Because She Needs Me by callmekitten
Chapter #8 - Chapter 8

Thanks Xaphania fo the lovely banner!

Chapter 8

Spike spoke with several sketchy demons that night and got nothing. Not a shred of information on Buffy, or where she was, or anything new in town. He was starting to panic. The sun was coming up and she had just disappeared. He decided on stopping back by her house on the way to the crypt. Maybe she would have at least checked in on Dawn.

His thoughts wandered through their last visit, looking for anything that could be a clue as to where she might have gone. Instead, he found himself getting choked up. He was beginning to fear that something terrible might have happened to her. She had been so unhappy, so desperate to connect, to get someone to talk to her. What if she… Stop it, don’t even think that way! Spike shoved his fists deep into his duster’s pockets, dropped his head in sadness, and trudged on to Revello Drive.


Once more the cave was silent. Kahn’s anger was flowing off him in waves. He was furious at Kaia and now Hourak as well. How dare they both embarrass him in front of the clan? He knew he had to try to calm himself and answer quickly before Hourak spoke again. Taking a deep breath, he stood tall and looked Hourak directly in the eyes.

“I will accept her terms, but I would like Groma to permit me time to get to know my new bride as well. I must be allowed to spend time with her. I would like very much to become more familiar with her, to make her transition to my hearth easier for her. I request this for Kaia, as well as myself.” He grinned creepily at Kaia as he awaited Hourak’s approval. He knew that by phrasing his request to show that it was in the “child’s” best interest, he might sway Hourak in his favor. His right hand once more found his stiffening member as he thought of spending time alone with Kaia.

Groma saw his body language after his statement and considered objecting. She quickly forced those thoughts from her head, fearing that another female speaking out might just be too much for Hourak. Instead, she quickly plotted out the conversation she would need to have with Kaia as soon as they were alone. The cave was still filled with silence, everyone patiently waiting to hear a landmark decision from their leader. Groma once more looked proudly upon her adopted daughter. Kaia’s face and body reflected her strong determination and resolve. She would not be manipulated by those men .

Hourak suddenly noticed Kahn’s perverted actions and knew he might need to protect the child from him. Having already granted his permission, he was regretting it as he watched Kahn out of the corner of his eye.

“Kahn, I will grant your request. However, you will not be allowed to be alone with Kaia till she has moved to your hearth. Groma will supervise any time spent with her, or I— myself—will, depending on our availability as well. Please honor this or I may be forced to rescind my permission of this union. Kaia is a child of the clan, and an important one at that. She will be our medicine woman one day, so her training is of high importance to all of us. With this said, both of you have been heard, and my decisions finalized. May the spirit guide bless you both.”

Hourak stood and faced the clan members. He sharply clapped his hands together three times, which, judging by the actions of the others, meant dinner was over.

Kahn immediately walked over to Groma, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Groma, you will soon be considered my mother too. Because of that, you too, will always have a place at my hearth. Please consider this as a request to spend time with my new bride. You may join us at my hearth as soon as you like.” He hoped that the woman would consider this a huge honor, having never been invited to any man’s hearth before. He was trying to maneuver Kaia to his hearth as soon as possible.

Buffy cringed, fearing what Groma might say. She knew the older woman was wise and hoped she would stick it to him if given a chance.

Groma had not liked Kahn before all of this, but now thought he had gone too far. Does he really think I would EVER move to his hearth, let alone think of it as a privilege? She roughly removed his hand from her shoulder as she glared into his cold empty eyes. Calmly, and with an air of authority, she addressed Kahn’s moronic suggestion.

“I no more need your invitation, than I would welcome it. I have my own hearth and it has far more value than yours. You should recognize that I intend on letting my decision be known to all, and it will be a direct insult to you that I would never consider becoming a member of your hearth. I am an honored member of this clan, a title that I have earned, not one that was given to me by birth. Be very careful of your actions, Kahn. I am not the only one that doubts your intentions.” With that, Groma took her daughter’s arm and led her back to their hearth.

Buffy laughed internally at the frustration that was playing out on Kahn’s face.

Furious once more, Kahn retreated to his hearth and proceeded to bark out commands to Ullah and anyone in his line of fire.

Once back at Groma’s hearth, Buffy made sure there was no one eavesdropping, then pulled the woman aside, so that they could talk.

“I know you think I may have chosen poorly, but I do have a plan. I felt that this decision might give me some time to either fix this Kahn situation, or let me prepare to leave this cave. Groma, I will need your assistance to accomplish these goals.” Buffy stopped as she noted the older woman seeming strangely calm. She had picked up some dried plants and was plucking small dried berries off and dropping them in an uncorked gourd.

Looking at her child, Groma smiled. “I have never been more proud of anything in my life as I was of you today. You made many wise decisions and acted like a wise Elder yourself. I will assist you in any way I can. I surely hope you have something planned for Kahn, Kaia. If you do not, I will take the task at hand myself. He is not fit to sit as an Elder in my eyes, and I think it’s time for others to see what I see.”

Buffy was amazed that this small homely woman, who just a few hours ago had seemed so broken, was freshly energized, and ready to go into battle. Laughing, she offered, “Groma, feel free to take him on. I have few things I would like to do first. My only request of you is to stall Kahn’s requests to spend time with me. I am hoping I never have to spend one moment with him, and if my plan works like it is supposed to, I never will.”

Groma took her daughter in her arms, hugging her tight. “I will make it my life’s work if I must.”

Buffy was thrilled that all was going according to plan, and even happier when she realized that Kaia had returned. Her energy was almost immeasurable, like she was bouncing around in her head excitedly. Kaia! I’m so glad you’re back! Listen to what I am about to tell Groma, I will need your help to pull this off

Buffy spoke in low tones, hoping no one was listening, as she told Groma what she had planned next. She explained her need to go off and seek a new cave, just in case they needed to leave suddenly; she wanted to secure a new place to go. Once found, that place would be stocked with all the things they would need to survive. Buffy explained that she thought it was wise for her to spy on the males’ training, to learn how they used the tools and weapons, should ever a time come when the knowledge would come in handy.

Groma listened intently, still amazed that a child so young and inexperienced would have not only the knowledge to think this up, but also the ability to put it into motion. She had known from the first time she laid eyes upon this child that Kaia was special. Now more than ever, she was sure of it.

Ullah had watched and listened to her husband be humiliated in front of the clan by Kaia, and swore she would never let that ugly beast ever jeopardize her hearth’s status again. She made her way back to the medicine woman’s hearth, intent on giving them both a piece of her mind. As she approached, she heard nothing. She was sure that she had seen them return, so she walked closer to the hearth, moving as stealthily a possible so that, if they were talking, she might hear them. She could see them as she hid behind a rack of drying hides, and tried desperately to hear the topic of their conversation. She couldn’t hear a word, but what she saw was them whispering and plotting something. She was sure of it as she made her way back to Kahn’s hearth to tell him of her discovery.