Hell is in the Details by spikes_heart
Chapter #4 - 4
Hell Is In the Details – Chapter 18 – Call to Judgment

Buffy knew she wasn’t being fair to anyone by refusing to go upstairs and explain. Lorne knew she was upset… hell, she was sure people heard her yelling in the next county… but Spike? He’d heard every word of her side of the ‘conversation’ and she wouldn’t put it past him to have heard some of Giles’ as well. Damned vampire hearing.

She could feel Spike’s energy vibrating throughout her body; the little niggle at the base of her neck and the slight cramp in pit of her stomach – the frequency uniquely attuned to him as opposed to the garden variety vampire that let her know he was nearby.

Calm down, damnit! God, she so needed to kill something right now – take the edge off. Maybe go for a run… but not before going upstairs. Buffy collapsed into the recliner in Lorne’s office – grateful to be alone with her thoughts.

The rest of the conversation with her ex-Watcher was uneventful, in that there were no more raised voices or derogatory remarks. After faxing him a copy of the talisman, Buffy filled him in on the events of the past week, from feeling ‘off’ in Angel’s presence, to Lorne’s little surprise, to finding out the level of Angel’s deception and treachery – ending with the cryptic dream, starring Anya, of all people.

As convoluted as it all was – even she could see the connections shimmering like a spider’s web… Anya, with whom Spike had sought comfort in after she, herself had cut him loose that last time. Who had sought comfort in Spike after being left at the altar. Anya, who once pulled her aside after a particularly bitchy Scooby meeting and told her to fuck him until she was raw and stop pussyfooting around – that vampire refractory abilities were not something to be denied, and she so needed many orgasms to soften her disposition.

Buffy smiled softly to herself. Anya had really cared for them all in her own blunt way. She was the one who spotted Spike’s shiny new soul, when everyone else was oblivious. Anya actually looked at people and spoke her heart, much like Spike – and had been castigated for it – much like Spike.

Death holds no dominion – something that should have been embroidered on a t-shirt and handed out at every Scooby meeting. Was Anya really back from the beyond, or just in her dream? Did it actually matter? The talisman was the first time something had manifested itself after a dream – usually it was just all cryptic and vague.

Realizing it couldn’t be put off any longer Buffy clutched the talisman in her hands and went to face the music.

He was already yelling as she approached the door. “What the bleedin’ hell did that ponce say to you that had you screamin’ loud enough to wake the dead?” Spike’s eyes flashed glitter-bright flecks of gold amidst the blue.

“Oh, you know,” Buffy said, clambering onto the bed to sit opposite the very angry vampire, “same old, same old. Actually, his first reaction to finding out you were all phoenix-boy was to tell me he was Queen of England.”

Spike snorted. “Knew he was a dodgy old queen. So, what’s the deal with the dream? Heard you screamin’ from that hours ago. I wish…”

“Don’t you dare!” Buffy leant forward, clamping her hand over his mouth. “Gods, Spike… don’t say another word. No wishing whatsoever. The whole Slayer dream was brought to me by Anya, in vengeance mode.”

“Demon girl, huh? She an’ Harris ever get back together? Were workin’ rather hard on it, usin’ my cot as a trampoline before…”

The look on Buffy’s face brought him up short. “Chit never made it out of the Hellmouth,” A soft statement of fact.

“Andrew said she was so brave – that she died saving his life.” She sighed, acknowledging once again that she couldn’t protect everyone. “I know you… cared for her. ~Awkward much? ~

“Luv, I cared for everyone by the end. Bloody hell, even the little boy and the whelp. And I swear I’ll drain you if you ever tell him I said such a thing.”

“We don’t make threats about draining slay…” Buffy wasn’t angry – her response had been pretty much automatic. However… it made her think. “Spike, how are you feeling? Legs any better?”

Curious as to the direction Buffy’s conversation had taken, he humored her. Spike flexed his legs to the best of his ability, noting the slightest of improvements. “Well, pet, the legs don’t hurt much anymore. All that human’s been good for somethin.’ S’just I won’t be any good in a fight unless I can stand the bugger to death.”

Buffy brought the talisman into view, her brow wrinkling as she thought things out. “Does this look familiar to you?”

Spike turned the disc over and over in his hands, feeling distinctly uneasy the longer he held it. “Looks like a coat of arms, pet. An’ I can feel somethin’ pourin’ out of it – makes my fingers itch. Got some major mojo attached to it.”

“There was this whole garden/flower theme thingy going on in my dream… and I know I was afraid of killing the flowers. Anya gave me a book, and said it would help me, but I had to read it. I – I woke up with it in my hands.” Clearly worried, she said, “Spike, I’ve had lots of cryptic shit come up in my Slayer dreams before… but I’ve never had something actually manifest when I woke up.”

“Why you called Rupes, innit? An’ to tell him his favorite vampire’s back? I take it he weren’t extolling m’virtues, what with all the yellin’ an’ fussin’ you put up?”

She nodded. “I told him everything, once he calmed down. Angel, you, yesterday’s confrontation and the dream. And I faxed him a picture of the coat of arms thingy from Lorne’s little office downstairs. He promised to check it out. Even as far as contacting the Coven to see if there’s magicks involved. Just waiting for a call back. Do you think you’ll be able to control yourself for a conference call?”

Affronted, he turned the most innocent blue eyes her way. “M’not the one to cause trouble, luv. Leastwise, not these days. An’ if it concerned you, I’d bloody well do my best to keep things calm. I’d never put your safety at risk.”

Buffy smiled, knowing that for the truth before he’d spoken. “I know, Spike. It’s one of the few things I can count on.” She took a deep breath, knowing that what followed was likely to be met with an angry refusal. “We need to talk about your physical condition, and the fact that it’s taking so long for you to heal. I think I can help, if you’d agree.”

Head cocked slightly, eyebrow raised, Spike purred, “Mmmm, pet. Gonna give me a rub down? Make sure m’muscles get all that individual attention they crave?”

“Spike, cut it out. I’m serious.” Buffy’s smile belied her harsh words and tone of voice. “I have a feeling this talisman is the harbinger of something so not of the good. Important, but scary.”

“So’m I, pet. Wouldn’t hurt to get ‘em massaged. ‘Specially by someone who isn’t afraid to put her back into it. As for the talisman… it feels familiar – like it knows me. I don’t like it.”

Firming up her resolve, the Slayer cut to the heart of the matter. “That’s it, then. If we’re both weirded out by it, it doesn’t bode well. And I’m really unhappy that something big is coming up with you in not in top form. Human blood is helping you and it’s not working fast enough. Only thing I can come up with is a Buffy cocktail. You’re gonna have to drink me.”

“No! No way!”

“Don’t you understand, Spike? You have to get your strength back. It’s the only way I can think of, and I’m sure it’ll speed thing up. You need to get your legs back under you, now!”

“Have you lost all your marbles, you silly cow? You think I’m goin’ to sink my fangs into you when I’m weak and not sure of my self control?”

Buffy stamped her foot on the ground in utter frustration. “What the fuck is wrong with you stupid vampires? Does my blood stink or something? I thought Slayer blood was supposed to be all yummy gotta have me some.”

Spike stared at her, incredulous. “You’ve jumped the tracks, pet. Must’ve if you think I don’t want to taste you.”

“Then what’s with the denial boy routine? I had to beat Angel until his demon took what I…”

He grabbed her by the shoulders, bringing them nose to nose, his demon to the fore. “Do not compare me to that plonker,” he growled. “To know that he drank from you fills me with a rage, luv. To know he almost killed you is what keeps you safe from me. I. am. not. him. I won’t hurt the girl – not anymore”

Buffy pulled back, looking deep into his amber eyes. How odd , she thought. so much devotion shining through that leonine face . How had she ever mistaken him for an emotionless beast? She reached up, gently stroking his brow ridges, watching his emotions play across his face as he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

A phone call jarred them both out of the moment. Lorne came upstairs. “Hey there, kiddies. Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a Mr. Giles is on the line. Says he’s got some important news for you both about your dream and talisman?”

Taking the receiver from Lorne, Buffy motioned for him to have a seat, then hit the hands free button. “I’ve put you on speaker phone, Giles. Lorne and Spike are listening, too. So, what’s the sitch with the talisman?”

“Yes, well good evening, all. We’ll start out with the talisman, shall we? It's medieval. A coat of arms, perhaps – to be presented when going before the Cahair Binse , as they were known. Roughly translated that's…”

Spike interrupted. “Chair of judgment.”

