Universal by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter #18 - Chapter 18
Disclaimer: All the characters and such came from Joss Whedon’s brain, not mine.
Multitudinous thanks to the reviewers!
Chapter 18
Xander pulled up in front of the apartment building where Giles had finally settled. It was not as nice as his previous one, but it was adequate for his needs, and had a spare bedroom he could fill with books. Giles came down the front stairs and climbed in beside Xander. “I do appreciate the ride, Xander,” he said as he climbed in. He really needed to do something about acquiring a new car, as he had sold his before moving back to England. But there just hadn’t been time.
“L.A. here we come,” Xander replied as he made his way toward the freeway. They rode in silence for a while until Xander said, “So how are we going to explain our mission to Angel and company?”
“It took me a couple of days to get an answer from Angel Investigations. When I finally did, some girl, had a man’s name…” He wracked his brain for a moment. “Fred. That was her name. In any event, this Fred told me that Angel and Wesley had had a bit of a falling out, although she wouldn’t say over what. I finally convinced her of my legitimacy and she was able to get me Wesley’s number. He said that I could borrow some of his texts, but didn’t elaborate on the situation with Angel either.”
“Is Angel back to Angelus mode or something?” Xander wondered.
“No mention of that,” Giles answered. “And having encountered Angelus, I am pretty sure that would be something they would have mentioned.”
Xander focused on the road ahead of him and said, “How come you can remember Angelus, but then be ok with Spike and Buffy? The way I see it, it’s just another disaster waiting to happen.”
“Xander,” Giles began, trying to remain patient. “Spike is nothing like Angel, or Angelus for that matter.”
“Could have fooled me! I mean, trying to kill me and Willow, setting us against each other, seems on that same evil continuum.”
“Yes, but even I have to admit that Spike has changed,” Giles said with conviction. “He had no reason whatsoever to help us last summer. He had no reason to allow Glory to torture him or to get thrown off that tower trying to help Dawn.”
“No reason except that he’s obsessed with Buffy,” Xander put in.
“Xander, it’s more than that,” Giles said. “Spike is utterly terrified of losing Buffy. You might not believe it, but when he told me about her pregnancy he was shaking at the thought of something attacking her. He would do anything to protect her and the child.”
“But that’s just more of that obsession. It’s not like demons can really love or anything. You said so yourself,” Xander insisted.
“I was wrong,” Giles stated quietly.
Xander turned to look at Giles with an open mouth before a car horn alerted him to the fact that he was drifting out of his lane. “But… all the books…”
“All the books were written by Watchers and other people fighting demons. But just like no book can completely capture the human condition, no book can describe all demon variations. Spike may be an anomaly, but I am convinced that he can and does love her.”
Xander shook his head, unable to fathom what Giles was saying. Trying a different tack he said, “If he does love her, then how can he risk her life just so she can bear his child? Especially not knowing what this child is?”
“Xander, the child is human,” Giles explained, growing tired of the whole conversation. “Buffy went for an ultrasound. She showed me the results. She is carrying a perfectly normal, healthy human girl.”
“Even so, she is in danger because of it. I just don’t see how he can allow that.”
“Xander, enough!” snapped Giles, making Xander jump a bit. “What if you and Anya were expecting? Would you abort the child just because someone from Anya’s demon past might take offense? Or because some creature we’re fighting might hurt Anya? No, you’d find a way to protect her and the child. And that’s what we’re going to help Buffy and Spike do – protect her and the child.”
Xander gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles went white. After a long pause he said, “I hear what you’re saying Giles. But I just can’t help worrying that this is going to get Buffy killed.”
“She goes out every night and risks her life for us and the world,” Giles noted. “If she wants to risk her life for her own flesh and blood, then she will. We can help her or hinder her, but there is nothing we can do to stop her. For my part, I want to help her. She’s like a daughter to me, and I won’t make things worse by getting in her way. It would be well if you did the same.” The two men lapsed into silence for the rest of the journey.
