The Past Never Forgets by 3988Akasha
Chapter #17 - Lost

Joyce had given up on her attempts to separate the two blondes. They were attached. The only time they were apart was when the other was in the bathroom! She found it quite ridiculous at times, but whenever she’d try to pry Buffy away, a low growl would come from Spike. Even at night the two were together, he would hold her protectively in his arms and she would fall into a calm sleep. Part of her was happy for her daughter. It seemed that when Spike and the girls were around she could let go of her burdens and focus on just being Buffy.

“Giles? What is it?” Joyce heard Buffy ask from the living room.

Joyce walked out of the kitchen to see a very disheveled Giles.

“The Council is ready. They are waiting for you and Faith at the library. I’ve been given instructions: you are to go alone,” Giles said softly.

“Not bloody likely,” Spike ranted. His eyes flashed gold.

“I agree. I don’t want her going to face those men on her own, Mr. Giles,” Joyce said.

“Everyone is going. I don’t really care what the Council says about it,” Buffy said definitively.

“Right then, let’s go face the wankers,” Spike said. He moved closer to Buffy and pulled her into his arms. He hadn’t told he about his dream, and he noticed that she didn’t ask. This thing the Council had planned was bad, Spike could tell, but he didn’t know what he could do about it.

When the group reached the school, Buffy instructed everyone to wait outside the library. She and Faith would go inside first. Spike would know if anything went wrong.

“Ah, Miss Summers. Faith. Glad to see you could make it,” Travers greeted.

“Wouldn’t miss this party for the world,” Buffy replied.

“It is looking to be in your favor. You followed the instructions we gave to Mr. Giles by coming here alone. I must say I’m terribly impressed,” Travers continued.

“Shall we?” Buffy asked sweetly. She wanted this to be over, quickly.

“Of course,” Travers said. He motioned for one of the other Council members to come forward.

“I need you to stand facing each other, please,” the Council member asked, “Now, join hands.”

“Is this some sort of freaky kinky love thing?” Faith asked as she took Buffy’s hands.

“I assure you it is necessary. The ritual requires physical contact,” Travers said with a knowing smile.

“Ritual?” Buffy asked. Her feeling of unease multiplied. Rituals were never of the good.

Travers simply nodded at the girl and watched with a wicked smile as the magic began to work. Soon the library was filled with a brilliant white light. The chanters increased the pace of the words they spoke and soon there was a pop, and then the two Slayers were gone.

“This should work out just splendidly,” Travers said.

“What are we doing to tell the Watcher?” someone asked.

Travers smiled, “I don’t think we’ll need to tell him anything.”

Jump Buffy didn’t understand. Jump There was a tower, bright light emanating from it. Jump Creatures were pouring out of the light. Jump She felt herself running and before he brain could catch up with her body, she jumped from the tower.

Pain unlike anything she’d ever felt before coursed through her body. It burned, it froze, it consumed. She felt her life being stripped from her and drawn into the portal’s energy. She was so confused. Nothing made any sense. Her brain couldn’t form a complete thought, the pain was too great. Then, suddenly, the pain began to subside. A calm washed over her. ‘Relax, pet. I’ve got you. You’ll be safe.’ At his words, Buffy felt the marks on her neck tingle and her body relax. She was floating, hovering above existence. Then, just as suddenly as it had started, it ended.

Slowly, consciousness came back to her. Her eyes wouldn’t open, her mouth wouldn’t work, and she couldn’t move. Her ears worked. She heard sobs, humans sobbing. Then, she heard a sound that made her heart break. Spike was crying, gut wrenching sobs. She tried to look at him, tried to move over to him and comfort her mate. She tried to send comforting thoughts to him through the bond, but still the sobs continued.

“Spike?” she whispered.

She forced herself to her feet and moved as quickly as she could to the crouching figure. His face was a bloodied mess and the emptiness in his eyes haunted her. She had to make him better. She threw herself into his arms. She was vaguely aware of the other’s. She heard their voices, but didn’t hear what they were saying. At this moment, they didn’t matter. Spike, her mate, was the only thing that mattered.

