Destroying Entropy by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter #13 - Chapter 13
Disclaimer: Mutant Enemy and their ilk own all the characters. I just borrow them.
Thanks so much to the loyal readers who have stayed with me! This is the second to last chapter, so we’re almost there.
Destroying Entropy – Chapter 13
It was after noon when the two of them finally emerged. Buffy felt rather shy for some reason. Although she had all but taken out a newspaper ad announcing their relationship the night before, she was still rather uncertain about how Tara and Willow were going to react. But when they came into the kitchen it was tidy and empty. A note on the counter read: We had some errands to run. Back this afternoon, T&W. Buffy gave a small sigh of relief and went to start some coffee.
Spike had started rummaging in the fridge. “Don’t suppose you have any vampire fare around anymore, have you?” he asked.
“Check the freezer. I think there was an extra container from a while back that I shoved in there to get it out of the way.”
Spike explored and was rewarded by a plastic container near the back. After a few minutes of microwaving, he was sitting at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee and a cup of blood, perfectly content. Buffy had made herself some toast and grabbed a yogurt and joined him. “I guess I’ll have to add blood to the shopping list,” she said, wrinkling her nose a little at his breakfast.
“Probably easier than getting a cow,” Spike joked, making Buffy smile. He never got tired of that smile. “Any plans for today?”
“I suppose I need to look for a new job, or do some serious groveling at Doublemeat. I sorta haven’t gone to work or called or anything for three days.”
“You’re not going back there,” Spike said, his voice bordering on a growl. “Don’t care if I have to get a job dancing naked in a ladies’ club to support you, you are not going back to that soul sucking grease pit.”
“Don’t hold back, Spike, tell me how you really feel,” she laughed. “But you’re right. I need to find something better. And I don’t think I want to have to buy tickets to see you naked.”
“Don’t worry,” he purred. “You’re entitled to free shows whenever you ask.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and she laughed again. “Love to hear you laugh, Buffy. Seems I haven’t heard your laugh in years.”
“Haven’t felt much like laughing in years,” she admitted. “Must be your bad influence.” He growled playfully once more and they went back to their meal. After they finished, Spike stood up and stretched, then said, “Gonna make a quick run to the crypt, love. I’m a bit short on clothing and such things.”
“Um, daylight?” she said, looking out at the California sun.
“Please. Haven’t I been haunting you constantly since you came back? I’ve got the dash to the sewer down to a science.”
“Just be careful, ok?” Buffy asked, growing serious. “I just finally figured out how I feel about all this. Really don’t need to deal with anymore crises.”
Spike came over and embraced her, kissing her forehead tenderly. “You’ll never be rid of me pet. I’m here until you dust me personally.”
“Never happen,” she said, kissing him warmly in return. After a few more minutes they reluctantly pulled away from each other. “Hurry back, ok?”
“Count on it, pet,” said Spike. He ran upstairs to get his coat, boots, and an old blanket from Buffy’s closet, and soon was out the door, dashing for the sewer.
Buffy walked around the house a little aimlessly for a while. It had seemed like forever since she had been alone in the house. She was always working, slaying, sleeping, or conferring with the others it seemed. She took a good look at the first floor. Might need some better blinds in the living room so Spike can sit on the couch during the daytime. She paused at that thought. Was she making a mistake, diving back into this relationship again? Is it love, or post traumatic stress? She made her way upstairs, still contemplating that question. In her room, she started straightening up, changing her sheets and scooping up laundry. She picked up the clothes that Spike had bought for her. She found herself smiling involuntarily. He didn’t have to do that. He could have tossed you out, or bought you something skanky, or any number of other things, she told herself. He loves you. And if you try to talk yourself out of loving him, you’re an idiot. Having suitably admonished herself, she made her way down to the washer.
She was putting in a second load when Dawn came home. “Hello?” Dawn called from the kitchen.
“Down here,” Buffy yelled back, still fussing with the laundry. Dawn came bounding down the stairs, quietly relieved that her sister was still here, and seeming calm and normal for a change. “How was school?” Buffy asked.
