Dark Night of the Soul by pfeifferpack
Chapter #4 - Chapter 4
Chapter 4
November 24, 2000. Sunnydale, California
Riley arrived only a little late to the meeting.  Rev. Baker had already started his talk to the room filled with avid young men.  “So you see from the passages I just read in Matthew, the Lord is clear on how you deal with demons.  You drive them out.  Out of people and out of the land.  Those swine were driven off a cliff to their death!  The secular government may be afraid to put a name to what we see reported in growing numbers, but these beasts are from the pit of hell itself.  We are God’s warriors, gentlemen, and I’m proud to lead you, as any good shepherd would, to drive the wolf from amongst us!”
The lads gave a rousing ovation to the Reverend Doctor and he waited, basking in their admiration and letting it die down before introducing Riley.  “Some of you may recognize Riley here.  He is a faithful servant and fine example of young manhood.  We’re privileged to have him in our church family.”  Some of the young men recognized him and smiled in greeting, a few calling out a welcome.
“What you do not know is that until this past year Mr. Finn was someone very special indeed.  He was part of an organization that is still top secret but connected to our brave military.  Their job was containing these very beasts.  He can verify what I have been calling them--demons…evil, sub-human, slathering killing things.  Things that have no place in God’s lovely world or harming His people.  Just yesterday we celebrated a day of Thanksgiving for all we have been given.  Now it is up to us to make certain we do not lose the great gift we have received.”  He nodded to Riley as he turned the podium over to his featured speaker, then went to sit with the dozen or so young men, many, he noted with pride, from his own congregation.
Riley resisted the urge to scratch his arm where fresh wounds were trying to heal.  Violet had been as welcoming as Buffy was distant and he was still buzzing a bit.  She had cooed over him and fussed, showing him he was so much more than just another customer. He needed to find a place to get her tucked away before he lost his best source for what he craved.  Graham was already sniffing around that side of town and it was only a matter of time before the whole suck house would be discovered and destroyed.
“I’ve spoken to Dr. Baker and leveled with him about everything I can without violating my oaths.”  Riley nodded and smiled at the Reverend.  “Sorry I’m late; I had a bit of a mess to clean up.”  He puffed up visibly as the young men oohed and ahed, their imaginations running riot.  “Anyway, I got a preview of Dr. Baker’s notes and know what he’s already told you.  I don’t want to repeat what’s already been said.  He is right:  As the whole world is slowly learning, we do not live in this world alone.  There are demonic forces as old as the Garden and they want us dead.”
One lad shivered and let out a nervous giggle.  “This is way worse than the Borg.”
“Shut up, Andrew,” his slightly older companion ordered.  “This isn’t play time.”
“Indeed, Warren, it isn’t.” The minister agreed.  “Still, the boy has reason to feel fear.  Until you learn to put on the armor of God, you won’t be safe in this battle.  That is what this is going to be--a battle for our very existence.”
Riley continued, breaking the nervous silence that greeted the somber minister’s pronouncement.  “This is the battle between good and evil and the lines are clear.  Soon, the governments of this world will be telling the good people they lead what we in this room already know.  Soon, the things I’ve seen will be known to all and we can finally rid this world of a blight that has been allowed to walk free for far too long.  This time we can march with banners high and do what should have been done in ages past.  We can remove the abominations.”
The applause was deafening in the tiny room.  As the men gathered round their new hero, one slightly older youth slipped silently into the night, a disturbed look on his face.  He needed to talk to his Rabbi about this.  Jonathan already knew about demons, like most of the fellas that had graduated from the old High School on the Hellmouth, but knowing and destroying wholesale were two different things.  A couple of the guys in his Star Trek club were Bracken demons and he didn’t fancy having to kill either of them.  They were nicer to him than anyone else in town.
November 27, 2000. Sunnydale California
“I know she won’t be up to all the whoop-to-dos, but I saw that so-called Thanksgiving meal they gave her at the hospital,” Kate shook her head in disgust.  “Just leave it all to me and we’ll have a mini-feast to make up for it.  You know I love to cook, and with the success of the surgery we need two Thanksgivings this year.”
“You’re way too nice, Kate.  Okay, sure.  Mom has always loved the holidays and she hated them scheduling her operation where she missed this one.  I can help with the potatoes; I even know what a ricer is now.”  Buffy was on cloud nine.  Joyce was being released the next day and everything seemed peachy with a big dollop of keen on top.
“If there are any of your friends you’d like to invite, please do.  I know Joyce is used to having a house filled with young people.  I can get a great deal on a turkey at the Mega-Mart on Fifth, so we can feed an army.”