“Quite right, Spike. Also known as The Tribunal. Have you heard of it?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of ‘em. An ancient court to settle grievances.” He gasped, as realization struck. “Bloody hell. That explains the itchy feeling I get with the talisman. Don’t tell me they’re convening the Tribunal on my account?”

“Oooh, that would explain why Anya was in my dream. Someone must have made a wish for vengeance…” Buffy paused; trying to remember who the idiot was that might have voiced a wish out loud. ~Shit – raise hand; smack self about the head repeatedly. Idiot present and accounted for, Sir! ~ Um, guys? I’m pretty sure I figured out two things. One, Anya is more than likely alive and working as a vengeance demon again on some plane of existence, and two? I think I made the wish.”

The sound of Giles cleaning his glasses could be heard distinctly through the speaker.

“Buffy, haven’t you learned by now that wishing brings nothing but trouble? Could you possibly recall what you wished for? It would go far in explaining what we’re to expect in the very near future, if my informant is correct.”

She closed her eyes tightly, trying to remember her exact words as she left Angel’s office yesterday. “I think I said something to the effect of ‘I wish Angel would understand just how wrong what he did to Spike was.’ I mean, he was so nasty as I was leaving – telling me I’d ruined his life. He just didn’t understand why everyone was so upset at what he’d done.”

“Are you sure, dear, that you didn’t mention anyone else in your wish – that it was specifically aimed at Angel’s actions towards Spike?”

“Positive, Giles. I was sorta focused girl at the time.”

“Oh dear.”

“Oh balls.” Spike dropped his head into his hands, knowing for certain that his unlife was about to get dragged into the issue. “Watcher, you mind tellin’ me what’s got your knickers in a twist over the Slayer’s choice of words?”

“I’ve spoken with Wesley Windham-Pryce. He’d apparently left Wolfram & Hart temporarily over this whole issue, and was quite willing to help with the research. Angel’s appeared before the Tribunal before… as someone’s Champion. He’d inadvertently murdered the original choice, and ended up taking their place – winning his battle. The rub here is the Tribunal’s definition of justice is not as ours. There is usually a physical battle, and the survivor is deemed the winner. It seems as if the Tribunal is rather arbitrary in meting out justice. Life or death of an individual doesn't exactly matter – just that there is a victor.”

Lorne was agitated. “Are you telling me that Spike is going to be forced into combat against Angel? It’s signing his death warrant. Where’s the justice in that?”

“There are other forms of ‘combat,’ or competition as it were. In the event that a fair battle is not possible, their lives are taken into account. The ‘combatants’ are judged one against the other, and the one found wanting is usually executed on the spot.”

Buffy groaned, “What have I done?”

“S’alright, luv.” Spike reached out for her hand, entwining their fingers. “You’ve done nothing wrong. S’bout time the world learned that Spike’s a better vampire than Angel ever was. I’ll be fine,” he said, silently hoping he’d best Angel for the first time in comparison. He had the distinct feeling that Buffy would take his third death rather personally.

Giles cleared his throat. “Look, our knowledge of the Tribunal is metaphysical, at best. Outside of Angel’s previous experience, which I would suggest is moot due to different circumstances, we have no clue as to what will actually take place. What I do know for certain, is that the talisman is linked to the person the Tribunal is called for.”

“Which would explain why I get the tinglies when I hold the bloody thing.” Spike picked up the metal disc, feeling the magicks itch crawl through his fingers. Staring at it intently, he said “This time, it’s personal.”

At the incredulous stares from Lorne and Buffy, Spike said, “What? Second hunk of mystical junk comes my way – this one has its jaws set specifically for me.” The slight twinkle in his eyes gave away his awareness of the Spielberg reference.

“So, Rupes…,” Spike continued, “can you tell us when and where this whole judgment deal is goin’ down?”

Giles hesitated, no real facts to guide the way. “All that’s written is from the appearance of the talisman to the rising of the Tribunal; it’s no more than a day’s time. The minimal timing is unknown. I suggest going for a walk outside this evening, and they will rise at their whim.”

Buffy realized her dream was the final item on the agenda. “Giles, I’m guessing after your explanation of the Tribunal that the dream is pretty self explanatory. The whole ‘canceled parade due to rain’ translates into a difficult trial for Spike… which could possibly end with his third death.” She glanced at Spike, a soft smile gracing her lips.

“And the whole ‘gardening/brown thumb’ bit is me worried I’m gonna mess things all up, and again, Spike might die. I think I’m noticing a pattern here. This thing is big scary, they don’t play favorites, Spike gets judged against Angel and if he loses, they kill him.

I don’t have a clue as to what part I play in it all, but I’m scared to death I’m gonna fuck it all up and Spike will die.” Buffy rubbed at her temples; the headache forming hurting her eyes. “There has to be something I can do about this, Giles. Thanks for your help, and if you come across anything else, please call me. You said it yourself, time is of the essence.”

“I’ll do what I can, dear girl. Be careful.” Giles sighed, and almost as an after thought added, “And Spike, good luck,” before breaking the connection.


Lorne went to his own room, leaving the Slayer and the vampire slightly shaken. Both knew Spike faced a battle for his very unlife once again… this time the skirmishes had already been played out – it was just left for the judges to dissect and compare: Spike against Angel.

Buffy broke the silence first. “So, picking up from where we left off, Spike… you need to be able to do more than stand on your own two feet. You need to be able to walk. Time is closing in on us and we can’t be caught with our pants down.”

Oh, if that eyebrow could talk. Which it could, and Buffy tried so hard not to listen to what it was saying.

“I hate this, pet. I don’t want to hurt you. My demon needs so much, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop before taking too much.”

“Look at me, Spike. I’m no longer a little girl. My strength has increased over the years, and I’ve always been able to overpower you. Trust me, I’ll stop you before things go too far. Do you trust me?”

“Do I what?” The vampire was stunned. “Do I trust you? The question should always be: do you trust me?’ I’m the monster here, luv.”

Buffy looked deeply into his blue eyes, just a little bit heartbroken that after all he’d been through, he still considered himself to be an untrustworthy monster.

“I’ll say this once, slowly and clearly so even a retardo-vamp wouldn’t misunderstand my meaning. I trust you Spike… with my life. Now drink,” Buffy said, holding out her wrist.

Spike gathered her into his arms, pulling the petite blonde onto his lap. Raising her wrist to his lips, Spike pressed soft kisses in a line to the crook of her elbow, where he licked the crease once, twice… before dropping his human mask, and sliding his fangs ever so gently into the soft skin. Wrapping her bent arm around his face, he was surrounded by her scent, suckling gently; as close to heaven as he was ever going to get.

Smoothly retracting his fangs, Spike poked at the wounds with his tongue, pushing and prodding to encourage a little more blood flow, thoroughly enjoying the feel of flesh parting around his fangs and fresh from the source blood in his mouth. Freely given Slayer blood – his mind boggled.

He knew he could give in to sensation so easily. The warmth of her body against his, the delicate twitching of her thighs as she pressed down against his hardening length – the delicate ball peen hammer effect of her arousal filling his nostrils. Surely this was not the wisest of decisions either of them could have come up with.

And then she moaned.

A low, deep throated sound that shot straight through to his balls, causing his grip to tighten on her arm and around her waist. Spike bucked up against her, grinding his hardness into her bottom with a painfully delicious friction while she rode him as she had that first time, pushing down against him until he swore he could feel every fold and every pulse of her clit against him. Like going home again.

Buffy’s free hand played in the soft curls at the nape of his neck, tugging and stroking with equal measure. She could feel the pressure of his suckling increase as the wounds began to close, knowing that he would refuse to bite her again to keep them open.

The bed rocked against the wall from the force of their movements; both of them so close… Spike felt his panic rising even as they came. Fear of looking into her eyes and seeing that god-awful hollowed out self-hatred he’d seen far too many times afterwards made him nuzzle Buffy’s neck then cling tightly to her, listening to her calming heartbeat; afraid of what he might see.

Buffy slowly recovered, basking in the afterglow of the bite and frottage. She’d fully anticipated getting off on the bite, and was sure it was one of the reasons Spike had been so hesitant to accept her offer. After all, both were unsure of where they stood with each other, considering last week Buffy thought Spike was dust, and Spike? Poor thing had been in no condition to think of anything.

Touching her lips to his head, Buffy whispered, “Spike… you don’t need to hide. I’m fine, and so are you. Look at me, please.”