“It’s a dream. It has to be a dream,” Spike whispered in awe.

Buffy looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “It’s not a dream. I’m here. It will be ok.”

Spike closed his eyes and held onto the girl tightly. He was being given a second chance. He didn’t know why, and he really didn’t care, all that mattered was her. He would never let her down again.

Buffy looked up and saw the concerned faces of her friends and even some strangers. “Wonder if we just saved the world again.”

“B-Buffy?” Giles’ grief stricken voice asked.

She just stared at him. She didn’t know what to say. Things around her felt different. Suddenly, things began to make themselves known. She could no longer feel Willow or Cordellia, and Faith wasn’t here. Her mother, she couldn’t feel a connection with her mother, but there was another, blood, her blood. She could feel it.

Abruptly, she jumped out of Spike’s embrace and began to pace. Things weren’t right. This wasn’t where she was supposed to be…it was wrong. A wave of terror swept though her, but it wasn’t hers…it was Faith’s. She stumbled and would have fallen if Giles hadn’t steadied her.

“Where’s Faith? We need to find Faith. She’s in trouble,” Buffy said in a panicked voice.

No one made a move. They were all just standing there, staring at her like she’d grown a second head. Why didn’t Willow notice? Why wasn’t Spike helping her? She looked back at him.

“Spike?” her voice was small, “What’s going on?”

Spike opened his mouth to reply, but closed it. What was he going to tell her? ‘Sorry I almost let you die.’ There were no words, but if she kept looking at him with those large hazel eyes of hers, he might just dust. He moved towards her slowly, and to his, and everyone else’s surprise, she didn’t move away.

“Buffy?” Dawn’s questioning voice called.

Buffy looked at the girl who called her name. She didn’t recognize her, but she felt familiar, like blood…like mom. She approached the girl and hesitantly reached her hand out to stroke the girl’s hair. “I should know you. You’re blood, my blood.”

“Great, she’s forgotten me, again,” Dawn mumbled.

“I didn’t mean to,” Buffy said in a small voice.

“Slayer, why don’t we get you home? That sound nice?” Spike asked.

She merely nodded up at him.

Spike swore his heart stopped when she took his hand and held it tight. He looked down at her, but she was examining a spot on the ground. She wouldn’t meet the gaze of anyone.

Xander opened his mouth to protest, loudly and possibly with strong language, but Anya’s hand over his mouth kept him quiet. He just couldn’t understand why Buffy turned to the Evil Undead Jr. for help.

The others were having the same issues as Xander, but they were still too shell shocked to process their objections. Mutely, the followed the blonde pair back to Revello Drive.

“I’ll make us all some tea,” Giles said once they’d settled themselves in the living room.

Buffy settled herself as close to Spike as she could. She fought the impulse to curl herself in his lap. He seemed to be distancing himself from her, and he couldn’t stop staring at her with that same ‘Who Are You’ expression.

“Someone going to tell me what’s going on?” Buffy asked once Giles re-entered the room.

“We all thought you died when you jumped from Glory’s Tower,” Anya said matter-of-factly.

“Huh?” Buffy asked, “And who are you?”

“You don’t remember Glory?” Giles asked. He began to polish his glasses, he feared this would become an even longer evening.

“No, no Glory. The Council showing up at the school and telling me and Faith that they were going to ‘test’ us is the last bad thing I remember,” Buffy said. She eyed the group, looking for recognition to register in their eyes, but she saw nothing.

“The school?” Giles asked.

“Yes, where you live. In the room with all the books,” Buffy supplied. “What’s wrong with everyone?”

“Buffy, you blew up the high school two years ago,” Dawn said.

“Yeah, in L.A., but this is Sunnydale. That high school is still there, but I really would love to blow it up,” Buffy said. Another wave of panic went through her, immediately followed by pain; pain so severe she doubled over from the force of it.

“Slayer?” Spike asked with concern.

“Faith. We’re running out of time. We need to get to her,” Buffy said through the pain.

