The Kindred Series by DizzyB
Ch 2 - The Fairy Godfather
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Kindred Series

Kindred: (noun) A group of related persons, such as a family, clan, or tribe.
(adj.) Having a similar or related origin or nature.


Chapter Two
The Fairy Godfather

Buffy was in the kitchen fixing dinner when Dawn came in. “Something actually smells good in here, Buffy. What are you making?” Buffy offered a wooden spoon for a taste. Dawn cautiously tasted the sauce and looked up in surprise. “Who are you and what have you done with my sister, the non-cook?”

“Very funny, Dawn. I guess that snide remark means this recipe tastes better than the others I’ve tried.”

“Seriously, Buffy,” Dawn laughed “this is great. What is it?”

“Beef stroganoff. The secret is in the sour cream. It was Mom’s recipe, but she stopped making it after Dad left. It was his favorite.” Buffy trailed off momentarily. When she looked up again, Dawn was staring at her with a quizzical expression. “It’s nothing, Dawnie. Really. Just old memories…made me misty-eyed for a moment. This is just about ready. You want to set the table and pour drinks while I finish up here? You can tell me all about your day.”

Dawn launched into a detailed narrative of the latest exploits of some of the kids at school. Buffy was only half listening until Dawn reached the part of her day where she went to visit Spike, or rather Clem at Spike’s crypt.

“So, how is Clem today? Any news, I mean anything new going on over there?” Buffy finished lamely.

“Not really.” Dawn replied noncommittally, careful to keep her face turned so Buffy wouldn’t see her expression. But she must have caught something in her tone of voice that tipped her off, because Buffy’s head snapped up and she stared wide-eyed at Dawn. “Come on, Dawn. Spill.” Darn those slayer senses. It’s hard enough keeping something from your sister anyway, but when your sister is the Slayer, well just forget it. Oh, well…

“Buffy, really, it’s nothing. Well, okay it’s a couple of nothings but it’s really nothing.” Noticing her sister’s aggravated expression that was definitely expanding by the moment, Dawn hurried to explain. “Okay, see, I stopped by to see Clem, but he wasn’t there. I noticed a pack of smokes on the arm of the chair and Clem doesn’t smoke. Then, I was coming through town on my way home and I saw this man who looked just like Spike walking down the street. Well, Spike with brown curly hair, that is. Then I looked in the hall closet when I got home and his leather duster isn’t there anymore like it’s been for the past 5 months. And I know none of those things are really anything by themselves, but put together…” Dawn trailed off at the pained expression on Buffy’s face.

“Sorry, Dawn.” She said quietly. “I should have told you, but I just didn’t think about it. I took Spike’s coat and gave it to Clem last night when I was on patrol. I’m sure the cigarettes probably fell out of the coat pocket on the chair or something. And that couldn’t have been Spike you saw in town if he was in direct sunlight. Not that I can imagine him actually getting a new do, but unless this guy was under a smoking blanket…I think we can safely assume it wasn’t him.” Buffy smiled weakly. “I know you want to see him again, honey.” she said gently as she served up their dinner. “But we have to be realistic about this, okay.”

“I know, Buffy. And realistically speaking, he’s been gone for 5 months now and he may never come back… But I don’t believe that. This is Spike we’re talking about. He loves us – you, me. I’m pretty sure he considers Sunnyhell home. And I doubt he’d ever admit it, but I think he’s fond of the rest of the Scoobies too. I know you two didn’t exactly part on good terms, but I know he’ll come back one of these days.”

“Perhaps.” It was Buffy’s turn to respond noncommittally and try to hide her expression. “Now eat before it gets cold.”

“Buffy.” After several minutes of silence.

“Yeah, Dawn.”


“Why what?”

“Why now? Why did you take Spike’s leather coat to the crypt after all this time?”

No answer for a moment. Then in a low voice, “Because it was his and it was important to him. He never went anywhere without it.” Buffy trailed off again for a moment. This is my day for hard questions apparently. “Because if Spike does come back, I want him to have it. And I don’t want him to have to come here to get it.” An almost inaudible “Oh.” from Dawn was all the response that followed that statement.

“No, Dawn. That’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean that I don’t want Spike coming to the house. I just meant that I don’t want him coming here because of the coat. I’d rather he came to see, er, us, you and me, you see.” Buffy blushed and fiddled with her food. And Dawn smiled to herself because she did indeed see.