Spike raised his head, blue eyes anxiously seeking hers for confirmation of what he heard in her tone. His relief was palpable. “Oh, what you do to me, delicious Slayer,” he crooned. “What you’ve gifted me with. I could…”

With that, he scooped Buffy up into his arms, and bolted from the bed, twirling her around in a mad and joyous dance.

Buffy grinned, ruffling the ecstatic vampire’s hair so that he resembled nothing less than a giddy five year old at six in the morning on Christmas day. “Guess I’ve finally done something right by you, Spike. All that lying down just was seriously giving me the wiggins.”

“Feels so bloody good, luv. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for givin’ me back to myself.”

Holding a pretend mic to her face, Buffy asked: “William the Bloody – you’ve just gotten your scrawny ass out of bed after slacking off for the past week. What are you going to do now?”

“Bloody well take the hottest shower I can!” Spike laughed, tossing Buffy on the bed and running into the bathroom.


Everyone converged in Lorne’s livingroom at ten o’clock that evening, figuring it would be best to present a united front to the Tribunal should they decide to show themselves. The briefing was just that… brief. The actual demands of this ‘trial’ were unknown, but while the risks to Spike were potentially fatal, the risks to those in attendance were unknown.

All heads turned when Spike and Buffy appeared at the top of the stairs. As Buffy descended in the normal fashion, Spike gracefully leapt over the banister in time to catch his Slayer’s hand as she stepped off the landing.

“Nice move, dude!” Gunn was impressed. The difference between the catlike grace of the vampire standing before him and the decimated shell he’d carried out of Dante’s less than a handful of days before was mind boggling.

Harmony remained quiet. Relief over Spike’s improved condition did not allay the stress of the past day weighing heavily on her mind.

“I think we need to motor, cats and kittens.” Lorne was overjoyed at the vampire’s renewed vigor, simply conveyed by a quick squeeze to Spike’s shoulder before continuing on. “This is gonna be big, and I don’t want to explain to the landlord why the house has been torn apart. Wes has his cell phone with him, and will meet us wherever we end up.”

One by one, they filed out of the house and into the night.


They walked – no destination in mind – silently moving away from well populated areas. As if it had been planned, they stopped in front of a chain link fence.

“You know this is as cliché as it gets, don’t you?” Buffy stood, hands on hips, facing a fenced in abandoned lot. “It’s all ‘ooooh, empty lot – wonder what’s gonna happen?’ written all over it.”

Lorne laughed. “I’ll take some of that action, sweetie. After all…”

A loud rumble filled the air as the ground began to shake. Suddenly, three stone thrones rose up from the ground behind the fence, occupied by mysteriously cloaked figures. A sonorous voice called out: “Who bears the token and calls forth the Tribunal?”

Before moving forward, Spike felt a warm press of lips against his cheek, and a whispered “Good luck, tiger. Just remember to keep your wits about you and your mouth shut unless asked a direct question.”

Anya? He gave Buffy one last look and moved towards the fence, placing the talisman on the ground.

A second figure calls out. “And where are the other parties involved in this dispute?”

The clomping of horses’ hooves turned the crowd’s attention to a strange sight. Two horses approached, each carrying a knight in full armor and a handcuffed prisoner; Angel on one horse, Pret on the other.

“All parties are now present and accounted for. The Tribunal is now convened. William the Bloody, we call you before this Court to be judged for your past, present and possible future existence – to judge you worthy of the Justice the Slayer wished for you against the vampire once known as your Sire, Angelus of Aurelian Order.”

The senior Judge stood, voice loud enough to rattle the chain link. “William the Bloody, formerly of the Aurelian Order, spawn of Angelus, cast out by Angelus… who will speak for you? Is there one amongst you who will speak on behalf of this Orderless vampire?”

“I will!”

Heads turned once more. Striding forward, fury blazing from her blue eyes, was Dawn Summers.

Hell Is In the Details – Chapter 19 – All the World’s a Stage

I will!”

Loud and strident, with all the defiance of an angry teenager well remembered by those who had watched her grow up – Dawn Summers burst upon the scene… with Rupert Giles, Xander Harris and Willow Rosenberg trailing behind her.

While the others gathered around Buffy, Dawn took her place at Spike’s side in front of the Tribunal, and looking up at the imposing figures, she squared her shoulders.

“I’ll stand for him. What do you need from me?”

“Who are you, young mortal, that you presume to speak on the behalf of this once powerful vampire?”

“I am Dawn Summers, formerly pure mystical energy older than the ages and a key to dimensional portals, now a younger sister to the Slayer, Buffy Summers.” She turned to Spike, blue eyes level with his own, and stroked his cheek in wonder – amazed that he was actually back amongst them. Taking a deep breath, she continued. “And adoring brat sister to Spike.”

As the three robed figures conferred with each other, Spike reached out, holding onto his Niblet’s shoulders and staring wordlessly into her eyes. Finding the love he never thought he’d see there again, he pulled her tightly to him, whispering, “We’ll talk later, pet… if I’m still here. I promise.”

“You leave us again, and I swear I’ll hunt you down and kill you myself. I’m so sorry for…”

Silence. We have decided to allow you to speak on behalf of the vampire you have called brother. Proceed.

“Okay, so… obviously you’re looking for character witnesses, so I’ll keep talking and you just tell me if I’m going in the right direction, okay? The first time I met Spike was about 7 years ago. He was making a deal with Buffy, to take out Angelus… who was trying to suck the world into Hell by awakening Acathla.”

A soulless demon preventing the demise of humans – going against the wishes of his Sire?

“Yes, your Honor.” Dawn paused, and looked expectantly at the seated figures. When no further response was forthcoming, she continued.

“Then there was the summer that Buffy died. She jumped off a tower to seal a rift in dimensions that my ‘keyness’ opened when my blood was spilled. She saved my life, and the world, but left me with no family – just her friends. And Spike. Who had fallen in love with her.”

A vampire in love with a Slayer? The same Slayer his Sire had professed to love? What did he do upon her death?

Dawn’s body shook. Recalling this time in her life was never easy, and Spike had to hold her steady, whispering ‘It’s okay, pet’ and ‘Do the best you can, Niblet’ in her ear, attempting to control his own emotions as well.

“He stayed with me… moved into my house and watched over me when everyone else had to go back to work and school. He cooked for me, and made sure I went to school, and stayed up and held me when I cried for hours. Everyone else tried to move on, but Spike let me cry and usually cried with me. We missed her so much. He had promised her he would take care of me...”

Angel snorted in derision, contempt obvious on his face. “This is beyond ridiculous. You’re making him out to be Mary fuckin’ Poppins.”

Be quiet, Angelus! The Judge thundered. Your time for judgment will come. If you cannot keep quiet, we will have you gagged.

It paused. Go on, child. Did the vampire stay or leave after the death of the Slayer?

“That’s just it. Everyone expected him to leave... they wanted him to leave. They told him he wasn’t needed anymore and that I’d be better off without him. But he wouldn’t leave. He fought against them for months until it was just us, mostly. Then he patrolled at night with them and alone after everyone went to bed, he…”

Once more, the judges whispered amongst themselves before addressing Dawn.

To keep the facts straight, please confirm the following: William the Bloody, vampire of some renown, voluntarily kept company with humans, based solely on a promise made to a dead woman he cared for. Were his attentions returned?

Dawn snorted. “Hardly. Most of the time Buffy couldn’t stand to be around him. None of the people here could.”

The vampire stayed amongst humans – his natural food source – who hated him, and yet not only did he not attempt to kill them, but worked with them, killing his own kind? And when the object of his affections ceased to exist, he honored a verbal promise to take care of her remaining family?

“Well, for years Spike had an electrical chip in his head that hurt him when he tried to hurt humans, and he used to hang around, hoping for a handout and bagged blood. Buffy wouldn’t stake him because she said he was harmless and just annoying… but he was strong. The money sitch didn’t last long – the gang stopped paying him after only a few months. Then he found out he could kill demons, but he still stayed and helped. Nobody liked him but me. Buffy came to appreciate his strength, and the fact that he would always watch her back. She could trust that, if nothing else. And she did… trust that. And trusted him with me and Mom, before she died – Mom died, I mean, and then just me. Oooh, and he’d been tortured by a HellGod, and he never gave up the information that would have given me away as the Key.”

The cessation of killing humans was not due of his own volition, then, but caused by a man-made device. The vampire was forced to quit killing his natural food source, and chose to channel his desires into killing demons, instead – at first for remuneration and then for… pleasure.

