The Fall of the Night by Mabel Marsters
Chapter #23 - Chapter Twenty-Three:In the Dark
A/N Betad by seapealsh and dawnofme
Banner by dawnofme

This is my first fanficion - posted Aug 07 on and elsewhere. I thought I'd dust it off and post it here. Posting TWO chapters per day - so make sure you don't get muddled! The one with an odd number is the second one:D

In The Dark

Spike groaned and put his hands to his head that was throbbing fit to burst. He lay there awash with pain wondering where he was. He opened his eyes - nothing changed, the dark was absolute. Then he remembered; he was in the cell where The Immortal held him captive.

Hang on a minute. I’m laid flat out. It’s not that room, it’s bigger.

He sat up quickly then wished he hadn’t as the pain in his head intensified and he hadn’t thought that possible. He gingerly stood up and was swaying as the door opened. He half shut his eyes ready for the usual glare of light but it didn’t come.


“Oh man, the boss said you’d fucked up by resisting that slug,” said Gordy.

“Why’s it still dark?” asked Spike, confused.

“It’s not dark, you stupid git! Light’s blazing, but maybe the fact your eyes are in such a mess explains it,” Gordy sneered.

Spike put his hand up to his right eye and winced in pain, a gentle touch feeling like a punch. His fingertips felt sticky. He put them to his lips and tasted them – blood.

“Crying blood, that’s what you’re doing,” stated Gordy helpfully.

“Christ, I can’t see,” said Spike, quietly remembering that The Immortal had said the creature was vindictive if it didn’t get what it wanted. “Buffy?”

“Oh yeah, very helpful you were. We got all we wanted and you fucked your eyes up for nothing! Look at the state of you! Oh right, you can’t!” laughed Gordy. “Never mind I’ll leave the light on for you! Left some food near the door, think you can find it?”

Spike sat down as Gordy left. He had a vague feeling that he’d not given everything away.

He crawled towards where he thought the front of the cell was judging by where Gordy had been, reaching out with his hand. It touched the front wall and he was immediately hit by an electric shock. As he recoiled from it his hand knocked over the glass of water that was on the tray with the food. In frustration and anger he picked up the tray and threw it to where he thought the door was.


Buffy and Willow had driven further north to the ancient city of York, although nothing concrete had been found out, several seers had felt that something was using dark forces in that area. The girls decided to go up there in case any progress was made so that they’d be nearer.

They walked along the huge stone walls that surrounded the city. Buffy had just checked with Dawn to make sure Joy was okay. She was pleased that her baby had settled down well and was doing better than she was, Buffy was missing Joy like crazy.


Spike soon regretted throwing his food away but when he tried to find it he was rewarded with another couple of shocks as he touched the walls, so he gave up and sat still, not wanting to risk more. He tried not to sink into despair but it was hard. He tried to focus on his memories of Buffy but the Eukaryote had removed most of them as it passed them back to its host. All he was left with was the knowledge that he loved her, but the images of her were disjointed ones that made no sense, making it seem like she was someone he’d known long ago - just vague pictures.

The door clanged open. Spike heard the steps of the two vampires. They grabbed an arm each and dragged him out of the room. They made him walk in front of them, laughing as he bumped into something in his path. Rage bubbled in Spike. He knew that it was futile but it gave him strength whereas before he’d felt only a pit of despair.

He reeled as his head hit something sticking out from the wall that he’d missed with his outstretched hands. He almost fell but was grabbed by Bill.

“Stop messing about and bring him over here!” shouted The Immortal.

The vampires got hold of Spike and took him to where the Immortal was waiting.

“My, my!” said The Immortal. “That ole slug had a bit of fun with you, didn’t it? Your baby blues look more like demon red. What will Buffy think of her pretty boy now?”

“Fuck off,” said Spike, simply because he didn’t know what else he could say.

“Did I forget to mention what it could do? Oh sorry, that was most remiss of me.” The Immortal laughed. “Right now, Spike, what you’re going to do for me is send a little message to that red haired witch friend of Buffy’s and get her to tell Buffy where you are and that you need rescuing. They’ve been trying all sorts of things to find you but their skills are like parlour tricks to my power.”


“What was that?” asked The Immortal.

“No, I’ll not do it. I’ll not lead her into a trap,” said Spike as firmly as he could. He knew that he was as good as dead so no point in putting anyone else in danger.

The Immortal grabbed Spike’s face, fingers digging into his cheeks on one side of his mouth, the thumb the other. Spike tried to pull back but his grip was too strong.

“Oh, you’re going to, sweet William, of that I’m quite certain. You see, all I need is for you to make enough noise,” he sneered. “It’s such a shame you can’t see this, it’s a most beautiful antique.”

He gestured to the two vampires and with that they lifted Spike up and put him face down on a table. His wrists and ankles were tied to bars at the top and bottom. When Gordy and Bill let go of him; he found that although fastened securely, there was enough slack for his to almost get on to his hands and knees. He tugged at the straps in vain hope but couldn’t get free.

“The last occupant of this was somewhat shorter than you, Spike, but not to worry, we can soon sort that out,” said The Immortal.

He nodded to Gordy who started to slowly turn a wheel that was attached half way down the table. With a creak the table started to extend.