Upon reaching Los Angeles, Giles gave a series of directions that led to a dark gray stone apartment building. Giles and Xander made their way to the appropriate floor and knocked on Wesley’s door. After a moment it opened to reveal the former Watcher. Giles couldn’t help gasping a bit at the changes in the younger man. Gone was the prim, upper class, straitlaced bumbler who had once tried to rule Buffy. In his place was a man with three days growth of beard, longer, shaggier hair, and an evil looking scar across his neck that looked barely healed. “Wesley?” he said. “Dear lord, you’ve changed quite a bit.”
“Giles, it’s been ages,” Wesley answered, offering his hand.
Giles shook it firmly, still marveling at the change in his former co-worker. “Do you remember Xander Harris?” Giles asked, gesturing Xander forward.
“Of course,” Wesley said in a voice that seemed slightly hoarse. “Do come in, both of you.”
They followed Wesley into his apartment, which seemed dark and dreary, despite the afternoon sun that filtered through the blinds. “Would you like something to drink?”
“I wouldn’t refuse some of that Scotch, if you’re offering,” Giles said. Xander settled for soda, since he was driving. Wesley poured out two glasses of Scotch for himself and Giles and sat down opposite them in an armchair.
“What brings you here?” he asked. “I should think if you had a problem to solve that Angel would be the one you were looking for.”
Giles detected a trace of hurt in Wesley’s voice, but decided not to pursue it just yet. “We’re running into a problem in Sunnydale, and my research has hit a bit of a wall, I’m afraid. Buffy is anxious that we do not involve Angel in this, but I was hoping you might have the resources I lack.”
“What sort of problem is it?” Wesley asked curiously.
Giles took a deep breath. “Buffy is pregnant.”
“Good lord,” Wesley sputtered. Xander had to resist rolling his eyes. Did they teach that phrase in Watcher school or something? Was there a page in the manual that said “In case of unusual situation, say ‘Good lord’?”
“Yes, it was quite a shock,” Giles agreed. “And I have sworn not to discuss the details of the child’s origins. But Buffy has been having vivid dreams, very much like Slayer prophetic dreams. In these dreams she is being pursued by demons we cannot identify. We believe they are not from this dimension. In addition, she is being watched by the Kratash. Sp… one of our number killed one of them, but it is clear that he was just an advance scout. We have been unable to determine who hired them.” He was unsure how much Wesley knew about the vampire in their group, and decided that keeping Spike out of it as much as possible was prudent.
“The Kratash?” Wesley said, sitting up. “Ran into them once in my wanderings. They are very good. Someone must want your Slayer and her child very badly.”
“Do you have anything that can help us? We’re looking for possible demonic rituals, prophesies, demonology texts, anything we don’t have.” Giles explained.
“Prophesies?” Wesley barked with a strangled laugh. “You really don’t want to ask me about prophesies.” His eyes grew dark and he downed his scotch and poured himself another.
Giles and Xander looked curiously at the man before them. He seemed haggard, broken, exhausted and sad all at once. “Wesley, what happened to you?” Giles asked.
“I made a mistake. An unforgiveable mistake,” he said in a bitter voice. “One I would rather not discuss at present.” He gestured toward a bookshelf with his glass of scotch. “Take anything you like. If it’s not there, then it’s at Angel’s. I am no longer welcome there.” He trailed off and lapsed into silence.
Giles was alarmed at Wesley’s whole demeanor. But he sensed that he was going to get nothing more from him, so he finished his scotch and went over to the bookcase. He found quite a few texts that he did not have that might prove useful. He loaded Xander up with an armful and sent him down to the car. “Wesley?” he said as soon as Xander left.
“What is it, Rupert?” he said with a sigh.
“Are you going to be alright?”
Another short, bitter laugh came out. “I don’t rightly know.”
“If you… need a change of scene, we could use your help in Sunnydale. This situation with Buffy is proving most troublesome.”
Wesley produced a half smile. “Thank you for the offer, Rupert. But I have some work to do here, and some things to put right.” Xander came back at that point for another load of books, and Giles dropped the subject. Three more loads of books later and Wesley’s shelves were half empty, but Giles felt he had enough for now.
“Thank you very much for the loan of your library,” Giles said. Wesley stood and shook his countryman’s hand.