Dawn was frustrated. When stated like that, it put Spike in a really bad light. “Look, your Honor… Spike made so many choices for the good and right reasons even before he got his soul. And that was when nobody would give him the time of day. In the end, he saved the…”

We have heard enough from you, child. All of your words will receive equal weight in our judgment.

Crestfallen, the teen tried to apologize as she turned to walk away. She hadn’t even been able to talk about how Spike had saved the world. Dawn hoped the others would fare better.

“S’all right, Niblet. Nothing said that wasn’t true. S’all been long done.” Spike sighed. “Time to pay the piper, I s’pose.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and swatted her behind. “Go on, now – off to big sis.”

Lorne clapped Spike gently on the shoulder before turning to face the Tribunal. “I am Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok clan, of Pylea. I haven’t known Spike for long, since he’s only been conscious for the past 3 days, but I do have several things to say.”

Speak your piece, Pylean

“I’ve only known Spike for less than a week, but I was there when he popped out of the amulet in Angel’s office. He was frightened and disoriented; apparently having died some weeks before in Sunnydale.

“Angel was furious from the moment he first saw him. For two days they did nothing but argue – about Spike’s being there, with an occasional fist-fight thrown in for good measure. They fought about money, a place to stay, the right to exist; family helping family and all that.

“The next day things were so quiet and Angel was so peaceful, we asked what had happened. Angel told us all that Spike had decided to ‘do the smart thing’ and leave, since they weren’t getting along.”

For two days, the vampire was argumentative and demanding and then gone from the premises. Do you have anything that bears bringing to light about your interaction with him?

The Anagogic demon was nonplussed. “Don’t you want to hear about what we found out? What happened to Spike? How he was treated?

The only thing we are interested in is your interaction with the vampire in question. What has happened to him is of no concern.

A chorus of indignant cries from Buffy, Dawn and Gunn turned the attention of the judges in their direction..

If there are further disruptions, we will simply dust the vampire in question, thereby negating the need for trial and judgment. As you wished for Justice, it would be wise to adhere to our procedures. His disposition is of no consequence to us.

Thoroughly chastened and deeply frustrated, Spike’s supporters bit back their outrage. This was not the way they envisioned the trial going. This was almost a condemnation of the very person they were trying to help. Angel smirking down from his high horse was not helpful. Buffy wanted nothing more than to take him down a peg or twenty. All she could do was pray he’d get his when and if the time came.

Last chance, Pylean. If you have nothing further to add…

“No, no… I’m not done. You want character? I’ll show you character. I’ve been in this dimension for the past ten years, and have been around demons of all shapes and sizes. There is one universal truth – corner an injured demon, and he’ll lash out at you. The younger the demon, the less control, but even the old ones tend to lose it in the face of overwhelming pain and uncertainty. I’ve seen Angel tend the worst of his injuries alone, to avoid the temptations of flesh and blood so near his injured demon.

“But Spike… a whole different enchilada. He’d been in and out of consciousness for the better part of a year. He opened his eyes to me, not knowing me from Adam… or the army of assorted demons he’d been forced to face. In helping, I caused him more pain. Setting broken bones and cleansing wounds isn’t a walk in the park for anyone, but to a vampire with no controls in place, there’s usually no thought involved in ripping out the throat of the person inflicting pain. Sort of drain now, don’t bother with asking questions later, you know?.

“He thanked me. I sat there, hurting him, and he thanked me for being kind. He’s shown me nothing but gratitude – and loyalty and devotion towards those he cared for. His only request was not for revenge, but for the woman he’d fought beside for years… Buffy Summers, the Slayer.”

We have heard enough. You are dismissed.

A slight nod towards Spike, and Lorne was off to rejoin Buffy, waiting for him with open arms.

“Thanks, Lorne,” the petite blonde whispered. “At least you got a few words out in his defense. They certainly aren’t making it easy.”

“They sure aren’t.” Gunn straightened his shoulders, heading towards the fence and his position next to Spike. “Might as well put my two cents in.”

“Your honors.” he addressed the Tribunal, bowing his head in a show of respect. “My name is Charles Gunn, and I was with Lorne when we found out about Spike being sold into slavery, and when we rescued him from that demon den of iniquity known as Dante’s.”

We warn you once, human. Confine your comments to your interaction with the vampire. Anything else has the potential to bring these proceedings to an irreversible conclusion.

Got it said out loud, anyway. What’s been heard can’t be unheard. Sorry, your honor. I’ll make my statement brief. The fact that Spike managed to survive a year of captivity and mistreatment is a testament to his inner strength. The fact that his mind still functions amazes me. The capacity to reach out for help and to seek and offer comfort shows me a spirit that won’t be denied.” Gunn paused to catch his breath. “That more in line with what you were askin’ for?”

It is what we were asking for… barely. You are now dismissed.

“Stay strong, dude.” Gunn shook Spike’s hand. “Wish I could have done more.”

Willow looked around nervously. “Guess it’s my turn. I mean, someone who knows Spike for years should speak, so it might as well be me.” She gave one last look into Buffy’s imploring eyes, and hoped her testimony would do some good.

“Hey, Spike,” she said, taking his hand in hers for a moment. “Here goes everything.” Willow turned and addressed the Tribunal:

“Your honor, sirs, my name is Willow Rosenberg and I’ve known Spike for more than seven years now.”

We know of you, witch. You are responsible for the over abundance of Slayers in this realm. There have been quite a few calls for justice against you – for changing the balance of power between humans and demons. We choose to ignore them… for now. Continue with your testimony

Willow gulped. This wasn’t the way to set her at ease, no siree nuh uh. She barely resisted the urge to sink to her knees and gush apologies for releasing all the new Slayers’ powers. But somehow, she managed to say:

“Um, when I met Spike, he was trying to kill Buffy – the only Slayer back then. It was what he did, as I’m sure you’re aware of. Slayer of Slayers, and all that. A while later, he’d also kidnapped me, wanting me to make a love spell to get his old girlfriend back.”

She turned to Spike and mouthed ‘sorry.’ He simply shrugged his shoulders. As he’d said before, what was, was.

“Angel once told me – us – that Spike was worse than any other creature we’d ever faced. That once he starts something he doesn’t stop until everything in his path is dead. Obviously me and Giles and Xander and Buffy all put the lie to that tale, what with still being here all these years later and all.

“But Angel was right in a way, too. Spike was one determined person, for sure. I mean, yes… vampire – all scary and creepy to a bunch of kids like we were. All that life, or unlife experience made us feel rather foolish… until he got chipped. And then he needed us. He couldn’t hunt and feed and we took him in.”

You mean he was crippled and sought shelter amongst his mortal enemies, and you treated him like a vicious dog. Kept him chained and half starved – only letting him off the leash when you needed some extra muscle. You see, Ms. Rosenberg – we see all sides, equally. I gather there was a point you were trying to make, however?

Willow looked thoroughly embarrassed. She’d known they hadn’t been very humane to Spike, and that some of them had been crueler than others… but the world had been a far more black and white place when they were younger.

All righty then – back to business. “Yeah, point – big one. Angel was very right in that Spike was one determined little vampire. In spite of how we treated him – which I admit was really shameful at times – he stayed, even getting a place nearby. He helped even after we stopped giving him money or blood. He was always there for Buffy, no matter how much she tried to make him leave.

“And then he decided he had fallen in love with her. Ouchie!” Willow looked around. Something ~or someone ~ had pinched her.

Is there a problem, witch?

She stuttered, “N-n-no, I think I just got bitten by a mosquito. A really big, nasty, mean mosquito, but I’m okay. Um, back to Spike, right. He fell in love with Buffy, and no matter what we tried to do to keep him away from her, he stayed. We bespelled the house with a disinvite, and he still stayed. He trailed her during patrols, helping out when she needed him. He took abuse from all of us, but he stayed.

“When she died, we were sure that he’d just fade away – we were so sure he was just vampirely obsessed. No soul means no love, right? It’s what we were taught. Vampires had no feelings, and we believed it. I mean, when Angel lost his soul he was the most hateful creature… all wanting to torture and frighten and kill.

“Spike with no soul stayed to keep watch over Dawnie, as he’d promised. He loved that little girl as if she were his own sister. Even if Buffy had never had anything to do with him, he would have stayed. He patrolled with us humans to keep us safe, and he patrolled alone so we could take an occasional night off and have a real life. Truthfully, I think he was seeking out some of the more nasty demons – sorta a suicide by inches kind of situation. Patching him up became almost a full time job.”