“Did you hit your head?” Xander asked, “Last I checked, we didn’t want to help Faith.”

Buffy stood up and before anyone could react, she had Xander by the throat. “I don’t care if ‘we’ want to help her. ‘I’ want to help her and I will.” Buffy let him drop to the ground, “With or without your help.” She felt another presence on the edge of her awareness, one that was very close to Faith. Angel. “Is Angel still in L.A.?”

Giles nodded. He knew there was no way to change Buffy’s mind. Perhaps when she saw Faith things would go back to normal, well normal for the Hellmouth.

“Then that’s where I’m going. If you want to help me you’re welcome, if you don’t then go home,” with that, Buffy left the house.

Immediately, Spike was on his feet and to the door.

“Just where do you think you’re going, Spike?” Xander asked.

“I’m going with her. Can’t you lot see how confused she is? There’s somethin’s wrong with her, and I’m not letting her out of my sight,” Spike said as he left the house.

“I’m glad you decided to come with me,” Buffy said without turning to look at him.

“’S that right, pet?” Spike asked. The second he’d walked out that door, he decided to just go with whatever it was the Slayer was doing. She seemed to want him around, and he’d take any crumb he could get.

Buffy smiled up at him, “Yeah, I kinda need someone who can drive.”

If it wasn’t for the smile on her face, Spike would have been beyond upset. Recently, she’d just been using him, but the smile on her face told him that she was joking, trying to make the situation more bearable.

“So, we’re going to see Peaches?” Spike said.

“No, I don’t want to see him. Ever again,” Buffy bit out.

This was a new or different Buffy. She’d never been so adamant about not wanting to see her ex-lover. “Then why L.A.?”

“That’s where she is. I can feel her. And I can feel Angel. They are close to each other,” Buffy said as if it made perfect sense.

The ride to L.A. was done in relative silence. Neither person really knew what to say. Buffy was torn. He was Spike, but he didn’t seem to want her anymore. He’d shut off their connection. That was probably what hurt the most. She couldn’t remember what’s she’d done to upset him, to make him not want her anymore…

Spike stole a glace at Buffy and he saw silent tears fall down her cheeks. She looked so alone, so young. He didn’t know what to do to help her. She had seemed so comfortable with him.

“Spike?” Buffy asked softly.

“Yeah, pet?” Spike replied.

“Do you still…love me?” Buffy whispered the last two words.

Spike nearly swerved into the other lane. “’Course I do, luv. I love you so much it burns.”

Buffy looked up at him, tears still swimming in her green depths. “Don’t leave me. I need you with me. I can trust you. You’ll keep me safe.”

“I haven’t always,” Spike said softly.

“Yes you have. You told me you would. I believe you,” Buffy told him.

Spike noticed how she didn’t use the past tense. Since she didn’t remember Glory, she probably didn’t remember his promise to keep Bit safe, hell she didn’t even remember the Bit.

“Where you expecting to find Faith?” Spike asked.

“I-I don’t know. I can feel her stronger now. Does Angel know where she is?” Buffy asked.

“I think he does, pet,” Spike said.

Buffy huffed. She so didn’t want to go ask Angel for help. She didn’t want anything to do with him, but she had to do something to help Faith. “Take me there. I’ll make him tell me where she is.”

Spike nodded. They seemed to have formed a bond. He didn’t want to bollox it up by opening his mouth.

When they reached the hotel, Buffy took his hand and held it tightly. “Don’t leave me.”

“Never, pet. I’m here for as long as you still want me,” Spike said.

“I’ll always want you, Spike,” Buffy answered.

Hand-in-hand the pair walked into the building.

“Buffy?” Angel asked, “What are you doing here? Is everything ok?”

“Where’s Faith,” Buffy asked coolly.

“Why do you need Faith?” Angel asked skeptically, then he noticed, “And why in the hell are you holding hands with Spike?”

“That’s none of your business. Are you going to help me, or not?” Buffy asked. She was tired, confused and she just wanted to find Faith.

“She’s still in jail. Buffy, are you alright?” Angel asked.

