Denial by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter #12 - Chapter twelve
Author's note: Another chapter for all you, awesome readers. I hope you'll enjoy. ;)

Beta'd by amazing dawnofme and Mabel Marsters.

Chapter 12

Spike took in a shuddering breath as she squeezed him through his jeans. He never knew she had it in her to torture him like this. Then again, Buffy had always been a tease. Not even touching him properly and he was ready to beg.

“What do you want?” she asked and he struggled to form a coherent thought under her capable hands. Anything, everything. He wanted Buffy to touch him, to feel her skin sliding against his as she took him inside. He simply wanted her. His button popped open and his mind went blank.


Despite her fear of doing the wrong thing, of not being experienced enough, the utter reverence in Spike’s face made her shaking fingers move. Buffy giggled and nervously slid the zipper down, the sound reverberating loudly in her ears. Ever helpful, Spike lifted his hips off the bed to help her take off his jeans. Buffy sat back and stared.


Buffy licked her lips and squirmed.

“Beautiful,” she whispered, unaware of voicing her thoughts as her starved gaze drank in every smooth inch of his bare body. He stretched and shifted to lie with his head under the headboard, deliberately letting her see the play of muscles and taut skin, the shadows shifting to accentuate his lean perfection. His hand caressed its way down his chest to rest against his hard length and Buffy’s fingers itched to touch him.

“Like what you see then?”

Buffy’s eyes snapped up to meet his dark hooded ones and she couldn’t help but lie down next to him and run her hand through his mussed up hair.

“Very much,” she said and leaned in for a kiss. Spike didn’t hesitate to press her against him, moaning into her lips.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he said.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

She bit his lip, before pressing him into the mattress as she leaned over him. What was it about this man that drove her over the edge? Made her brazen and needing to make him drown in pleasure, to hear her name passing his lips in that way that made her feel as if she was the only woman in the world? And how he gazed at her, so challenging and yet submissive at the same time. She wanted to devour him, mark him as hers for all to see.

Buffy leaned down and sucked at his neck, nipping slightly and smiling as he growled and caressed her back. She had to taste every inch of him. Fingers scratched and caressed, traced the occasional scars as she kissed her way down his body, her hair tickling his skin.

“Please,” Spike said and gazed at her with desperate passion equal to the one running through her veins. His head dropped against the mattress, eyes rolling back as she stuck out her tongue and traced his length. The taste hit her tongue and Buffy had to have more. Hands in assistance, lips stretched around his girth as she took him into her mouth as far as she could and put her instincts to good use. Spike shuddered underneath her and his hand delved into her hair, massaging her scalp as he moaned and let out a string of praise that made her blush.

Who would have guessed she could reduce Spike into this bubbling puddle of goo? And that his dirty words would turn her on? It looked like being with him would teach her a lot of things about who she was.

Spike groaned and seized her shoulders before dragging her upwards. The question died on her lips as he rolled them over and dipped down his head to kiss her as if she was the only drop of water in a vast desert. Their taste mingled in a torrent of heady sensations and insistent lips.

Hands roamed on the skin, seeking, hungry to alleviate the need only to stoke it higher. Spike’s weight pressed her into the mattress, the feel of his skin rubbing against hers sending delicious shocks to her every nerve. The ache within her deepened as they moved together, subconsciously mimicking what was to come. The more he touched, the longer his tongue slid against hers, the more she craved Spike’s touch. Spike’s closeness. Just… Spike.

Suddenly, he grasped her leg, opening her up as he hooked it around his hip and slid his every delicious inch within her. They both stilled, breaking the kiss to stare stunned into each other’s eyes, the ache within her burning so deliciously. The way he felt inside her was like finding the only place she belonged, finally being allowed to rest after a lifetime of running.

He started to move above her, muscles in his butt clenching under the heels of her feet as she urged him deeper and arched her back, her hands scratching down his back to find purchase. This was perfect. Ideal fit. They were equal, both giving everything they had.

Buffy squeezed her inner muscles. His eyes crossed and he dropped his head against her shoulder, breathing raggedly even though he didn’t need to.

“Bloody hell, Buffy. How did you…”

“Slayer muscles,” she breathed. “Like it?”

“Ugh. Do it again.”

She did and laughed as he quickened the movement of his hips. His eyes widened as she flipped them over and took control. He grinned up at her and she grinned back.

“Neat trick you’ve got there, luv.”

“Knew you’d like it.”

He grasped her hips, thrusting up as she caressed his chest, teasing his nipples. Then his hand stealthily shifted around and he circled her clit, making her cry out. She could feel the tightening pressure in her belly increasing and as Spike sat up and slammed her down on him, lights exploded behind her eyelids as her spasming muscles trapped him inside. He growled and thrust for the final time as she bit into his neck.

They dropped to the mattress, exhausted and sated, both breathing heavily. Spike turned on his side and put his head on her breasts. Her hand automatically started to play with his hair, twining the loose curls around her fingers, her heart still pounding wildly beneath his ear.

“Always thought you’d be an animal in the sack,” he said and chuckled. He kicked himself as soon as the words registered in his brain. “Y-You know… ‘cause of the way you fight and—”

“Relax, Spike. I’m not going to give you the third degree.”