Across town, Spike was staring at that same leather duster with a mixture of revulsion, surprise, and fascination. Revulsion at what it represented from his past. Surprise that he hadn’t thought of the blasted duster before now when it used to be like a 2nd skin to him. And fascination at what he had found inside the jacket pocket. Bugger. What was that? Clem’s talking and I have no idea what about. Best pay attention.

In fact, Clem wasn’t making a whole lot of sense at the moment, but he didn’t particularly care. He had been truly overjoyed to discover Spike was back and was trying to fill him in on a million things at once. He was saying something about that bloke, Rack, being dead. Bloody good. That chap was bad news. Pity I didn’t take him out myself earlier. Maybe I could have helped avoid some trouble later on. Oh, well. What’s done is done. Time to focus on what comes next.

“Clem, buddy, listen... I can’t stay long. I just stopped by to pick up a few things I need and then I’ll be on my way again.” Seeing the surprised and disappointed look on Clem’s face, he decided a bit of an explanation was in order, but just a bit. He was in a hurry, damn it. “Listen, Clem. No one can know I’m back, okay? Not anyone at all, especially not the Little Bit. Dawn’d go straight to Buffy and I’m just not ready for that yet. See? I’ve got some business to tend to and it just might turn out to be very important. I’m not sure yet, but it’s got to come first, okay?”

“All right, Spike. I won’t tell anyone you’re back, but why can’t you stay here? I can cover for you.”

“Too dangerous, mate. Too many folks know this is my place and might see me here. I need to be able to come and go unseen for a while yet. And if you move out, someone might put two and two together and go looking for me elsewhere. If you’re here and I’m not, then anyone looking in just assumes that nothing’s changed and I haven’t returned yet. So, I need you to keep staying here for now, okay? And don’t breathe a word of this to anyone. You’ll be safe here. Buffy and her gang will keep an eye out for you. And I’ll leave you a way to get in touch with me as soon as I get settled, just in case you need anything.”

“Sure, Spike, but you are back for good, right? You’re going to move back in here after you take care of all this business of yours, right?” Clem looked at his friend expectantly.

Spike hesitated. “I don’t know yet, Clem. That depends on a lot of things, but I promise that you haven’t seen the last of me.” And he gathered up his things and headed for the door. Clem’s parting question stopped him in his tracks.

“Don’t you want your coat?”

“Burn it.” Came the terse replay and then he was gone again leaving behind a puzzled Clem.

After he had gotten everything set up in his new place, Spike looked around and admired his handiwork. The place looked downright homey and no one would ever think to look for him here. So, he was safe for the moment. Time to rest. It had been a long day. But before he drifted off to sleep, he pulled out the envelope addressed to him in Buffy’s handwriting. He had found it in the leather jacket, and had been shocked to see it. It was with no small amount of trepidation that he opened the letter inside and began to read.

“Dear William:

As I write this, I have no idea where you are, when – if ever – you might read this, or if you’re even still alive. I feel in my heart that you are alive and I hope with all my heart that you do return one day so I can talk to you. I have so much to say, and I’m not going to try to put it all down in this letter.

A lot has happened since you’ve been gone that made me realize how unfair I was to you when you were here. You did so much for me and Dawn and I never really acknowledged it. I don’t think I even thanked you for anything, except once, maybe twice. I looked down on you and took you for granted, and I judged you…for past actions, for future wrongs I thought you would eventually commit, and just for being a vampire. I was so intently focused on what you are, that I refused to see who you are. I refused to acknowledge the man inside you who had reached out to me so many times.

Please forgive me for denying that you could be anything more than what I defined you as. You tried to talk to me so many times and I never listened. Perhaps if I had then things would have turned out differently. I don’t know what could have been between us, and I don’t know what could still be for us, or if there even is an “us” to consider. Maybe you don’t want me anymore. Maybe I’ve screwed things up so badly that you’re not coming back. But I hope that I’m wrong about that. I hope you do come back. I want to see you again, talk to you, try to figure this out…together. If you’re willing to hear me out, please come by the house any time. You always have an invitation.


He fell asleep with a peaceful, contented expression on his face despite the tear stained tracks on his cheeks, clutching the letter fiercely to his breast even in sleep.


“Giles! Giles! I can’t believe it!” Buffy shouted excitedly as she ran into the Magic Box. Both Giles and Anya looked up in amazement. No one had seen Buffy this excited since before her mother had died. She actually looked truly happy about something for a change.

They had been going over some books at the round table when Buffy burst in. Giles straightened up self-consciously, suddenly aware of how close he was to Anya and how good her hair smelled.