Buffy’s mouth widened in horror. No wonder she was so scared. “Poor thing.” Buffy looked up at Spike, “We have to get her out of there. She’s so scared. She didn’t do anything. I don’t care what you think you know…trust me, you don’t know anything.”

Spike raised a scared eyebrow, “Sure thing, Slayer. Let’s go save her.”

Buffy nodded and walked back outside.

“You know what’s going on with her, Spike?” Angel asked with concern.

“No. I’d better get out to her before she takes my car,” Spike said as he left.

“You know how you’re plannin’ to get her out, pet?” Spike asked once they were on the road again.

Buffy scrunched up her nose, “Force. Punch someone until they tell me what I need to know.”

“Right then,” Spike said. He didn’t know what else to say. Normally the Slayer was all human friendly, but he wasn’t going to object to seein’ her in action.

Once they reached the jail, Spike watched in awe as Buffy went into Slayer mode. She knocked away the officers that stood between her and the front desk. She didn’t kill any of them, he could still hear their heartbeats, but still…wow.

“Where’s Faith?” Buffy demanded.

The young officer at the front desk went to press the emergency button when the small blonde’s hand caught theirs in mid movement.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Just tell me where Faith is and we’ll get along just fine,” Buffy said.

The officer nodded and motioned for Buffy to follow. Before she did, she looked back a Spike to make sure he would in fact follow her. Normally, she wouldn’t have bothered, but this placed seemed to have changed him. He seemed to not even care about Faith, and that was just too weird. Even before the claim and the sister claim he’d been all Protective Guy. “At least he’s stopped staring.”

“Buffy?” Faith’s anguished voice called.

“Faith!” Buffy yelled.

Spike watched as Buffy pulled the jail door clean off. Then, Buffy ran to the other girl and they embraced. Both had tears running down their face. Everything here was so different, and yet the same. The reality of the situation seemed to come to light as the girls clutched each other like a life line.

“Ladies,” Spike interrupted, “Think it might be best if we do the reunion once we’re back to the car and on our way back to Sunnyhell.”

“Buffy, I can’t feel them. You’re the only one I can feel. What’s happening?” Faith asked as she allowed herself to be pulled to her feet.

Buffy looked up at Spike, but didn’t see any recognition and her heart broke a little more. “I don’t know. I’m so going to kill Travers and any other council member I can get my hands on. This isn’t fair. This isn’t a test. I think they wanted us to die.”

Faith’s eyes became large a saucers. They were sent here to die. “Guess we should’ve been nicer to Wes.”

Buffy smiled, “Don’t think it would have helped. Travers doesn’t exactly like me.”

Faith nodded, “What’s up, Blondie? You aren’t all hot with B.”

Spike raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “I’m hot with Buffy? As in physical? The little kiss in my crypt after Glory…Faith wouldn’t know about that. Since when are the two of them all chummy?” He looked a Buffy who was a brilliant shade of red.

“We need to get out of here before more cops show up,” Buffy said.

Faith agreed. She’d had enough of the big house to last her a life time. Plus, once they were back to Sunnydale, maybe someone would tell her what was going on. She kept being told that she was a murderer, but she’d never killed anyone who wasn’t dead to begin with, and she was supposed to do that!

The trip back to Sunnydale was just a quiet as the one to L.A. Buffy and Faith sat curled up together in the back of the DeSoto. They were so far beyond wigged by the situation. Nothing made sense. No one knew anything, and everyone, including Spike thought they were both nuts.

Back in the house on Revello Drive, the Scoobies waited anxiously for the blondes to come back. All were a bit concerned about Faith’s return to Sunnydale, but no one broached the subject. When the door opened, everyone turned to look at the tear stained faces of the two Slayers.

“Buffy? What’s wrong?” Willow asked with concern.

Buffy and Faith walked into the house followed closely by Spike who, if possible, looked paler than usual. Buffy looked around the room and was still bother by the fact that she could feel “Dawn” who she didn’t remember, but not her mom who she could most certainly remember.

“Where’s mom?” Buffy asked.