Universal by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter #22 - Chapter 22
Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Joss Whedon and that lot. No money for me. Sigh.
Here is another chapter to reward my loyal reviewers.
Chapter 22
Spike pulled into the hospital parking lot and turned to Buffy. “Ready for this?” he asked.
Buffy took a deep breath. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said. They got out of the car and walked hand in hand into the hospital, following the signs to a large room full of other pregnant couples. I must be the only person here under twenty-five! Buffy said, feeling self conscious.
Don’t worry. I’m the only person here over a hundred, he joked. They found some seats near the back, and sat down. Spike took off his duster, to reveal a blue silk shirt, actually tucked in for once. He and Buffy held hands nervously, looking around at all the other couples. Spike’s punk exterior raised a few eyebrows from the country club types. Another couple sat down next to them, looking about as nervous as they did. “Is this your first?” the woman asked Buffy.
“Yes. How about you?”
“Same here. When are you due?” The two women compared notes pleasantly while Spike looked around. He too felt strangely self conscious, which was unusual for him. He found that his inner Victorian was cringing at the idea of having to discuss, in public, with strangers, the details of pregnancy. This simply wasn’t done. But here he was, and all around him women were comparing due dates and stretch mark stories and tales of nausea. He started to long slightly for a good thrashing by Angelus. It was generally over faster.
At last a woman at the front called everyone to attention. Spike found himself gripping Buffy’s hand almost painfully as they showed videos of the birth experience. Dear God, you seriously expect me to stand there while all that happens?
What’s the problem? I’ll be doing all the work, Buffy responded, squeezing his hand in return.
I’ll be feeling it all though. Mated, remember? I assume you’ll get some drugs for all this?
Well, I guess it depends on if I need them.
Can I get some drugs then? Bottle of whiskey? Anything?
I think they frown upon the father getting loaded during labor, Buffy snickered silently. The movie came to an end, and Spike was relieved for a moment. The woman answered a few questions, then another movie came on about c-sections that had the vampire turning even more pale.
How come if I disembowel someone I get staked, but doctors get paid to do it? I’m in the wrong bloody profession.
It’s not disembowelment, you dope. It’s a caesarian.
Looks about the same to me. He shuddered at the thought of having to watch, and feel, his wife go through all that. Mayhem was all well and good when it was being inflicted on someone else, but not when it was the woman he loved. After the movie ended, they all separated onto mats on the floor to practice breathing exercises, with discussions on techniques for the husbands to use to help coach and soothe their wives. I bet none of the other husbands have to worry about their wife ripping their head off during labor.
You know I won’t dust you during labor, you big sissy. Now, what are we supposed to be doing here again? I feel ridiculous just breathing here. They went through the exercises, but after a while they realized that they were the only couple not speaking. They had gotten so engrossed in their inner conversation that the couple next to them was looking at them strangely. The leader stopped and asked them, “Is there anything I can help you with? You seem so silent.”
“We do that sometimes,” Buffy explained. “We get so engrossed in what we’re thinking that it looks like we’re not speaking to each other. We’re fine though.” The leader shrugged and walked away, while Buffy and Spike rolled their eyes at each other and laughed.
The class finally ended, and Spike all but sprinted from the room. “Bloody hell, that was torture,” he said with a shudder. “All those shiny happy California couples all oohing and aahing over that bloody horror movie they showed. Enough to make me want to drain my own neck just to escape.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Spike, it wasn’t that bad,” Buffy said as they made their way to the car. “At least you weren’t getting the hairy eyeball because you look like a teenage mom.” Halfway across the parking lot they heard a noise behind them. Whirling, they faced a group of five vampires, coming out from behind a dumpster.
“Well, if it isn’t the Slayer and her pet. Heard you had a bun in the oven, Slayer, but they didn’t say you were carrying triplets,” the leader said.
“Did you just call me fat?” Buffy said. “You are so going to dust for that.”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Slayer.” As one the vampires rushed them.