Buffy’s eyes were glowing warmly as she stared at them expectantly. “I just can’t believe you did that for me and Dawn. We’ll never be able to thank you enough or to repay you.” Buffy gushed. Giles simply stared at her, and Buffy noticed the blank expressions on both their faces. Anya’s she expected, but not Giles. Nor did she expect him to say what she heard next.

“Buffy, I’m glad you’re happy about something, but I haven’t the foggiest notion what you’re talking about.”

“You mean you didn’t pay off the house for me?”

Giles almost fell over at this news. “Umm, no. When did this happen? How did this happen?”

“Well, you tell me.” Buffy replied. “I went to the bank today to meet with the loan officer. I’m talking to him about the possibility of refinancing the house when he pulls up my account. He then proceeds to tell me the loan has a zero balance and I should expect the cancelled mortgage to arrive within 30 days. When I told him that must be a mistake, he checked their records and the loan was paid off at their branch. The girl at the counter said a brown-haired man with glasses and an accent paid it off in cash yesterday afternoon. I just assumed that was you. Who else would it be?”

Giles mouth opened and closed several times before any noise came out. “I am positively flummoxed. I have no idea who would have done that for you. It wasn’t me, though. I don’t have that kind of money laying around…especially in cash. Although I would love to be able to take credit for making you so happy and relieving you of such a burden, I can’t. I have no idea what’s going on here.”

Buffy looked puzzled, but smiled again and quipped, “Maybe the Powers That Be granted me a Fairy Godfather to make my wishes come true, because that’s not the only good thing that happened today. I got a call this morning from the police. And not the ‘uh, oh, you’re in trouble now’ kind of call for a change. They want to offer some self-defense classes at the community center, on campus and at a few other places. Someone recommended me as a potential instructor. I met with them this morning and gave them a demonstration of what I can do – toned down a bit, of course and sans the wooden stake. They offered me a job on the spot. Can you believe that? I’ll be teaching basic courses 3-4 times a week and possibly an intermediate class as well. And I’ll make way more money than I do now. I can quit the Doublemeat Palace. Yay, me!!”

“Buffy, that’s terrific. That means you won’t come home smelling like grease anymore. Of course, now you’ll be sweaty instead when you leave work, but at least the odor will be yours and not manufactured.” Anya observed brightly not noticing Buffy’s expression.

Giles decided this might be a good time to jump back into this conversation. “Buffy, I am very pleased for you on both counts, but I’m also curious to know who your mysterious benefactor is. Do you know who recommended you for this job…if it might be the same individual that paid off your house?”

“Nope.” Buffy cheerfully replied. “I asked, but no one seemed to know for sure. I’m seriously thinking the Fairy Godfather angle might not be so far-fetched after all. Either way, that’s two major burdens lifted off of me. I feel like I’ve been given a new lease on life. I want to celebrate. Let’s have a party. That is what people still do to express glee, isn’t it?” Buffy twirled around and around while she was talking.

Seeing the stunned expressions around her, she stopped to regain her balance. “I know, I know. It’s been a while since I’ve wanted to express any glee. But maybe, just maybe, all that’s going to change. Maybe that Fairy Godfather can help out in some other areas, too. I just know that I feel hopeful again and happy for the first time in ages. I need to work off some of this energy. I’ll be in the training room.” And she pranced off leaving Giles and Anya staring after her.

Buffy was as good as her word. They celebrated that very night with an impromptu get-together at the Summers house. The tone was upbeat for a change, which was nice. Everyone was excited for Dawn and Buffy about the house being paid off. Buffy was practically giddy about the new job. Dawn kept touching the furniture and exclaiming that it was actually all theirs. Everyone toasted Buffy’s “Fairy Godfather” and no one mentioned the significant changes that had occurred in the Scooby dynamics this past year or the absence of certain members of the group. Anya and Xander were civil, if not warm, to each other. This was a night to celebrate, and for the first time in months, they had a good time being together as a group.

Spike watched from the shadows outside Buffy’s house. He didn’t stay long…just a brief while so he could witness the joy on his Niblet’s face and the relief and happiness on Buffy’s face. That was all the thanks he felt was needed. After a few minutes, he strode off into the darkness smiling to himself. If I ever decide to tell Buffy about this, she’ll have to come up with a better title than Fairy Godfather. Like I’m a poofter, or something. ‘Course she doesn’t know it’s me, but the comparison is still somewhat demeaning none-the-less…

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