“I’ll ask Willow and Tara.  I think Xander and Anya are going to take a couple of days and drive up the coast before all the winter holiday shopping season ties Anya to her cash register.”  Buffy envied her friends the chance to just get away for a short while.  ‘No vacations for the Slayer.’
“What about that young man of yours?”
“Riley?  I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to be seeing each other much longer, so I don’t think inviting him to a big family get together would send the right message.”
Kate laughed. “I was talking about the blond British boy that was hovering over Joyce and wearing his heart on his sleeve every time he looked at you.”
“SPIKE?!”  Buffy sputtered.  “There was no heart-wearing!  It’s just Spike.  He’s kinda friendly with mom and is just some guy I know.”
“If you say so.  Nick told me he met Spike here the other day.  Said he seemed a bit intense but nice.”
“Intense is one way to put it,” Buffy chuckled at the reminder of the tension in the air that evening. 
“Well, if he’s a friend of Joyce’s, you should ask him to join us too,” Kate suggested.
“And with the holiday shopping season approaching, this message from the White House was just the calming voice needed, according to Wall Street.  Consumer confidence needed the bolstering and the urge from President Bush to not let these evil doers change our enjoyment of the holidays is expected to have a positive effect.  Back to you, Peter.”
Peter Jennings’ air of confidence served to add to the general mood of optimism. “So the message seems to be that this latest bout of violence is no reason to change your Christmas and Hanukkah plans.  The government has matters in hand.  Recent crackdowns on large, unauthorized gatherings and the reward system for information has led to the capture of many thought to be ring leaders of these still unidentified gangs of evil doers who have spread terror across the globe with murders and attacks on innocent civilians.  The President reassured the nation today with the promise to bring this terrible situation to a rapid end.”
A clip of part of the President’s speech was replayed. “We are going to stay on the offense two ways: one, hunt down the enemy and bring them to justice; and two, spread freedom.”
“Well, I’m delighted someone cares about innocent shopkeepers and their profits!”  Anya nodded approvingly at the TV screen.  “Business has really been off lately.  There was one lady came into the Magic Box and started yelling at Giles that he was selling what she called ‘the Devil’s tools’!”
“Yeah, some of the churches in town have been pretty vocal about demons and witchcraft lately,” Xander nodded.  “Kinda scary.  Glad we’re not living in Salem.”
“Yes, well, Salem or Sunnydale, I’ve seen this before.”  Anya shivered.  “I’m over a thousand years old, remember, not some kid fresh out of high school.”
“Thanks for the reminder that I’m with an older woman,” Xander teased.
“Experienced and you love it.” Anya smiled tenderly.  “But, really, it may have a different face and adifferent name, but the evil is the same.  I saw it during the Spanish Inquisition, during Stalin’s purges, the hunt for communists by the McCarthy Commission where everybody was suspicious of everybody else.  The Nazis did it systematically.  Call it racial cleansing, religious crusades or whatever…it’s the same thing.  First, people get scared, then suspicious.  Next thing you know, they give up freedom in exchange for protection and start to turn on each other.  While doing what they think is the right thing, they bring on a worse horror than what they feared originally.”
“It’s kinda weird seeing people here getting all upset, though.  I mean, if anything, it’s been kind of quiet here on Hellmouth Central,” Xander frowned in puzzlement.
“That’s because many of the upstanding demons are getting out of town as fast as possible.  I’m not sure where they think they can go, since this is not just a local thing.”
“Yeah, Max let a couple of roofers go the other day.  He said they weren’t able to provide decent proof of citizenship.  I think he kinda knew they were demons and it never bothered him before.  Pretty good with the asphalt, they’ll be missed.”
“You know, I don’t have anything to prove my citizenship,” Anya sounded a bit worried.
“You’re fine, Ahn. Giles would never fire you,” Xander dismissed the issue with a wave of his hand.  “So, all packed for our mini-vacation?”
Buffy was coming down the stairs just as Kate was opening the door for Spike.  Spike was carrying a slightly bedraggled bouquet of daises and a bottle of wine and didn’t notice the Slayer immediately.
“Glad you could come. Mom will be pleased,” Buffy’s voice drew his eyes her direction.
“And a thousand ships were launched,” Spike murmured as he took in the sight of a dressed up Buffy.  She did look lovely in a dress a shade of green to rival her eyes.
Kate Perkins smirked. ‘Joyce’s friend indeed.’
“Hey, Spike,” Tara smiled in greeting.  “Nice to see you.”