Spike stepped in front of Buffy, who whirled so they were back to back. Brandishing a stake in each hand, Spike quickly dispatched two of the vamps. One got behind and came after Buffy, who had dropped into a fighting stance. The vamp quickly found that he had underestimated her punches. Although high kicks were a thing of the past, Buffy had been spending lots of spare time on the heavy bag, and was able to knock one vampire out cold almost immediately. Spike had lost a stake and was grappling with another vampire as the fifth rushed Buffy. She ducked at the last second and sent him flying. Snatching up Spike’s dropped stake she took out the one fighting Spike from the back, allowing him to dive onto the one Buffy had tossed. In a few minutes it was over, and the two of them stood panting, surrounded by dust.
“Are you alright, love?” Spike asked. He looked her over and ran his hand over her belly. Emma gave a kick as if to reassure them both.
“I think we’re both fine. But I guess my secret is out, huh?” They got into the car and locked the doors.
“I sure hope Willow’s wards hold. All the demons in Sunnydale are going to be lined up around the block,” Spike said with a frown. They started the car and drove home, worried.
Saturday night rolled around, and Spike drove Buffy and Dawn to Xander and Anya’s apartment. Dawn clearly knew that something was up, but wouldn’t divulge a thing. Buffy and Spike were completely perplexed about what this surprise could be, but in the end they had to follow the grinning teen up to Xander’s apartment without any explanation.
“Surprise!” cried the Scoobies as the door opened. The apartment was decorated, and a pile of presents was heaped on Xander’s coffee table.
“We decided you needed a baby shower,” Dawn said happily. “Anya and I planned it.”
“You guys didn’t have to do all this,” Buffy protested, although everyone could see she was pleased.
“So this is what you’ve been giggling about for the past week, Nibblet?” Spike said. Dawn whistled nonchalantly until Spike tickled her ribs and she squealed.
Buffy and Spike were led to the seats of honor on the couch. Buffy cooed with pleasure over a selection of baby clothes, bottles, and diapers. Dawn had gotten a variety of rattles and teething toys, while Tara contributed a beautiful rose colored baby quilt. A large box proved to be a delicate white wicker work bassinette, with a card that said ‘Love, Giles’. “He said that he plans to be back in two weeks, but he wanted this to get here for the shower,” Anya explained.
“We can’t thank you lot enough,” Spike said when they finished opening everything. “It means a lot to us to have your support.”
“And I will be over in the morning to do some tweaking to the wards,” Willow promised. “No charge.”
“Thanks so much you guys. But if you’ll excuse me for a moment, Emma here seems to be tap dancing on my bladder.” Buffy stood up and waddled as fast as possible to the bathroom.
Spike chuckled, “Girl’s been living in the loo last week or so.”
“So what was that childbirth class like?” Tara asked curiously.
“Scariest thing I’ve ever seen. A room full of very pregnant people talking about body functions that I never had to consider when I was alive, and I completely do not want to consider now,” Spike said with a shudder. “In my day, the father stayed away until the child was there, all wrapped up and shiny, and what went on in the interim was not discussed.”
“Ok, if childbirth scares you, I am never spawning anything,” Xander said. Anya gave him a dirty look until he said, “Kidding! You know I’m kidding.”
“You’d better be. Because someday I intend to reproduce with you,” Anya said in her usual forthright manner. Xander got wide eyed for a moment, but then Buffy returned from the restroom and they all sat down for dinner.
After dinner, the Scoobies helped carry everything down to the car and said goodbye. “Dawn, that was really sweet of you,” Buffy said as they drove home.
“Well with all the demons and everything, you sorta haven’t done anything to get ready for this kid. I figure I should help with that,” Dawn explained.
“You’re a good girl, Nibblet,” Spike said warmly. “Best sister-in-law a bloke could have.”
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. Even if you do get hair gel in the sink.” Spike growled a bit, and Dawn and Buffy both laughed.
When they got home, the three of them ferried all the gifts into the house as quickly as they could, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious as they did. Inside, Dawn and Spike carried everything up to Joyce’s old room while Buffy dashed for the bathroom again. “Sorry I didn’t help,” she apologized when she came out. “This kid is positively determined to stomp my insides into jelly.”