Are you telling us you reached a grudging respect for the vampire after the Slayer’s demise?

“It was selfish, mostly. He made things easier for everyone, and we sorta stopped screaming at him to go away. It’s not like we ever said thank you.” Willow favored Spike with a little lop-sided smile and another apology shimmering in her green eyes.

“And then we brought Buffy back, and things went bad again. Oh, and I mean it was just us humans who did the resurrection spell. Me, mostly, being the witch and all – really arrogant, irresponsible, selfish witch at the time, who has long since learnt her lesson about messing with the forces of nature so I don’t need to be reminded of it again, as I’ll never forget.

“When Spike found out about the spell, and that we’d brought her back – he yelled at us all. Said there were always consequences to magicks that powerful. It’s not that he wasn’t happy about Buffy being alive again… it’s just that if something went wrong… well, it just wouldn’t have been good.”

Most curious. A soulless demon babysits and cares for a group of humans, none of whom treated him with a modicum of respect. An unnatural creature respected the laws of nature, and the humans did not. A fascinating scenario, Ms. Rosenberg – one we will take into consideration. You are dismissed.

Willow ran back to the group; her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. She was so glad to be out of the spotlight. Buffy hugged her best friend tightly, whispering into her ear how she’d done a wonderful job bringing out some of Spike’s better character traits.

Watcher! The three judges practically hissed as one as Giles made his way to testify.

Giles cleared his throat and straightened his tie. “Yes, I am Rupert Giles, head of the new Watcher’s Council. My testimony is neither swift nor pretty. As a watcher, I have been trained to believe in the inherent evil of demons. Meeting Angel colored my perceptions and did nothing to make me believe other than what I had been taught. A vampire without a soul is evil, and incapable of feeling love and other higher emotions. No inherent goodness remained in an animated corpse.

“As an ensouled vampire, I found Angel to be fascinating, and we’d become close as companions in the nightly fight against evil in the Hellmouth. When he fell in love with Buffy, it wasn’t questioned – his soul meant he had the capacity to love and act accordingly.”

And this relates to William the Bloody how, exactly? I did not think I would have to warn you that we are not interested in Angelus as this time.

Giles removed his glasses, cleaning them as was his habit in times of stress. “That’s just it. Everything filters through Angel in relation to Spike. It is not something I am proud of, but I cannot change my past. None of us can.

“When Angel lost his soul, he reverted to Angelus. He terrorized the children, and he murdered the woman who might have become my wife. If you think I was willing to think kindly about another vampire again, you’d be sadly mistaken.

“Spike bore the brunt of this. Not that he didn’t deserve it in the beginning, what with constantly trying to kill us all. But he was different from Angelus. He actually struck a bargain with my Slayer to defeat Angelus, who was trying to loose Acathla into this dimension. Angelus had kidnapped and tortured me for hours, and Spike was partially responsible for both my rescue and the world not being swallowed into hell.

“There are many more incidents of which neither Spike nor I are proud of. Suffice it to say I’d not been willing to accept the changes in him without the soul, and unwilling to look past his history with it, for which I am deeply apologetic.”

That is sufficient, Watcher. You are dismissed.

Giles extended his hand to the stunned vampire. “Spike, I cannot say we’ll ever be the closest of companions, but if things work out well here, please get in touch with me. There are a lot of things I’d be most curious about discussing with you.”

Spike had been quiet for so long, he couldn’t help himself. “Even if I’m back at your Slayer’s side, Rupert? No longer an issue for you?”

Giles coughed a little, but said: “I’ll do my best not to pass out from a fit of the vapors if you two show up on my doorstep together. Good enough?”

“It’ll do for a start, mate.” Spike nodded in grudging respect. “Thanks.”

Xander strode over to the two men, intent on having his say. “Break it up, boys. Time for my close up.” Herding the older man back towards his friends, Xander addressed the Tribunal.

“My name is Xander Harris, and I can’t believe I’m here pretty much voluntarily to speak on behalf of Fangless, here.”

Willow let out a cry when she was lightly punched in the arm by one very upset Slayer. “Xander, that’s not helping!” exploded into his brain, as Willow’s mindspeak had lost none of it’s power.

“Sorry, your honors. It’s just an old habit. I’ll be as straight to the point as I can – I don’t like Spike, plain and simple. I was scared to pieces when Angel offered me up to him as a midnight snack, and he didn’t change my impression by kidnapping me and Willow and nearly killing me with blows to my head.” Xander paused, as if realizing that just sounded ‘off’ even to his own ears.

“Anyway, the point is I’m not impressed by his well muscled compact little body, nor his good looks, or even by the softer side of Babysitter!Spike. I’m fairly sure we’d hate each other even if he were human. So if I tell you that even I admit to the changes he’s gone through, it means something.

“I’ve seen him go from overly cocky predator to someone who gave himself up to a HellGoddess to protect the little sis of a woman who hated him. I’ve seen him bruised and bloodied time and time again defending me and my friends against other vampires and demons. He even stood up to all of us when we sorta mutinied against our fearless Slayer in Sunnydale’s last hours against the First and brought her back to us.

“And though I didn’t see it, myself, I’ve heard it many, many times – how Spike sacrificed his existence to make sure everyone left the Hellmouth and burned to ash, making the world safe for puppies and Christmas once more.

“Sorta puts us both on the same playing field, seeing as I once saved the world, even though it was being destroyed by my best friend at the time. And since we’re all so equal, I’ll say this here and now, in front of witnesses I’ll never be able lie to: I’m done. Done with the hatred and the past bringing up-age. From here on out, we start fresh. You cool with that, Junior?”

Spike nodded mutely. He didn’t remember being this shocked when Buffy and he brought down the house. After all, he knew she had been attracted to him – he could smell it half a mile away. But Harris? The sky was blue and the sun deadly, the earth spun, and Harris hated him.

Or not, as the larger man pulled him into a bear hug.

“I meant what I said, Spike. You make it out of this, and we’ll start clean. If you want. AA steps eight and nine: ‘Make a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all, and make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.’ See, even I can change.”

You are dismissed, human. You have given us much to ponder.

Spike had been so blown away by Xander’s testimony and about face attitude that he’d almost forgotten about the Tribunal. He was about to turn back to them, when he felt it. Felt… her. His stomach clenched, knowing that things were about to go ass over teakettle.

Buffy was preparing to step into place, thinking she’d be the last to speak on his behalf, when there was a soft rush of wind, startling them all, and she was brushed back by… Drusilla, who wafted forward with snake-graceful hands moving all the while.

“My stars told me of the fair Knight’s trials. I knew I picked the wisest and bravest knight in all the land – but he’s no longer mine. His heart and soul belong to others now, and he walks in worlds they’re just beginning to imagine.”

The insane vampiress kissed Spike on the cheek. “Goodbye, my once forever love. You have changed enough that I recognize you once again from London’s dirty streets. Be happy with your new family.”

Standing in front of the horse that Angel sat astride, the vampiress looked upwards, her mouth set in a tiny moue of disgust. “Bad Daddy,” she spat. “You’ve brought down all the cards on your head.” Not another word was spoken as she walked off into the shadows and vanished.

As the shock of seeing Spike’s ex-lover appear wore off, Buffy rushed to his side, ready to start her testimony, when the middle of the judges raised his hand and said:

These proceedings are at an end. We have heard enough to base our decision upon. The trial for Justice wished for William the Bloody has been granted. The trial against Angelus of Aurelius has begun!Hell Is In the Details – Chapter 20 – Shame the Devil

These proceedings are at an end. We have heard enough to make a decision. The trial for Justice wished for William the Bloody has been granted. The trial against Angelus of Aurelius has begun!

But the sweetest words were yet to come:

You may stand down, vampire. We shall recall you as it becomes necessary.

Spike closed his eyes and dropped his head into his hands in relief. Buffy grabbed him around the waist and hugged him for all she was worth. They had done it - made it to the actual trial.

We require he who was as a human called Liam, as a vampire first Angelus, and now known as Angel to stand trial for his egregious behavior and treatment of his erstwhile childe, William the Bloody, now known as Spike. Approach the bench.

All eyes turned to the steed carrying the knight and Angel. Unceremoniously, the knight shoved the still handcuffed vampire off the horse, in the direction of the Tribunal.