Willow didn’t look quite as happy to see him, but still not as hostile as he had feared.  “Tara, Red.  So, Willow, you puttin’ aside all that angst about the holiday and celebrating it twice now?”
Willow blushed under Tara’s questioning gaze.  “This is a different giving of thanks.  We’re celebrating Mrs. Summers being okay.  No Native Americans were hurt in the course of her surgery.”  She couldn’t help but grin at the reminder.  “We’ve got a nice chair and some rope, though, if you’re feeling nostalgic.”
“Thanks ever so,” he smirked.  “Prefer my freedom and a bit of food this time round.”
“Plenty of both here,” Joyce smiled up at Spike and took the flowers from him.  “Ah, no grapes!  I think I’ve had my fill for a while.”
The doorbell rang again and Buffy opened it to a nervous looking Giles.  “I wasn’t sure what I should bring until I remembered how your mother enjoyed these,” and handed over a bag of assorted grapes to a giggling Slayer.
“Least I brought mine fermented and in a bottle,” Spike snarked.
The group headed into the dining room to partake of the feast laid out in celebration.  Joyce felt well loved and very, very grateful.
“So you see, Rabbi, I’m kind of worried.  I mean, I know some demons who are really nice guys.  Is it right to just say they all should be killed?”
Rabbi Goldstein looked weary.  “Such broad characterizations are never right, Jonathan.  Many a people have suffered from that sort of thinking.  I am pleased you haven’t let your fears rule your thinking.”  The Rabbi had been planning to speak to his people on the need for rational thought.  “I think one thing that is dangerous is to label an entire people.  This word ‘demon’ is being bandied about here in Sunnydale and soon it will be used everywhere.  But are they demons or are they just a different species?  Whatever they are, the same Creator made them as well as us and put them here.”
“But there are all these attacks and it’s always been scary here with all the vampires and weird other demons,” Jonathan shook his head. “I just don’t know what the right thing to do is.  Should I turn in my buddies from the Star Trek club?  I know they’re demons, but I don’t think either of them has ever even hurt a poodle!”
“You are wise to think first,” Rabbi Goldstein smiled approvingly.  “Many are simply acting without considering the cost to all of our freedoms.  The Bill of Rights is meant to protect all living in the borders of this great land.   It is a function of public trust and a balance has to be kept between combating the evil we are fighting and protecting civil liberties.  If your friends pose no threat, why give their names to those who do not know them?  If you had reason to think they were about to commit an evil act, that might be different and quite irresponsible to keep silent. However, to treat them any differently than in the past based on the public suddenly waking from its slumber and seeing that we are not alone in this world, well, that would be irresponsible as well.”
“Thanks, Rabbi,” Jonathan felt some relief.  “A couple of friends of mine are joining a new youth group, kind of a militia to help patrol the streets of Sunnydale and keep everyone safe.  I really don’t want to join, but they made me feel like I wasn’t really pro-human if I didn’t.  I feel better now.”
“You are welcome to drop by anytime, Jonathan.  I don’t always have answers, but I promise to help you arrive at a decision by reasoning things through, if you wish.”
Jonathan hadn’t been gone but a moment before Rabbi Goldstein picked up the phone and dialed the memorized number.  “Cal?  I think it’s started.  Could you round up Father Quinn and meet me here later this evening?”
Joyce was tired but happy.  The love surrounding her and pure joy at her successful surgery had been a balm to her soul.  It felt strange having others do the cooking and cleaning up, but she knew not to push it.  Besides, just seeing Spike in the kitchen washing up had been enough to make her laugh and they did say that laughter is the best medicine.
She lay in bed and wondered if she would need to change the fliers for the opening of her African tribal art exhibit.  Already there had been rumblings from the uneducated about how the pieces she was showing were demonic in nature.  ‘Since when did art and fashion have to be suppressed because of fear?’
Joyce didn’t feel up to facing down even a small crowd of angry citizens at this point, but the gallery needed a decent showing if the hospital bill were going to be covered.  “Perhaps Mr. Giles will have some suggestions.”
Riley looked over his shoulder once more to make certain he hadn’t been noticed.  He knew he shouldn’t be back here so soon, but he needed her so badly.  Earlier, he had gone by Buffy’s house, only to see the house filled with people, and he was chafing at having been shut out of what was obviously a celebration of some sort. 
“Riley!  I’m so glad you came.  I’ve been thinking about you all day and hoping you might want me.”  Violet looked up at him with dancing eyes.  The girl was scraggly to look at but had speaking eyes, eyes that were all for him.  “Let me make you feel good, baby,” she cooed.