“I shall have to give her a good talking too later,” Spike said with mock sternness.
“I’m going to bed,” Dawn declared. “Glad you guys liked the surprise.”
Buffy gave her sister a big hug. “You’re the best, Dawnie.” After Dawn left, she surveyed the pile of gifts. “We’ve got a good bunch of friends,” she commented.
“That we do, love,” Spike said, wrapping his arms around her middle from behind. He stroked her belly gently as they just stood there, reveling in the idea of their daughter.
Buffy noticed Spike’s journal on the desk. Have you been using that? she wondered.
Yeah. Been writing notes to Emma. Want her to know how I felt while I was waiting for her.
Can I read it?
Buffy could feel a slight flush of embarrassment ripple through Spike. I guess so. I’m always nervous about sharing my writing. Too much bad history there.
You know I won’t laugh, she thought, and he could tell she understood. I’ll read it when you’re not around if that makes you feel any better.
Thanks love. You’re welcome to read it any time. And when Emma is old enough, I hope she’ll read it too.
Love you, Spike. She turned around and kissed him, her enormous belly making him need to bend over further than previously. They straightened up, smiled, and took each other across the hall to bed.
The days passed in anxious tension for the Slayer and her friends. The wards had been strengthened, but Willow still couldn’t make them selective enough to allow Spike in while keeping other demons out. Buffy made Spike happy by putting them up when he went out to patrol, and by letting Xander put extra locks on the doors for when they were home. Buffy busied herself setting up the bassinette in their room, and organizing Emma’s new clothes and supplies in Joyce’s old room. She supposed they were going to need a crib at some point, but they were in no hurry. She dug up her own baby blanket from the attic, along with a mobile that had been used for her and Dawn in succession and carefully saved.
A week or so after the baby shower, the phone rang. “Spike? Can you get that?” Buffy called from the bathroom.
“Got it,” he called back, picking up the phone. “Hello?”
“Spike? It’s Giles.”
“Rupert! How’s the old country?”
“Very well, thank you,” said Giles. “I believe I have finally gotten some information that can help us. There seems to be a race of demons that can only move into our dimension at certain times. I am not certain yet, but these might be the ones who are after your child.”
Spike took an unneeded breath. “Anything we can do?” he asked.
“I will be returning the day after tomorrow. I may need some translation help, but I think I will have enough information so that we can prepare to defend against these creatures.”
“Call us when you get in then,” Spike said. “I know Buffy will be dying to see you.”
“How is she doing?” Giles asked.
“Big as a house, and looking like she’s ready to go any moment. Doctor says it’s possible she might go early, but otherwise, everything seems fine.”
“Keep good watch over her. I’ll be there in a couple days,” Giles promised.
“You know I’ll take care of her,” Spike said. The two men signed off, and Spike went upstairs to fill Buffy in on the conversation.
“Giles will be back soon?” Buffy said hopefully.
“Day after tomorrow, pet,” said Spike.
“Good. Cause I gotta say, I’m getting more than a little nervous here,” Buffy said, wrapping her arms around him.
“We’ll be okay. Promise,” he said. They made their way downstairs for dinner, sharing the news with Dawn. After dinner Buffy called to fill Willow in on the news from Giles.
“That’s good. I’ve researched my little fingers to the bone and gotten nowhere. Glad to hear he’s managed to find something.”
“Let’s hope it’s enough to stop whatever it is,” Buffy said. They chatted for another moment or two, then hung up. Spike went out for a quick patrol, reminding Buffy to put up the wards. Buffy and Dawn took in a sitcom or two, with Buffy rubbing her hand over her belly from time to time. What kind of a life is this kid going to have? Buffy wondered. Is she going to have to be a prisoner in her own home just to keep her safe?
Not if I have anything to say about it, Spike responded. He could now hear her thoughts clear across town if he was concentrating. He shared her worry, but tried to keep her spirits up. She’s got two parents who love her who have supernatural strength. She’ll be fine.
