Universal by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter #14 - Chapter 14
Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. I still have to work my day job.
Endless thanks to the reviewers who spur me on!
Chapter 14
Buffy was halfway home when she heard Spike thinking, Wonder how it went? She had told him her plan, and although he had raised an eyebrow doubtfully, he conceded that she knew Xander better than he did, and could handle him. I think I may have shocked him into behaving, she thought back.
Spike, who was in their kitchen reading the paper over a mug of blood, smiled when her thoughts came into his mind. Where are you, love?
About halfway home. I think our range is expanding.
You coming straight home?
Nope. I got some Christmas shopping to do, so get out of my head, nosy vampire!
In the kitchen, Spike grinned. He had some Christmas ideas of his own that he planned to execute at the nearest opportunity. For now, he went back to his paper and his blood.
Buffy stopped in a few small boutiques but found nothing that looked like the right thing for Spike. She idly went into a small book and stationary store and after browsing for a while found the perfect thing. She picked up a beautiful leather bound journal, with a red cover and creamy, gold edged pages. She held on to it, and in looking further around the store found a gold fountain pen set. She imagined his elegant handwriting covering these pages, and it made her smile. She paid for it and set off for home. The two Kratash demons watched her from in front of a coffee shop across the street.
“Do you think she’s pregnant?” the man asked quietly.
“If she is, it’s too soon for me to tell,” the woman answered. “I didn’t get close enough to her in that magic shop.”
“Perhaps we’d have a better chance if we found a way to listen at her house.”
“How do we get in there? A vampire during the day, and wards when they’re out.”
“We’ll have to consider,” the man said. He drank some more coffee while he did just that.
“Bloody hell! Watch it there, Slayer, or you’ll be celebrating Christmas with a pile of dust!” Spike growled. They were in the process of wrestling a Christmas tree off the roof of the car, and Spike was understandably nervous about all the pointy wooden things near his chest.
“Well then go around to the stump end. Less pointy,” Buffy said as they switched places. Together they managed to wrestle the spruce into the house. She and Dawn held it in place while Spike fussed around underneath it, screwing in the bolts that held it to the base and cursing as the branches caught in his hair and scratched his arms.
“I can tell the bloody Germans came up with this custom,” he grumbled. “Right bastards they always were.” He finally got the tree secured and pulled himself out from underneath it, dusting needles off his clothes.
“Oh, quit your grumbling, you big sissy,” Dawn said. The three of them surveyed the tree, which took up half the living room. “Where are the ornaments and stuff?”
“In the basement. Spike, could you give me a hand?” Buffy asked.
“Yes, Mistress,” he said mockingly. She stuck out her tongue at him as he followed her downstairs. Fifteen minutes later it was Buffy’s turn to grumble and curse as she wrestled with the lights. “Why is there always one strand that blinks? Is it some national law or something?”
“We could use candles like they did in my day,” Spike offered.
“Um, from someone as flammable as yourself, that’s kinda the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” Dawn said, coming over to help Buffy.
Spike shrugged and went to get a beer out of the fridge. For all his grumbling, he was enjoying this whole scene. He went over to the stereo and put on an album of traditional English Christmas carols that Buffy had found. He put up his feet on the sofa to listen to the choir of St. Paul’s in London sing ‘Good King Wenceslaus’ as he hummed along.
“What’s that?” Dawn asked, wrinkling her nose a bit at the old fashioned sounding music.
“Real Christmas music, not some monstrosity like ‘Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’.”
Buffy smiled at him. “Glad you like it.”
Spike grinned back. He finished his beer, and got up to help them with the decorating. He realized as he did that the child’s heartbeat was louder now. He could hear it from the other side of the tree. Heartbeat’s getting louder, pet.
Is it? Buffy looked down unconsciously, then back up at him. I guess it’s good we’re bringing the others in. Maybe they can help figure this out.
Hope so. Their Christmas dinner party was the day after tomorrow, and they had been preparing all week. Presents had been bought and hidden, food had been planned, and they had decided together that this was definitely the time to let everyone else in on the whole baby deal. The house was festive, with mistletoe hanging in the hallway, and garlands on the stairs. They were so focused on their decorating that they didn’t notice the car across the street.
The Kratash had access to many magical aids, but for now, given how little they knew about the Slayer’s access to magic, they decided on plain old binoculars to observe the occupants currently laughing and passing each other ornaments in the front window.
“They seem to be getting ready for a celebration,” the woman remarked.
“Some religious festival, I believe. She mentioned a meal when they were at that magic shop.”
“Perhaps we’ll get an opportunity then.”Unseen, they kept up their observation until the Summers girls and their vampire went to bed.
“I’ll get it!” Dawn called when the doorbell rang. Christmas Day had come, and they had collectively had their best holiday in years. Spike had loved the journal and pen, along with some new silk over shirts. Dawn and Buffy had gotten him a collection of classic black and white horror movies that he laughed appreciatively over. Dawn had been buried in new clothes, as well as a book of poetry from Spike. “You may not appreciate it now, Nibblet. But someday you will.” She had hugged him almost as tightly as her Slayer sister could. Spike had gotten Buffy a beautiful silver bracelet with amethysts set in it, as well as some new bubble baths and oils for her to luxuriate with. He had also given her a slinky satin something from Victoria’s Secret that she blushed over and quickly covered up before Dawn could get a good look at it. Dawn had gotten a small stuffed pig that was an exact copy of Mr. Gordo and had given it to Buffy with the explanation, “I know you’re not going to share when the baby gets here, so I thought I would get the kid their own.” Dawn had also provided Spike with a book of baby names, ostensibly to prevent him from inflicting some stuffy English name on her niece or nephew. Buffy and Spike had both laughed out loud and thanked her. Now they were rushing about getting the food ready and setting the table as their guests began arriving.