“You’re welcome. I do hope they help. Would be nice if I managed to get something right for a change.”
Giles gave him a hard look, still very curious about what could have gone so wrong between Angel and Wesley. But in the end he said, “My offer still stands if you need it.” Xander shook hands with Wesley as well, and they headed out to the car.
Buffy was once again up before everyone else on a Saturday. She idly flipped through her appointment book as she drank her coffee. Five months today, she realized, stroking her small but growing bump. During these quiet morning times she could almost forget the demons stalking her, the Slaying, the worried Scoobies and all the rest. She could pretend, just for a moment, that she was an ordinary pregnant woman awaiting the birth of her first child. It was at these times that she allowed herself to fantasize about what this little girl would be like. She could imagine herself reading stories to a curly haired toddler with bright blue eyes, tea parties, first days at school. She had never thought of herself as mother material, and her record with Dawn wasn’t much to go on. But whether it was hormones or something else, she started being able to picture herself doing all that mom stuff. Yelling “Emma Joyce get in here!” when her daughter was in trouble. Kissing boo-boos and making cookies. She knew in the back of her mind that reality, especially her reality, was likely to be far different. But on Saturdays she could dream.
Her peace was shattered by the telephone. With a heavy sigh she answered it. “Buffy, it’s Giles,” came the Watcher’s voice.
“Hello Giles, what’s up?” she responded, swallowing her irritation at the interruption.
“I believe we’ve found a way to detect the Kratash if they are nearby. Can you come to the Magic Box this morning?”
“If this involves putting any spells on me, I’m turning right around and coming back home,” Buffy said firmly. “I’m getting a little tired of ending up unconscious here.”
“No fear of that,” said Giles. “It’s more in the way of a demon detector.”
Suppressing another sigh, Buffy said, “Okay. I’ll be there in a little while.” She hung up the phone and went upstairs to get dressed.
“Who was that, pet?” Spike asked sleepily as she entered the bedroom.
“Giles. I guess they’ve figured out some way to detect Kratash demons. He wants me to come over to the Magic Box.”
Spike sat up and threw back the covers. “I’m coming with you,” he said.
“You don’t need to.”
“Bollocks. Every other time they try something you end up either out cold or annoyed or both,” he said with a faint growl.
Buffy could tell by his tone that he was not going to take no for an answer. “Alright. But try to keep the ‘grrr’ to a minimum, okay?”
“Just so long as they keep their magical paws off my girl,” he said. Buffy headed toward the bathroom for a shower, and Spike instantly changed his tone. “Mind if I join you, love?”
“Of course not,” she said with a smile. They luxuriated together under the hot water, soaping each other’s bodies while kissing and teasing each other. Spike hissed as Buffy took hold of his cock and it sprung to life instantly. “I suppose there’s no big hurry to get there,” she teased, stroking him until he groaned.
“And they say I’m evil,” he murmured, catching one pink nipple in his teeth and eliciting a groan from her in return. They continued their foreplay until Spike could stand it no more. He lifted her around the waist, hoisting her up to lower her onto his waiting cock.
“Unh,” she moaned as she started to ride him, gripping him with her strong legs. Spike wrapped his arms even tighter around her, afraid of dropping her, mindful of the slight bulge of her stomach between them. As they reached their climax, Buffy bit his shoulder, drawing blood. He vamped out and drank from her in turn as they cried out their love with the words of their claim. Panting, Buffy slid down until her feet were on the ground, covering Spike’s neck with kisses the whole time.
“Amazing, love,” he purred.
“Getting a little tougher to do that,” she mused, sighing as he cupped her ass and sealed the wound on her neck with his tongue. “Emma’s starting to get in the way of things.”
“We’ll just have to find other ways,” he murmured. He pulled back to look her in the eyes as the water ran down their bodies. “Don’t want to squash the little one.”
“I’m sure we won’t,” Buffy assured him. After one last kiss they finished rinsing off and got out. They went through their routine, moving out of each other’s way as needed, in what seemed like a choreographed dance resulting from many mornings shared in a similar fashion. Buffy sat down on the toilet seat to brush her hair as she watched Spike fussing with his hair gel. “I think I’m going to be the one to give her hair advice. You’ll have her stuck in the 80’s with big poofy hair if I let you…” Her teasing stopped as she ran her hands over her stomach in astonishment.