“I’ll be right up, baby,” Riley promised and turned to Gus, the lead vamp in the house.  “I need to tell your boss something.”
Gus had always been a rather unpleasant looking fellow, even when he had been human.  It was amazing that some vampire had actually wanted him around beyond a quick meal. “Something wrong, soldier?  Want another girl instead of Vi?”
“No, Violet is perfect.  I need to tell you that you would be smart to move your operation out of town pretty soon.  I have some friends and they’ve been scoping out this neighborhood.  So far you’ve been under the radar, but they’re smart and it won’t be long.”
Gus digested this advice and weighed it against all the free meals and cash coming his way and decided there was no real need for haste.  “I’ll look into it.”
“You really should.”  Riley could see his words were falling on deaf ears.  Time to convince Violet to strike out on her own.  He knew of a vacant apartment in a quiet neighborhood.  Maybe Violet would be easier to convince.
Buffy sat on the end of her mom’s bed and indulged in some ‘girl talk’.  “I’m just not sure how to break it to him.  I mean, Riley is such a nice guy.  Mr. Normal, just like everyone says I should have and all.  He hasn’t done anything wrong for me to end it.  There’s just something missing and I’m never able to just relax and be me around him without his getting all competitive.”
“I know that lots of people say love is hard,” Joyce began.  “In the sense that you have to work at any relationship to keep it alive and healthy, that might be true, but love, when it is really love, is easy.”
“What do you mean?”
“When it’s hard, it’s usually because either you are unhappy with something about the other person and wishing to change them, or you are uncomfortable being yourself for fear they won’t accept you the way you are.”  Joyce watched Buffy carefully to see if she were getting her point.  “When you love someone, you accept all of them just as they are and you feel accepted in return.  That’s when it’s easy.  You say you can’t just be yourself around Riley, that he doesn’t accept all that you are.  I’d say it’s not love then.”
“That makes sense.”  Buffy’s shoulders slumped a bit.  “I don’t think there are any guys that could just accept and handle Buffy Summers, not with the whole Slayer part added in the mix.”
Joyce thought about how to say what she had been thinking.  Nearly dying had left her with many a thought about her girls and their futures.  “Long ago, I had this image of you leaving the Slayer duties behind, especially after Faith showed up.  I pictured you going to college, finding some wonderful man who would see how precious and special you are and you being blissfully happy.  I could just see the grandkids I would spoil and you finally learning to cook.”  She smiled wistfully.  “I suppose that wasn’t very loving of me.”
“Mom, you’re a terrific mom!”
“I’m not perfect, honey.  I admit a lot of it was fear and a bit of not really understanding just what it meant that you were ‘Chosen’, called.  I’ve been thinking a lot lately and realize that I’ve put a terrible burden on you by asking you to fulfill my dreams and not your own.”
“Your dreams aren’t so bad,” Buffy smiled indulgently.
“Come on,” Joyce teased, “You’d be bored within a month if you didn’t go out patrolling and you know it!  What I missed was that you ARE special and not just to me.  A special woman like you will have to have a special love to ever be happy.  Maybe what we’ve been calling normal isn’t even normal at all for you.  Maybe we’ve been trying to fit you into a mold that isn’t right and natural.  I think you are right to end it with Riley.  He’s not nearly good enough for you.”
“Thanks for saying that, Mom, but I don’t think it’s Riley that’s lacking.”
“Nonsense!  If he can’t appreciate you and the Slayer in you as well, that shows a big flaw in him, not you.”
“So I’m doomed to be alone, huh?”
“No, you just need to be open to the real thing when it happens and don’t make the mistake of dismissing anyone because you don’t see them as normal.”
Buffy flushed slightly when Spike’s face flashed through her mind. “I’ll try.  Now, young lady, you need to get some rest,” Buffy used her best ‘mom voice’ and tucked Joyce in.  “We just got you home and I don’t want to have to take you back because we wore you out again.”
“I’m never going back there,” Joyce vowed, only half in jest.  “Horrible place!”
“Good!” Buffy agreed.
Spike narrowed his eyes in contemplation and disgust.  “So that’s how the wanker spends his evenings away from Buffy.”
He debated what to do.  If he told, Buffy might cling to Riley longer than she had already planned to do. Still, if he remained silent and Finn got himself turned, the giant hall monitor could take out the whole group before they realized he was pulseless.
“Best tell the Slayer and hope for the best,” he sighed.  “Least that way she won’t have to run another boyfriend through with some weapon.  Hard enough getting past the damage left by Angelus without addin’ to it.”