“Such a shame that you’re human. This is one of my favourite ways of torturing vampires. Have to be much more careful that I don’t break you by accident.”

Spike suddenly knew what he was attached to. A Rack. He’d heard tales of vampires pulled on them ‘til their joints dislocated leaving them crippled and in agony. But humans on these things died!

“Traditionally, of course, you should be on your back but since I’ve got another little trick up my sleeve I’ve had to improvise.”

Gordy stopped turning the wheel when Spike was held so tightly that he couldn’t move at all. Spike groaned at the strain placed on his limbs, his ligaments stretched almost to breaking point.

Spike heard footsteps approaching.

“Ah, Mr. Parker, perfect timing. We’re ready for you. I hope you haven’t forgotten another of your little pets?” said The Immortal, putting a hand on Spike’s back. “Now Spike, this is an Apala spider. It’s going to bury into your back and have a bit of a meal. It may do permanent damage; it may not. Who knows? Who cares? One thing it will do, Spikey boy - don’t want to keep you in the dark as it were - it will hurt like hell and your screams will be the beacon that brings Buffy back to me.”

Spike tried to move as he felt the creature crawl to the small of his back. Then…

“Arghhhhh!” Spike started to scream and found that he couldn’t stop.


“Arghhhhh!” cried Willow, falling to her knees beside Buffy, hands clutching her head.

“Willow!” Buffy yelled. “What’s –”

Willow put her hand up to make Buffy shut up. She needed to concentrate.

“Spike? Is that you?” She sent the words out psychically, trying to follow where the scream in her head had come from.


Then through the terrible screams she heard him.

“No Red! Don’t…come.”

It was so faint that she barely heard the words. Then she was bombarded with a very clear vision of where Spike was; a big country house that wasn’t far away. The vision was so intense that it drowned out any further evidence of Spike.

She tried to reach him again but all she got was darkness and pain. Then it was over.

She looked up at Buffy.

“I know where he is!”


Spike felt the creature erupt from his back and crawl away until it was collected by Mr. Parker. He could barely catch his breath. Dying would be easier than this. He hoped that he’d managed to reach Willow to warn them. He hoped that they wouldn’t come. He knew he was just bait in a trap for Buffy and couldn’t bear to think of The Immortal getting his hands on her.

He cried out again as The Immortal pressed on the wound the creature had made.

“Thank you, Spike, just what was required. Knew I could rely on you,” he said with a smirk, and pressed even harder. “I never knew what she saw in you. Wonder what she’ll think now. Some hero, huh?”

Spike didn’t have the energy to respond, he was terrified because his legs felt numb. As the vampires started to untie him, Spike managed to speak.

“Kill me,” he whispered. “Finish it.”

The Immortal leaned closely, so close that Spike could feel his breath on his ear.

“Kill you? Oh, I’ll kill you all right, but not just yet. I want to see the look on Buffy’s face when she watches you die. Take him back,” he ordered.

They carried Spike back to the cell and put him none too gently on the floor, his body touching the wall. As the door shut it completed the circuit and Spike got an electric shock. He managed to roll over and lay there exhausted.


“What? Where? How do you know?” shouted Buffy.

“Shh! Not so loud, Buff, head feels kinda mushy,” said Willow, wincing slightly.

Buffy helped her get to her feet and they found somewhere to sit.

“It’s a trap, Buffy,” said Willow.

“How do you know? But it was Spike? He’s alive?” asked Buffy.

“Yes, I heard Spike, but the way the location came in was odd. It was like when Spike connected with me it leapt on the signal and made sure that I knew. It’s hard to explain, but it just felt set up. Like how come Spike reached me anyway? For days I’ve been trying and nothing, not so much as a glimmer, then all of a sudden I practically get a map to the location?” replied Willow.

“Spike?” asked Buffy, tears in her eyes.

“He’s alive, Buffy but he’s hurting. It was the level of pain I think that enabled him to get through to me. He was very faint but he did say one thing.”

“What was it?”

You won’t like it. He said ‘don’t come’.”


“He was in a lot of pain, Buffy. It must have taken an enormous effort to say the message but he meant it,” said Willow sadly.

“I don’t care if he meant it or not! No way is he staying there. I’m not leaving him to die again. Now where is it?” ordered Buffy.

“Look, Buffy, there’s some major mo-jo going on there. We need Giles and Andrew’s help. They could be here in three hours.”

“Three hours!” wailed Buffy.

“If we’re going in, there’s no point trying to save Spike and just ending up with all of getting killed, is there?” said Willow firmly. “I need some supplies so I can have spells ready to use, and they can bring more weapons. You know it makes sense.”

Reluctantly Buffy agreed to wait.


Spike lay there for about an hour in a crumpled heap, too weak and knackered by his ordeal to move. Gradually, though, he became aware that the numbness he’d felt in his legs was being replaced by pain. After all he’d been through he didn’t think that he’d welcome more pain, but since this was accompanied by the ability to move his legs he delighted in it.

The worst of the pain was in his back where the creature had feasted but shooting pains were going down each leg. When he tried to straighten them out, the pain in the small of his back nearly made him pass out. He managed to move his legs and then rolled onto his stomach. Another wave of pain hit him and this time he did pass out.