He sighed in relief. “Thank God! Just to warn you, I do have this tendency to put the foot in my mouth. Especially if you plan on shagging my brains out”

“I’ve noticed,” she said with a shake of her head then frowned. “So you’re… this wasn’t just a one night stand. Right?”

“Not for me, it wasn’t. You…?”

“No. I mean… I don’t think I’d be able to keep my hands off you.”

Spike smirked. “Yeah, I do have that tendency on women.”

“Hey! I better be the only woman to touch your sugary goodness.”

“I’m a one woman man. But I like that you’re jealous.”

“Jealous? Pft… please. I was just… okay, fine, I might have been a teensy tiny little bit jealous. But just a little.” Her lips twitched as he laughed.

This was new. To feel carefree enough to joke and laugh after such an intense and intimate experience. And Spike didn’t seem to want to go to sleep. Also a new thing in the Buffy- after- sex- experience.

“Someone’s possessive.”

“Am not.” Buffy pouted and Spike shifted his attention to her breasts.

“Mmm… I love your tits. Fit right into my hands, they do. And look at those nipples… mmm… so tasty.”

“You really are evil,” she said as she clutched his head to her bosom. “What else do you… love about me?”

He propped himself on one elbow and gazed at her with soft eyes that made her breath quicken and her heart clench.

“Your silky skin,” he said, caressing her side with his fingertips. “Your luscious shampoo commercial hair.” Spike ran his hand through her tangled locks and shifted it to cup her cheek, stroking the smooth skin with his thumb. “Your eyes. I love how they glaze over when I’m inside you, how they flash when you’re annoyed or angry and how they soften when you look at someone you care about.”

Buffy caressed the hand on her cheek. “What else?”

Spike sharply inhaled. He’d been half expecting her to kick him out of the bed and deny he could love anything at all. But here she was, her eyes gleaming with that softness he’d only lately seen directed at him. It made him want to feel his heart beat again.

“Your soft lips, the taste of you… everywhere.” He bit his lip and grinned at her slight blush. “They way you move, the way you talk. Your strength, not just physical, but the way you’re always willing to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders even though it’s too heavy to bear alone. Most of all… I love your heart and how you sacrifice yourself for those you love.”

“Is that what you see me like?” she asked through the lump in her throat.

“I… I love you.”

She’d suspected, was quite certain after his speech and even before, but to hear it out in the open was different. Words fluttering between them, ready to be answered, it made it all so real. She could see it in his eyes, outshining the vulnerability as he stared at her proudly back, willing her to see him for what he was.

“You don’t have to say anything back. I just… I wanted you to know.”

Before she could reply, he was kissing her, forcing every coherent thought out of her mind as she pressed him closer and lost herself in him again.


Something was tickling his face. Spike slowly opened his eyes, eyes adjusting to the light stealing through the closed curtains. Then he located the source of the tickling, leaning above him was Buffy as she studied his features, ends of her hair brushing against his chin.

“Do I have something on my face?” he asked.

“Nope.” She traced the scar on his eyebrow with a single fingertip. “Raise your eyebrow,” she commanded. Spike did, amused.

“How do you do that?”

“What’s that?”

“How can you arch it like that without furrowing your other.” She tried it herself and scrunched up her nose in concentration, but to no avail.

“Look at you, all adorable.”

Her stomach growled.

“And peckish too. Come on, luv. I’ll whip you something up.” He threw off the sheets and rose, stretching. Buffy ogled and followed him down the stairs, snatching a bathrobe on her way.

“I want pancakes.”

“Your wish is my command.” She watched with interest as he moved around the kitchen with his bare ass, her mother’s apron covering his front.

“Can you get me strawberries?” She sat on the stool and propped her chin on the palm of her right hand.

“I don’t see any in the fridge and I’m no bleeding fairy.”

“I hope not.” She shuddered. The ones in the tub had been enough for a lifetime.


Buffy moaned around the delicious mouthful as Spike grinned at her.

“You know how to cook!”

“’S not rocket science, pet.” He stole a bit from her plate and popped it into his mouth.

“Will you marry me? Then you can cook for me every day and scratch my back and go kill things with me.”

Spike grinned and leaned in to lick off the bit of maple syrup smeared on her cheek then gave her a gentle kiss. “Is that a proposal?”

“What, do you think you’re the only one that can do that?” She stuck out her chin and viciously bit into the pancake.

“I don’t see any ring. Don’t see you on your knee either. I’m not easy, you know.”

Buffy snorted.


“Sorry. You’re just so cute.”

“Take that back!”

“Nope, you cutie pie.”

“Tell me again why I put up with you?”

“Because you love me,” she said seriously. Spike rose and took her empty plate, turning to hide his face as he busied his hands with washing the dishes.

“Yeah, there’s that.”

He really didn’t expect her to say it back the night before. He knew she had feelings for him, but to actually love him was a fantasy he couldn’t allow himself to hold onto. When had anyone ever loved him? Truly and selflessly? What they had was already more than he’d ever hoped for.

'Always the lover, never the loved,' he thought bitterly.

So lost in his misery, Spike didn’t notice Buffy sneaking behind him until her arms encircled his waist and she leaned against his back.

The plate he was washing slipped from his grasp as she murmured into his back, “I love you.”


Author's note: Only two more chapters to go!