Angel, you stand accused of discharging your claim of Sire’s Rights to Spike in a willful and malicious manner. We are curious as to why you evoked the ancient and inexorable penalty against your childe.

Angel stood, his lips thin and tightly pressed together in defiance. He didn’t think ’because’ was going to go over very well in answer to their question. In fact, it no longer seemed like a really good answer to his own ears.

Need we remind you, vampire, that you are facing judgment, and must answer all questions directed towards you? We shall rephrase the query, inasmuch as why might have been too difficult for you. Please tell the court what heinous crime the youngest Master Vampire the Aurelian Order had ever spawned committed to warrant removal from his Family and the Order like an incompetent fledgling.

“I don’t feel the need to defend myself. What I did was totally within the rights of vampiric law and custom. The monster called Spike – that I created over a century ago when I was Angelus – he was responsible for the death of many thousands of innocents – a burden I carried on my soul. His death in the Hellmouth freed me. To find him suddenly standing in my office again, mouth running and attitude unrepentant made me livid.

“It wasn’t planned. We had been fighting for two days straight over his demands that I support him and coddle him and tell him where to find…” Okay, best skip that tack. “He was hounding me and baiting me with his ‘holier than thou’ attitude – telling me he was the superior vampire. No respect towards me as his Sire. ~“I thought we might be able to work things out between us, being family and all. No amount of your bitching can change that.”~ Nothing was going to change between us, and it had to end.

“I figured that his reputation alone would do him in, so I just made access to him easier. I wasn’t looking to make a profit, just to get rid of the problem. Pret and Dante’s were supposed to take care of that for me. All legal and above board.”

The issue before the court, Angelus, is not the legality of your actions, but the morality. You are an ensouled vampire, as is your spawn. There were less severe options open to you at the time – you could have had Security bar him from your presence and premises. Simple solution to a simple problem.

“Spike’s like a vicious little rat. Once he sinks his teeth into you, he won’t let go.” Gods, Angel knew the hole he was digging for himself was getting deeper and deeper, but there was no where else to go. Bluster was all he had on his side. “It had to be done.”

This seems to be your modus operendi regarding family problems, vampire. I recall an incident regarding your own Sire, punishable by dusting if we follow vampiric Lore to the letter. You dusted Darla. However, it was in defense of the Slayer, so you were never called to task for the offence.

However, this was not the last of your treasonable acts committed with your soul in place. There was the incident of allowing your newly resurrected Sire/grandchilde and childe to kill off a roomful of lawyers, then attempting to burn both family members. These offences will weigh heavily in your judgment, along with your betrayal of the childe you removed from your order.

Angel was incensed. “I thought this was a fair trial. I hear nothing but accusations and prejudgment. If you’ve already judged me guilty, why the pretence for the trial?”

This is not a trial to judge your guilt or innocence. This is a trial to decide your punishment. This is a vengeance court. The Slayer wished for it, and it has been granted. Justice will be served and meted out in whatever form William the Bloody decides upon. He has earned that right.

“No!” Angel protested, fear for his unlife becoming his overwhelming thought. Surely Spike would demand his final death. “It’s not right! I’ve devoted my souled existence to helping humanity – atonement for the evils I’d done as a murderous demon. The Powers That Be won’t allow their Champion to be put down by the likes of him.”

The bench demons conferred amongst themselves for a few moments, before the middle one spoke.

How can you consider yourself to be a Champion of the people, when you cannot champion your own family? Unsouled, your spawn fought alongside the humans you abandoned on the Hellmouth. Of his own accord, William the Bloody regained his soul and continued to fight alongside those same humans to push back the First. He sacrificed his existence for the fate of all humanity.

And yet, when he resurrects in your presence, your first impulse is to have him murdered, knowing of his sacrifice from the Slayer, herself, who had mourned and honored his passing. You no longer hold sway with The Powers That Be. Your fate will be in our hands.

Angel paled. This court held influence over the demon world. Hell, the Tribunal held influence over multiple dimensions. If he survived Spike’s ‘vengeance’ wish, Angel would find his unlife severely altered.

We recall William the Bloody to the bench.

The call for Spike to return to the Tribunal startled everyone. It seemed as if the blond vampire had just been excused; now they wanted him back again, and this time, he’d be standing up there with Angel.

William, hereafter known as Spike, you stand before us as an Orderless vampire. Is there someone who will take up your claim?

Spike stood , head bowed and silent. He might have won his ‘justice’ but he’d never again have a familial place.

Hearing no response, the Tribunal judge looked out at the assemblage. Is there none here willing to take ownership of this vampire? To bring him into their family? To be responsible for his actions and his safety? Who will stand up for this Orderless creature?

Buffy walked slowly and surely to Spike’s side. Taking a deep breath and praying she wasn’t screwing this up for the long run, the Slayer looked up at the Tribunal and began: “I stand for Spike, your Honor. I request the right to speak freely before agreeing to anything, however.”

Your request is granted, Slayer. You may speak your piece.

“Thank you. I have a question about the whole ownership thingy. I understand the Order. I’ve been overly familiar with its… vampires over the years. But my whole issue in seeking justice was for Spike’s freedom. I don’t believe anyone should own anyone. I think Spike’s more than earned the right to be his own vamp.”

Angel snorted, toeing the ground. Buffy’s mortal naiveté amused him.

Spike silently appealed to the Tribunal, who granted his unspoken request. He turned to Buffy, to try and explain just what was at stake for him.

“Pet, it’s a lovely thought. Freedom an’ such. It’s just not the way vampire society works. Order is important to the demon. It marks specific demons from the days of the Old Ones, when pure bloods roamed the world. An’ Family is as you can imagine – same’s human. A place where they have to take you in. Where there’s fuck all you can do that they won’t eventually forgive you for. Usually.

“I’ve been around for a long time, Buffy. Might have had no civil words with my Sire in over a century, but I never thought he’d cast me out at this point in our history. Angel, Spike, same room – fight. A given, and something I could hold onto.

“It’s not that I won’t survive being Orderless and without Family, just that it’s something both man and demon crave. To belong.” His expression was even more heartbreakingly eloquent than his words. “I’ll miss him… it, the connection… even now.”

And Buffy got it. She hadn’t the first time he’d tried to explain it to her – the other day at Lorne’s, when she wanted to go after Angel on his behalf – but she got it now. She made up her mind.

Facing the Tribunal once more, she said, “Your Honors, I’ve made my decision. I am willing to claim Spike as mine, Family.”

Spike grabbed her by the shoulders, spinning her around to face him. “You dozy girl! Do you have any idea of what you’re doing? The responsibility you’re taking on? The risk you’re putting yourself and Dawn in?”

Buffy raised her hand, gently stroking the vampire’s cheek, something she’d grown very fond of doing. The look in his eye – the gentleness, warmed her spirit. “I’ve asked you this before, Spike… do you trust me?”

“You know I do, luv,” he murmured.

“Then shut up and let me get on with this. Do you think they’re gonna…”

We need your decision now, Slayer, to further the proceedings.

“Sorry, your Honor,” she said. “As I said before, I am willing to claim Spike as my Family.”

You are mortal, and unfamiliar with the demon hierarchy. We need to ascertain what level claim you are committing to. As the Slayer, you are known more for killing vampires than championing them. Is this to be a surrogate Sire/Alpha claim, a mating claim, or both?”

Oh shit! Mating claim? What in God’s name had she gotten herself into? Not that it didn’t have its appealing facets, but was that what they were to each other? They’d only just found each other again these past few days.

Spike was well and truly gobsmacked that Buffy hadn’t taken a runner at the mere mention of a mating claim. That she would consider him Family was impressive enough, but anything else? Bloody hell how the woman had grown up. He decided to take pity on her wibbling state.

“Buffy, luv… I can’t believe you’d do this for me. To even entertain the thought… you’ve bloody well floored me.” Spike was deadly serious when he spoke. “You realize if some demon clan or Order got it into their thick skulls that I’m trouble, they’d come after you an’ Bit? Don’t make me your pity case, Slayer. I’ll survive. Basically been Sireless all my unlife. Can do this for real. Keep you and yours safe.”

“Is one claim dependent on the other, or is there a time frame involved with a mating claim? I’ve got no problem with the Sire/Alpha claim. I’d prefer to be equal partners, but I’ll do it however it works for vampires, Spike. Whatever you need, I’ll be.” Buffy gulped. “As for the mating claim, can we back burner it for now? I think we need to get to know one another again. I’m not gonna promise it’ll happen at all. I – I can’t. But the other thing? For as long as I live, and as long as Dawn lives, and any other Summers. You belong to us.” She paused. “If they’ll allow it.”