“Merry Christmas!” Anya bubbled as Dawn let her in. Xander followed close behind, smiling, but a little nervous.
“Hi, Anya, Xander,” Buffy called from the kitchen. Make yourself comfortable in the living room. I’ll be out in a minute!”
“Demon girl! Harris! Can I get you something to drink?” Spike said, not able to resist needling Xander just a little. Behave yourself! Buffy warned silently.
“I’ll take a beer if you’ve got it,” Xander said. Anya requested one as well, and soon Spike was handing them around as the doorbell rang again.
Dawn bounced over to let in Giles, Tara, and Willow. “Merry Christmas!”
“And Solistice!” grinned Tara.
“And Hanukkah!” said Willow. She too was a little nervous, and was glad to see that Xander was there. Spike fetched some eggnog for the witches, spiked liberally with rum and nutmeg. “Giles, this is for you, from me and the missus,” Spike said, handing Giles a fine old bottle of Scotch.
“Well, that will do nicely,” Giles said appreciatively. “Fancy joining me in a glass?”
“Can’t say I’d mind,” Spike replied. He came back with two glasses and soon they were toasting the season in true British fashion.
Anya and Tara went into the kitchen to help Buffy, while Dawn chatted with Giles. Xander and Willow sat awkwardly on the couch, still not completely sure they felt comfortable. Spike finally went over to them and sat down across from them. “Look you two. It’s Christmas. Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men, witches, and vampires, yeah?” He held out his hand to Xander, who hesitated, then shook it.
“Truce, Deadboy,” Xander said with a hint of a smile.
Spike nodded and held out his hand to Willow. “Red?”
Willow smiled, despite herself. “Truce, Spike.” With that the awkwardness gradually started to pass and the conversation started to flow.
“Ok everyone, dinner’s ready!” Buffy called. They all trooped in to a candlelit table, set with Joyce’s wedding china and piled with food. Christmas music played softly in the background as they passed dishes and enjoyed themselves. Buffy was profoundly grateful that her nausea had taken a hiatus and made up for a couple of weeks of barely eating anything. I think Junior decided to let me eat for Christmas, she remarked, smiling at Spike across the table.
He’d better, or I’ll ground him, Spike returned, grinning back. He would be the last to admit it, but he also enjoyed having the gang back together. He had gotten used to their company over the long summer without Buffy, although being treated as something other than muscle would have been nice. Still, it felt like a family reunion or something, and Buffy looked more relaxed than she had in a while.
After dinner they moved, groaning, into the living room, everyone laughing and talking. Tara lingered for a moment under the mistletoe and caught Willow for a quick peck on the cheek. Dawn noticed and smiled – it seemed that relationship was on the mend. They all flopped onto chairs and couches and the floor as Buffy and Spike stood in front of the tree. Should we do this, love? Spike asked silently.
No time like the present, Buffy replied. “Hey guys? We’ve got an announcement to make.”
The others quieted down and looked at each other and at the blond couple. Tara noticed that Dawn was grinning ear to ear and wondered what could possibly be up.
Spike wrapped his arms around Buffy from behind, and said, “Never thought I’d be making an announcement like this ever, but it seems that Buffy and I are going to be parents.”
“Ha! Good one, Spike!” laughed Xander. But his laughter died when he saw the seriousness of Buffy’s gaze. “You’re serious?”
“So that’s what it is!” Tara burst out. Everyone turned to look at her quizzically. “Your aura,” she explained. “There’s been this… different shade in the center of your aura that made no sense. But I guess now it does. Congratulations!”
“But how?” Willow sputtered. “Spike can’t be the father.”
“He most certainly is,” Buffy put in, looking up at him. “We don’t know how this happened, and we could really use some help in figuring this out, but rest assured, Spike is the father.”
“When are you due?” asked Anya. “Although if it’s some sort of demon hybrid things might be weird.”
“Um, I’m due in July, and so far we don’t really know what it is,” Buffy admitted. “But Spike says its heartbeat sounds human at least.”
Xander had finally recovered his jaw from its location on the floor somewhere and said, “This is impossible! You’re pulling our legs, right?”
“It’s true, Harris,” Spike said, affectionately rubbing Buffy’s still flat tummy. “And like the Slayer said, we could really use some help. Turns out there’s someone poking around after Buffy and the little one, and we need to find out who’s behind it.”
“Are you in danger?” Tara asked, somewhat alarmed.
“We’re not sure yet,” Giles put in. “Buffy and Spike have been having dreams about large black demons coming after them and the baby. There was also a demon spy following them. We can only assume that more will be out there.”
The others were stunned to various degrees by this announcement. Willow finally said, “What can we do to help?”
“Tonight, nothing. We’re going to celebrate,” Buffy said, smiling at Spike once more. Then looking back at the others she said, “But we have three questions to answer. How did this happen? Is it human or something else? And finally, who’s after us? Any help we can get with those questions would be great.”
“Otherwise, we’ll just be asking you to keep this to yourselves, yeah?” Spike put in. “These Kratash spies that are out for Buffy can make themselves look like humans. They could be anywhere, anytime. Need to find some way to keep them from finding out she’s expecting.”
As they continued talking, the aforementioned Kratash demons were once again watching, this time from some nearby bushes. Although they couldn’t hear the conversation, they saw the possessive way the vampire rubbed his mate’s midsection, and the smiles they exchanged. “Looks like we’ve finally got something to report,” said the woman quietly, putting down her binoculars.
“Let’s go see the controller then,” answered her companion. They shimmered out of existence while all around them Christmas continued uninterrupted.