“Buffy? You alright?” he asked. “What happened?”
Wordlessly, Buffy took Spike’s hand and placed it on her belly. Spike raised one eyebrow in bewilderment for a second, and then both of his eyes widened in surprise. He had felt it. A tiny, fluttering little kick. “She moved! I felt her!” he said in a voice heavy with wonder.
Buffy smiled up at him. “Pretty amazing, isn’t it?” She shared the joy and wonder of feeling this life inside her, the life that they made together. “Not even born yet and she’s got her mom’s kicking talents.”
“Hey, her father has those talents too you know,” he joked. But even as he joked his blue eyes sparkled with happiness and he never took his hands off her smooth belly, waiting to feel another little movement from his daughter. Finally, they both realized that they were in real danger of staying in the bathroom all day, and reluctantly got up to finish dressing.
Buffy entered the Magic Box still floating on the afterglow of good sex, renewing their claim, and feeling their daughter move for the first time, all before noon on a Saturday. Dawn trailed behind her, having woken up shortly before they left wanting to come along. Tara and Willow were there in their accustomed place at the table, while Giles tended to a customer. “Hey, guys! What’s the deal?” Buffy asked, sitting down beside them.
“Hey, Buffy. How are you feeling today?” Tara asked.
Buffy waited until the customer left, then answered, “Pretty good. Just felt the baby move for the first time. It was pretty cool.”
Giles came out from behind the counter to join the conversation. “That must have been exciting for you,” he said. “But it does tell me that we really need to concern ourselves with protecting you from the Kratash and their clients.”
The cellar door opened at that point to admit Spike, who had made his way with as much speed as possible through the tunnels. “I fully agree, Rupert,” he said. “But I want to know what this spell or whatever is about before anyone does anything to Buffy.”
Overprotective much? Buffy mused, smiling faintly at her husband. He fixed her with a stern look and responded, Just looking out for my womenfolk, that’s all. Aloud she said, “Okay, my bodyguard is here. We can start now.” He gave her another stern look, then relented.
“I put a charm on this bracelet,” Willow said, holding up a thin silver band. In the center was a silver disk with a rune carved on it. “If there is a demon nearby, it will get warm. The closer they are, the warmer it gets.”
“How is this going to interact with the amulet she uses to hide her condition?” Spike asked warily.
“It should have no effect,” Tara reassured them. “It’s a different kind of spell.”
Buffy held her hand out tentatively and let Willow clasp the bracelet around her wrist, muttering a short spell as she did so. When the spell was cast, the bracelet instantly started warming up. “Well it seems to work. Spike, walk away for a moment.” Obliging, Spike retreated into the training room. Sure enough, the warmth subsided somewhat. “It seems to work. Although I don’t see how this is going to help me when I’m out with my husband.”
“I guess I assumed that when Spike is along he is your personal demon detector,” said Willow. “You can wear this when you’re out alone.”
Buffy saw the logic in that. “Spike? Notice anything different?” She took off her other amulet and said, “Is Emma okay?”
Spike came back into the room. He came close to her and looked her over, listening carefully. “Seems like nothing changed, love. Baby’s still the same and all.”
Buffy let out a sigh of relief. “Good.” She slipped the necklace back on and turned to Giles and the others. “How is the rest of the research coming?”
Giles scratched the back of his neck ruefully. “I’ve eliminated several possibilities, but I am still having trouble finding something that fits all the clues. I believe that your pregnancy and the demons aren’t related. By which I mean, I don’t think that the same entity that is out to get you also somehow put a spell on you. We’re still looking at two different problems there.”
“I guess I really don’t care how she got here, Giles,” Buffy said. “I just want to keep her, that’s all.”
“I understand that, but I still think that learning the answer to one question will lead to the others.”
“You’re probably right,” Buffy conceded. “Do you need any more from me right now? Because despite my magically svelte appearance, I am in desperate need of some larger clothes right now.”