We accept your claim, Slayer. If a being dedicated to the eradication of most demonkind is willing to foster a vampire, we will not stand in your way.

Motioning for Spike to step forward, the middle judge stood once again and proclaimed: We accept the Slayer’s claim of Family for Spike, henceforth to be known as Spike, belonging to the Order of Slayers, member of the Family of Summers. So let it be known throughout all realms.

“Oh, that’s just fucking rich.” Angel sneered; even handcuffed he tried to project an image of authority. “You think you can be a proper Sire, Buff? You don’t have the balls to beat obedience and loyalty into a childe. Especially this one. I give it less than a month before he pisses someone off and they come gunning for your family and friends.”

Hands on hips, Buffy rose to her full height. “You think you’re so damned smart, Angel? You think you have the answers to both demon and human complexities? You don’t have a frickin’ clue what love and loyalty are all about. And as for Family? You wouldn’t know it if it bit you on the ass. If you had an inkling, you never would have left me years ago.”

“You’re not a vampire, Buff. Demon bitch, perhaps, since the Slayer isn’t all human girl after all, right? It would explain your fondness for guys with bumpy foreheads and pointy teeth. Still, what do you know about vampire hierarchy? How will you deal with the first challenges that come your way when the new Big Bad comes to town – to take out the Slayer Sire? You think you’ve been a target before? You’ve all but stuck a neon sign on your ass and declared it open for business.”

“You’re a crude bastard, Angel,” Spike fumed. “Truth is, neither of us has to deal with you anymore, so shut the hell up, you bleedin’ tosser.”

We have settled the issue of Order and Family for you, Spike. There remains the wish your now Sire made for Justice on your behalf. What form do you wish Justice to take?

Spike closed his eyes. This was a perfect moment for him. He could simply choose to stake the bastard with his own two hands. The pleasure he would feel… would last all of two seconds, and destroy any peace between him and Buffy, and probably the soddin’ Powers That Be.

He could beat the bloody tar out of him… and Spike was fairly sure he’d have the blessing of a ringside audience. Amazing all the people who’d come through for him. Problem with beating Angel to a pulp was… what purpose would it serve? It wouldn’t give back the year that had been stolen from him, nor the pride he’d been forced to swallow along with everything else. Nothing would give Spike back what he’d lost.

The only thing he could do was move on. He had a new Sire and a new Family that would be recognized throughout the demon realm. Buffy stood up for him and made him hers . Inextricably tied to her. And as much as a mating claim would have thrilled him, he was more than sated with the gift of belonging. Loved all the more for being chosen.

So the question still remained. What to do about Angel. What could Spike get satisfaction from that wouldn’t go against his soul and his Sire’s wishes?

A thought occurred to him, and he nodded.

“If it please the Tribunal, I have made my choice of punishments.” With a nod from the judges, Spike explained: “For a long time, thoughts of dusting him or physical violence kept me going. It was a goal and a reward, if only I escaped. Now, I see it would be totally meaningless. Dust him and he’s gone – no good will come of that. Beat him and the tosser’ll heal.

“But… take ‘im down a few pegs, and maybe he’ll learn something. Dunno how it’s to be done – don’t rightly care, either. I’ll leave it in your hands. As long as he realizes the sun and the moon don’t wax and wane at his desire.”

Staring directly at Angel, the Spike said, “Two days ago, I was devastated by what you done to me. Now, I’m thinkin’ you gave me the greatest gift. And it wouldn’t bother me one whit if it chafed your willy to remember that you gave me Buffy for the rest of her life, an’ I intend to make it as long as possible.”

Your request is intriguing, vampire, and we must tell you we are surprised you did not opt for a more corporeal punishment. The path upon which you are set pleases us. You are officially dismissed from these proceedings. Do your new status proud.

With a parting nod to the Tribunal, Spike and Buffy walked back towards their friends, and gave nary a glance back at Angel who stood rigid with the tension of his impending sentencing.

Before we pronounce our judgment, we call the S’lugith to the bench.

Receiving the same treatment as Angel, Pret was pushed off his horse and herded towards a spot in front of the Tribunal.

Pret, owner and proprietor of Dante’s. Tell us about your acquisition of the vampire previously known as William the Bloody of Aurelius

The S’lugith demon was nervous. Handcuffed, confronted with his business dealings and in a wide open space, Pret’s yellow streak was showing. If the Tribunal was going to take down Angelus, what the hell were they going to do to him?

Bluster not being his strong suit, he stammered and cowered before the judges.

“If it please your honors. I received a phone call from Angel one fine afternoon, tellin’ me he had heard of my establishment, and the entertainment we provided. Demon fights are a staple of Dante’s; get ‘em linin’ up ‘round the block most nights. Best thing we feature are paid gladiator style matches. Pick a demon and let him fight until he’s killed and then the new champion takes his place.

“Anyway, Angel said he needed to sell his Sire’s Rights to William the Bloody. Didn’t want anything for him. Took a single dollar bill to make sure the transaction was bona fide. Said he’d become a liability to the Order of Aurelius and figured I’d be happy to have him as a main attraction in the matches. He was right, too. Had ‘em lined up for almost a year.”

You’re telling this court that for a year’s time, the vampire willingly fought demon after demon and defeated them all?

“No, Sirs. Changed my plans after seeing the boy. Pretty thing like that had far better uses than being killed. I decided to keep him as my pet for awhile. When I got bored, he was whored out in Dante’s other most lucrative venture. We run a quality stable, but the reputation of a souled vampire that fought against his own kind at the beck and call of the Slayer? A guaranteed draw, and money in…”

Enough! Did you not think there was something suspect about selling off not only a childe of your line, but your own childe for the sum of one dollar? Especially one as infamous as William the Bloody, childe of Angelus, the Scourge of Europe? Did you not think to question this transaction?

“No questions. The childe was Angel’s, to dispose of as he pleased.” Pret nervously shifted from foot to foot, sensing the ruling coming down was not going to be pleasant.

The actual transaction was legal, if suspect. The owning of pets is acceptable. Prostitution is not an issue unless it is forced. You kept a Master Vampire as your sex slave against his will and whored him out instead of staking him when you lost interest. Your mistreatment of property shows poor judgment, especially in relation to sentient species.

Our ruling is simple, and our sentence incontrovertible.
The three judges rose as one, lifting their arms in the air, chanting a single word: Incendiare!

Lightning flashed across the sky, followed by an enormous crack of thunder that pealed out into the night.

Dante’s has been eliminated. Perhaps, in the future, you will take better care of your possessions, and be more wary of suspicious deals. You are dismissed.

Pret’s handcuffs were released; he fled the scene as quickly as possible, grateful to have escaped with his life, if not his livelihood.

Angel, we are now prepared to pass judgment based on the wishes of Spike, of the Order of Slayers. You have become a liability to the cause you were charged with fighting for.

To redress this issue, we will remove your soul Hell Is In the Details – Chapter 21 – For Ever and a Day

Angel, we are now prepared to pass judgment based on the wishes of Spike, of the Order of Slayers. You have become a liability to the cause you were charged with fighting for.

To redress this issue, we will remove your soul!

By binding your soul to your demon, you have grown complacent and fat on the excesses available to you through Wolfram & Hart. You have developed an exaggerated sense of self worth and propriety.

You have lost sight of your mission and failed to maintain contact with the lowest elements of society. You no longer care.

We will remove your soul and its binding magicks, and return it via the original Calderash malediction. Until such time as the soul regains the lessons it’s lost and learns what humanity has to offer, it will remain unbound.

From this moment on, you are cast out from your position at Wolfram & Hart. The Senior Partners have been informed of our judgment against you and access to their resources has been terminated.

Your colleagues have already turned from your side. You will continue to aid the helpless alone, as you once were. We suggest you keep to the path set out before you. The consequences for straying are… severe.

You, Angel of Aurelius, will transport with us to our realm until such time as your soul is newly ensconced in your body.

Our business in this realm is concluded.

With a loud earthshaking rumble, the Tribunal sank back into the earth from which it has arisen, the ground returning to its previous state, while Angel simply… vanished.