I know, Buffy thought, but I still worry about her.
Another one of those universal parent things, love, Spike soothed. We worry about our young. It’s what all creatures do.
Suppose you’re right, Buffy thought. Hurry home?
I will love. But please try to relax, okay?
Yes, Mr. Pratt. She refocused on the show Dawn was watching and tried to keep her mind off her concerns.
Spike came home after an hour or so, brushing vampire dust off his coat before hanging it up. “Clem says hi,” he said to Buffy as he joined the girls in the living room.
“How’s he doing?” Buffy inquired, struggling to sit up somewhat.
“He’s fine. He asked me to look after the crypt for two weeks or so. He’s going to some family reunion in Wichita” Spike said.
“Demons have family reunions?” Dawn asked in a surprised voice.
Spike shrugged. “Some do. Although why hold it in Wichita, that’s what I want to know. I mean, if you have to deal with a bunch of relatives, at least go to Vegas or something.”
“To each their own, I guess,” Buffy said. They all settled in for a night of relaxation, with Spike stroking Buffy’s belly and feeling his daughter move within her.
After a while Dawn started yawning and declared, “I’m off to bed. Good night.” The others said their good nights and turned off the TV. They remained on the couch for a while, feeling the baby kick and enjoying each other’s company. After a while, Buffy pulled Spike’s head down into a gentle kiss.
Come to bed love, he thought as their kiss deepened. They made their way upstairs to their room and closed the door. Spike slowly undressed her, pulling the simple maternity dress she wore over her head, caressing every inch of exposed skin. When he had her naked and lying on the bed, he too undressed, and Buffy drank him in with smoldering eyes as his sculpted body came into view. You’re so amazing to look at, she sighed.
As are you, he thought back. He slid into bed next to her, running his hand slowly from her neck, across her swelling breasts, to her smooth rounded belly. You’re so incredibly gorgeous like this.
I don’t feel gorgeous. I feel like an elephant.
No, my love. You’re a fertility goddess. Spike punctuated his thoughts by kissing his way down her body, lingering on her breasts until she moaned, then working his way down to settle between her thighs. Your quim is so ripe and ready, he thought, as he dipped his tongue into her. Could just stay here for hours.
Please do, she thought as she writhed in pleasure. Spike took his time exploring her, teasing her, and bringing her to the edge again and again. When she finally fell into her orgasm it was like lightning through her body and mind and she screamed his name in her mind. Spike, oh God, oh my lover, oh God, yes, Spike… Her thoughts lapsed into incoherency as she shuddered and gasped.
Grinning, Spike moved slowly up her body, worshipping her full breasts with lips and tongue until she begged, Please. Take me. Please. He knelt and entered her smoothly, lifting her hips to work around her pregnant belly. They moved together tenderly, their lovemaking requiring more finesse these days. But the connection between them was deep and all consuming, and their shared emotions heightened every touch and every movement.
Love you, Buffy. Love you. So perfect, so hot, oh God… He too lost control of coherent thought as they reached their climax. With a bit of effort they reached each other’s necks, biting each other and renewing their claim in time with their orgasms. Yes, lover, goddess, oh yes… Their emotions spiraled into an explosion, and they floated for an untold amount of time until they came back to themselves, lying side by side, gasping with their foreheads touching.
I never knew it could be like this, she thought, stroking his hair. Never thought it could be so intense.
Me neither, love, he responded. I thought I knew what love was, but I didn’t have a clue. Never leave me, Buffy. Be mine for all time.
You know I’m yours. Always. Won’t ever leave you.
Spike’s eyes shone with emotion as he searched every inch of her face, trailing his hand down to her belly once more. No matter what this child brings, I’ll always remember you this way. Beautiful, perfect, and somehow in love with me. Can’t figure out how that happened, but God I love you.
Love you too, William. She kissed him again, reveling in how good this was, this thing they had. They would remember it afterwards as one of the best nights of their lives.