“Do you want some shopping company?” Tara asked.
“Sure!” said Buffy. “I haven’t had any female bonding with anyone but Dawn in forever. Need you to stop me from buying stuffy mom clothes.”
“Do you mind if I come too?” Willow asked a bit nervously.
“Of course,” said Buffy. “We’ll do some shopping, and we’ll find some desserty goodness. From the chocolate craving I’ve been having all day I know this kid is taking after me.” She got up and kissed Spike sweetly.
“Take care of yourself, love,” he said.
“I always do,” she responded. Then the three girls set out for the shops, leaving Spike and Giles alone in the shop.
“Spike,” said Giles. “If you have a moment…”
“What is it, Rupert?” Spike asked, sitting down and putting his feet up on the table.
“I just wanted to know how patrol has been going,” said Giles. “Is Buffy still patrolling with you?”
“Yes, although I am about ready to chain her up to get her to stop,” Spike said in exasperation. “She can still fight, but her balance isn’t stellar. She does let me go in first, but I don’t know how much longer she’s going to be able to keep it up without risking herself or Emma.”
“So you’ve decided on Emma then?” Giles asked curiously.
“Emma Joyce,” Spike said with more than a trace of pride. “Was my sister’s name. Goes as well with Pratt as anything, I guess.”
Giles hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Spike, have you given any thought to how this is all going to work? How can you be the father to a human child?”
“Same way any parent does it. Figure it out as I go,” Spike said with a shrug.
“But surely you see the inherent problems, given your sunlight issue,” Giles said.
“Well, I guess I’ll be taking the nighttime feedings then,” Spike quipped. Giving Giles a long look he said, “Rupert, I know you worry about her. And I know I’m about your last choice in a husband for her. But I want this child more than anything I’ve ever wanted. The idea of having this little girl, all beautiful like her mother, it’s a powerful feeling.”
“But how will she explain a father who never ages? Who only comes out at night? Who doesn’t reflect in a mirror?”
“We’ll work it out, Giles,” Spike said, growing irritated. “Scores of people who shouldn’t be parents manage to spawn every day. Who’s to say that some perfectly normal couple won’t divorce, or have someone die, or something? I’ll never drop dead of a heart attack like my father did. I’ll never leave her like Buffy’s father.”
Giles drank in all that the vampire said. “You do have some valid points. It’s just so hard for me to imagine.”
“Look, I know you’re a watcher. Training runs deep. But this child is a miracle, and I intend to protect her and her mother as long as I am alive. Someday I’m going to lose Buffy, and that will be the end of me. But I mean that day to be a very, very long time from now.” Spike’s complete conviction touched Giles. The vampire meant every word he uttered.
“I think I’ve been misjudging you,” Giles said finally. “Her relationship with Angel ended… terribly. For all of us. We’re all naturally wary of letting another vampire into our circle.”
Spike growled, “Angel is a complete and utter bastard. Always was. I’m nothing like him.”
“I know,” said Giles. “I think I finally see that.”
“Glad to hear it,” muttered Spike. He stood up and said, “I’d best be getting home so someone is there for Dawn. One thing though,”
“Had an idea about looking for information on where this kid came from,” he explained. “When I was looking for a way to send Buffy back to Heaven, I had to consult a library at a monastery. Your collection concentrates on forces of darkness, but is pretty light on forces for good. If the child came from a benevolent source, you need to look elsewhere for information.”
Giles was startled – the idea had not occurred to him in the slightest. “I see what you mean,” he said. “I will definitely look into it.”
“Let me know if I can help,” Spike offered. “Got a knack for languages. Might be able to help you translate.”
“What languages do you speak?” Giles asked, his curiosity peaking once more.
“Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, few demon tongues, and bits and pieces of a few others,” Spike said with a shrug.
Giles’ mouth dropped open. “Why didn’t you ever tell us this?”
“You didn’t ask. I’ll catch you later, Watcher.” Spike turned then and vanished into the cellar.
How extraordinary, Giles thought as he sat down and polished his glasses. There is so much more to him than meets the eye.