Willow was the first to break the silence. “Oh Goddess! Did you see that? I mean, look around – not a pebble out of place. And Angel went poof! Well, not *poof* poof, but they’re really going to remove his soul and curse him again. And, hey! Sorta feeling proprietary here. I mean, I’ve already re-souled him twice, and…”

“That’s my Will.” Xander laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “When surprised – babble. Nice to see that some things don’t change. However,” he said, turning to Spike, “some do. I gotta say that you and Buffy make a mockery of the term ‘the second coming’.”

“If we don’t want to try for another bout of ‘Who’s the Phoenix’,” said Lorne, pointing towards the lightening sky, “I think we need to head back to my place.”

Looking around like a mother hen searching for her chicks, the green-skinned demon realized someone was missing. “Has anyone seen Wesley since this little confab began? I was sure he’d be here.”

Giles looked distinctly uncomfortable. He didn’t know Gunn or Lorne well, and the prospect of telling them about their friend unsettled him.

“Lorne, is it?” he asked, tapping the Anagogic demon on the shoulder. “I’ve been in touch with Wesley by phone. Quite frankly, he was too embarrassed by missing the signs of Angel’s deterioration, as it were, to face you all. Especially you, Spike.”

Removing his glasses in a time-worn gesture, Giles pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to stave off a headache.

“In point of fact, Wesley is the reason we’re here, at all. It was he who found out the lengths the Tribunal would go to in meting out their brand of justice. That they would put you on trial first. And while the world knows I am not your staunchest supporter, I felt I ‘owed you one,’ to borrow a phrase from the children, for my inappropriate actions last year.”

“Oi, Victoria!” Spike’s eyes glittered in the moonlight; hard to tell with amusement or annoyance. “I’d say tryin’ to have me murdered in cold blood was more than inappropriate. But for this - tonight? I’d say we were bloody well even, mate. An’ thanks for coercin’ the kiddies into helping.”

Giles looked momentarily puzzled at Spike’s salutation, before remembering the reference. “Yes, good. Make fun of the silly Watcher who cracked one joke this year. And for your edification, nobody had to be coerced into speaking up for you. Seems as though coming back from the dead after saving the world carries bonus points with it

Gunn, Harmony and Lorne took the lead, talking amongst themselves as they walked back towards Lorne’s place. Buffy kept to the rear of the group, allowing Spike the rarest of things – interaction with the Scoobies as an equal participant.

She watched Spike come to life as Dawn smacked the vampire on the shoulder, then hugged him – making all those little sister faces Buffy had come to recognize over the years; Spike smiled indulgently as Willow nattered on, hands waving about in emphasis of some point or another, but the sight that would stay with her forever was Xander and Spike both trying to lure Giles into a discussion about whether some mutant monster movie had based its demons on actual species.

Except for missing her mom, Buffy’s family was complete. Weird, and not entirely human – but complete.
Hell Is In the Details – Epilogue – A Foregone Conclusion

~Two Years Later~

A couple of hours spent trolling through some of Los Angeles’ sleazier back alleys and bars made Spike question the common sense of his search. He was on edge and longed to drown his nerves in a bottle – make that several bottles – of JD, but knew he had to remain sharp and focused.


This was useless, Spike thought. Like searching for a soddin’ needle in a haystack. Time to check out some fresh open spaces. Might not find the tosser, but at least he could leave the stench of the city behind for a while.

A half hour’s walk and the changing landscape found his spirits much improved. Surrounded by green grass, trees and the deep midnight blue of the nighttime sky, Spike took stock with his preternatural senses, reaching out for… and yeah, there it was – due north, not far from where he was.

Of course it worked both ways, so by the time he was within visual range, the dark figure slumped on the bench with his head in his hands spoke first.

“What do you want, Spike?” The elder vampire was quietly resigned, as if a confrontation were somehow inevitable.

“Lookin’ for you, Peaches.”

Angel sighed, looking up to face his erstwhile childe. “So what is this, Spike? You here to finally collect your pound of flesh?” His posture remained open; it was obvious that if the younger vampire were to attack, there would be no defense offered.

Spike wasn’t surprised by his attitude in the least. Brood boy was back in the house.

"Nah... have to watch my girlish figure these days. Slayer gets all pinchy if she sees love handles formin’." Taking a small breath to steady his nerves, Spike took a seat on the opposite end of the bench, staring up at the night sky. “Truth is, Buffy an’ me was wonderin’ how you were managing’.”

Angel snorted in disbelief. “How do you think? And why don’t smell a mating claim on you? You and Buffy aren’t the love match you thought?”

Refusing to rise to the bait, Spike replied calmly. “What we have, Peaches, is what works for us both at the moment. We live together; fighting and shagging as the occasion suits. Snoggin’s pretty much our favorite indoor sport. Outdoor sport too. But we’ve both agreed that bein’ mated ain’t on the immediate agenda for either of us.”

Angel sighed. It was all out of his control, anyway. Was never meant to be in his control.

“Back to my reason for bein’ here, then. How’s the soul settled in now? Not back to fur an’ tails on the menu, are you?”

Angel shook his head, laughing a little, bitterly. “No rats and alleys this time around, Spike. I’m back to basement living – trading demon killing for a place to stay. Same kind of deal with the butcher for my blood. It’s not like being newly souled and crazed with the guilt of one hundred and fifty years.

“The last three or four years? I’ll admit the soul’s been beating me black and blue on a moment-by-moment basis for them. If I could… I mean… ”

For the first time, Spike grew agitated. “Oi, git. Shut your gob. You don’t get to apologize to me. Not now, not for that – not so soon. Maybe not ever. Not what I came for, anyway.”

Angel held up his hands in placation. “All right, you’re right. Apologies won’t change things or make them better. Sorry.” He shrugged. “You know what I mean. Anyway, if you’re still interested, I do realize how much I’ve lost. Friends, I mean. But I’m getting used to it. Figuring out just where I went wrong in the first place.”

“S’good, then. At least the Tribunal’s cobbler work did more’n hurt you. Buffy’ll be relieved.”

Surprised at Spike’s unvoiced concern, Angel found himself curious as to how the younger vampire spent his time. “Well, my unlife is an open book. What about you?” he asked. “Has Buffy managed to make a kept demon out of William the Bloody?”

Spike is very much a kept demon. Kept, coddled, loved, wanted, and treated with respect. Slayer an’ me freelance for the new Council these days.” He laughed. “Seems Rupert finally managed to cough up salaries for Slayers an’ various ‘consultants’ as they’re needed.

“Between all m’human schooling an’ the demon languages and lore Angelus managed to beat into me, ol’ Spike’s become a valuable commodity. They get the fists and fangs, too – sometimes the lady an’ me step in to teach the fledglings a thing or two ‘bout fighting.

“Best part of my unlife is just being a family vamp. Watchin’ my Niblet grow up peaceful an’ happy, annoyin’ all and sundry for shits an’ giggles… s’all good.”

The urge to return to his Slayer battled with Spike’s desire to brag. He wasn’t fooling himself; rubbing his rich, full life with Buffy in Angel’s face was a bonus, if not the entire reason for his visit, but he’d just about had enough.

Spike nudged Angel up, just a gentle shove of the elbows that said ‘c'mon, let's get up and walk.’ Plenty of night left and ground to cover.

As they wandered about, Angel asked if this visit was the only reason Spike is in Los Angeles. Spike told him they'd gotten a small place in LA for the time being. Just taking a break from everything for a month or so. Resting a bit. - no patrolling, so they wouldn't run into each other. With most of Europe once more his playground, the relative anonymity of LA was welcomed.

Angel stopped mid-stride; the whole scenario of Spike seeking him out for mindless chatter and not retribution not sitting well. The elder vampire was determined to get to the bottom of things.

“Look, Spike… I know I don’t deserve this second chance at redemption. You would have been well within reason to have demanded my final death from the Tribunal. Hell, I would have asked for yours if the situation was reversed. Would you mind giving me an explanation? I mean, after all I’d put you and Buffy through… “

Spike clapped him on the shoulder once, before distancing himself slightly. “First of all, Angel, I am not now nor will I ever be you. S’the one thing you never learned… I react to things my own way – not yours.

“As for why I’m here? When all is said and done, a piece of paper doesn’t change who family really is. Your blood will always flow in my veins. Without you I would have been dust in an English grave near a century ago. So I care. We care. And one day, we hope…” Spike turned away, his emotions getting the better of him, and walked off into the cover of darkness.

Leaving a puzzled Angel behind, alone again.

Because Spike knew, and hoped that Angel would one day soon realize... it’s not the big mistakes you make that ruin lives – Hell is all in the details.



the end