“Not bad. I managed to pass my algebra test, which is a miracle. What have you been up to?”
“Well, Spike and I sort of hung out, had lunch. He’s off to his crypt to get some stuff.” Buffy felt a bit embarrassed. Should she really be having this relationship with an impressionable teen in the house?
“Is he going to stay with us?” Dawn asked excitedly.
“How would you feel about that?” Buffy asked, jumping up to sit on the washer.
“I think it would be awesome!” Dawn said. Then she added, “But only if you guys aren’t going to be arguing all the time. When Willow and Tara weren’t getting along that was bad enough, but to have the two of you fighting…”
“I think we’re past most of that,” Buffy reassured her. “I mean, we still have some things to work out. And I don’t know if he’ll be staying here all the time. I worry about you coming out all warped if your guardian is shacking up with a vampire and all that.”
Dawn rolled her eyes. “I was some mystical energy Key. I already live with two lesbian witches and the Slayer. I mean, how much more warped could I get?”
“Good point,” Buffy conceded. She looked down at the floor for a moment, then said, “Dawn, I’m sorry I’ve been such a crappy sister since I came back. I don’t want you to think it’s because of anything you did. You know that, right?”
Dawn came over and gave her sister an awkward hug that almost pulled her off the washer. “Buffy, I get it. I know the whole heaven thing really messed you up. And I get it that you didn’t really feel like Willow and the others were listening to you. It’s like the whole group needs a ‘do-over’ for the whole last year or something. And I know I was sometimes a pain in the neck too.”
“Part of the teenager package, I think,” Buffy said, jumping off the washer and hugging Dawn again. “You’ve been a real trooper through all of this, despite your occasional lapses into juvenile delinquency.” Buffy headed upstairs with Dawn close behind. “You should probably do your homework. I’m going to go do something about the pit that is the upstairs bathroom.”
Dawn grimaced. “You are brave.”
“That’s me, Slayer of the soap scum,” Buffy said as she headed up to do battle.
“If you sign these forms here and here Mr. Harris, you will be all set to go.” A dark haired nurse held the clipboard so that Xander could sign awkwardly with his left hand. The nurse checked to make sure that all was in order then added, “You probably shouldn’t be driving with that hand, and with all the painkillers. Do you have someone who can give you a ride?”
Xander paused. He hadn’t been expected to be let go so soon, but since no signs of internal bleeding or head injuries surfaced, they had decided he could recuperate at home. But he wasn’t sure if anyone was going to talk to him. Willow said to call… To the nurse he said, “I’ll see if any of my friends are home.” The nurse handed him the phone and walked out to process the forms.
Xander took a deep breath and dialed Buffy’s number. In the kitchen, Dawn was working on her homework when it rang. “Can you get that?” called Buffy. “I’m up to my elbows in cleaner!”
“Got it!” called Dawn. “Hello?”
“Dawn? It’s Xander. I was looking for Willow.”
Dawn’s face became an angry mask that would have caused demons to sit up and take notice. “What do you want?”
“I was… They’re letting me out of the hospital. I need a ride home.”
“Sucks to be you, then,” Dawn snapped, and slammed the phone down as hard as she could. How dare he even call here after what he pulled?
Buffy came down into the kitchen at that point, slightly disheveled from her epic battle with the bathroom. “Who was on the phone?” she asked.
Dawn shrugged. “Wrong number,” she said quietly as she went back to her homework.
In his hospital room, Xander was staring at the phone in disbelief. Dawn had summarily dismissed him. Little Dawnie, who had always tagged along and formerly crushed on him wouldn’t even pass on a message for him. He wracked his brain trying to think of who else he could call. All his work buddies were, well, at work. There’s really no one else. With a sigh, and another deep breath, he dialed the Magic Box.
“Hello, Magic Box.”
“Anya. It’s me.”
He was greeted by silence for a long moment. Then Anya said, “What the hell do you want, Xander?” in a cold voice.
“I’m in the hospital. I’ve got a broken hand and a broken foot and I need a ride home,” he said, speaking quickly so she wouldn’t hang up on him.
“You hurt the woman William the Bloody loves,” she said. “You’re lucky to be alive.”
“I just thought maybe, for old time’s sake, you could…”
Anya let out a short, bitter laugh. “So, what, you think you can insult me, bruise me and throw me around, and I’m going to drop everything to help you? Tell me another one.”
“Anya, please, I know I screwed up. I know I need to fix things, but right now I just need…”
“What you need,” Anya interrupted, “Is to listen very carefully to what I am going to say. I. Am. Done. I asked Spike not to kill you, but other than that, I don’t want to see you or hear from you again. If you call me or show up here again I will get a fucking restraining order and call up my friend Halfrek for another round. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”
Xander paled as he heard the vitriol coming through the phone. “Loud and clear,” he croaked out. “I’m… I’m sorry, Anya.”
“Too little, too late, Xander. Have a nice life.” With that, she hung up the phone with a bang.
Xander was hanging up the phone when the nurse came back. “I… um… my friends aren’t home,” he stammered. “I’ll have to take a cab.”
About forty-five minutes later, Xander pulled up in front of his apartment. He had had the cab let him off where his car was still parked and had driven home slowly and awkwardly. He was slightly grateful that Spike had not chosen to stomp his driving foot into oblivion. Steering was difficult with one hand, but he had managed. Now he struggled into the building on crutches, a bag with painkillers and discharge instructions in one hand. It took him what felt like forever to get to his apartment, but he made it at last and fumbled with his keys. He limped inside and closed the door, lurching over to the couch and collapsing. He surveyed his apartment, which was still a complete disaster. The scattered beer cans, Anya’s broken picture, and a previously unnoticed small bloodstain on his carpet stood in mute testimony to the wreck he had made of his life. He leaned back his head and closed his eyes, feeling completely alone as the tears started to come.
Tara and Willow returned not long after Xander’s call, bearing groceries. “We picked up some blood for Spike too,” Tara explained as Buffy helped them put things away.
“Thanks, Tara. That was really thoughtful of you,” Buffy said. Willow brought in the last of the bags, but didn’t say anything. Buffy watched her out of the corner of her eyes as they all put things away. Which speech is it going to be? The ‘Xander’s had a hard life and we should forgive him’ speech? The ‘How can you be involved with a vampire’ speech? Buffy had heard all these speeches, or variations on them, so many times from the Scoobies she felt like she should give them numbers. That way, they could just say ‘Speech 38’ and save time.
Finally, after the last of the groceries were sorted out, Willow said, “Buffy, can we talk?”
Buffy sighed. “I guess so.”
Willow took a deep breath. “I was… I mean, I’m…” she stumbled over her words. She made an effort to collect herself and then tried again, “I shouldn’t have doubted you or questioned you. I was too ready to defend Xander and I didn’t listen and I’m so, so sorry.” She forced the words out in a rapid stream so she wouldn’t lose her nerve. “And I’ve been telling you what to do and how you should feel and I haven’t been listening and…”
“Willow, listen,” Buffy interrupted. She closed her eyes and took her own deep breath. “We haven’t been communicating at all for a while now. Some of that was you, some of that was me. It really hurt when you were questioning whether Xander did what I said he did. And I meant what I said – I won’t be around him anymore. If you even think about using magic to try to patch things up between him and us…”
“No,” Willow said with a quiet finality. “I realize what he put you through. I get it now. I told him that he can’t come around anymore. What he did was terrible, and I understand why you can’t forgive him.” Willow looked up at Buffy with sad, pleading eyes. “Can you forgive me though?”
Buffy looked back at her old friend, then made her choice. Stepping forward, she pulled Willow into a hug, “I think so. Might take some time, but I think we can move past this. Just let me work it out in my own way and in my own time, okay?”
“I’ll follow your lead,” Willow said, hugging her back. Tara and Dawn looked at each other with hopeful smiles. Things were looking up.