Dark Night of the Soul by pfeifferpack
Chapter #37 - Chapter 37
Chapter 37

"This is just silly," Anya fumed.  They were back in the interrogation room of the jail, the arraignment having been completed.
"Yeah, I'll make sure the jury gets that, starting with my opening remarks tomorrow."  Lindsey laid a comforting hand on the irate girl.
"I did grant those wishes, but I wasn't the fool who listened to bad advice. I didn't rouse the rabble and lead the ragged masses to overthrow a king!  I also didn't oppress people for centuries and ignore their needs while living the high life."
Lindsey could tell she was just getting started and he let her go unchecked.  Better to get her emotional outburst out here so she could be placid and demure at the defense table during the trial.  He loved his client's frank attitude, but a jury might not.
"And as for Bloody Mary," Anya rolled her eyes.  "If anyone thinks my little granted wish had anything to do with the violence of the Reformation, they are certifiable.  People have been killing people in the name of whatever god is popular long before I was born and that was over eleven hundred years ago."
Lindsey chuckled, "Been reading some of my notes while I wasn't looking?  I'm planning on bringing all that up and a lot more, sweetheart."
"This is just such a waste of time and taxpayers’ money," Anya huffed.  "I mean, how do they expect a jury to just accept the nonsense they laid out?"
"They expected this to be a slam-dunk, a show trial only.  The intention was to make it look like you got a fair trial, convict you and make the claim that they were treating all the prisoners fairly with you as proof."
"Well, that just doesn't make sense.  There are all those films from the labs that the guys are making sure everyone sees which prove that wrong."
"Yes, and that makes your trial more important to them than even before.  Fortunately for us, W & H left behind a lovely warehouse filled with archival information.  Some of that information gave me enough leverage to make them play fair, give the public a real trial.  Let them make fools of themselves while I tear into their paper-thin charges."
"Wait a minute, buster," Anya shook a finger under his nose.  "You mean you have blackmail on these idiots and you didn't just get the charges dropped and me released?"
"Actually, yes," Lindsey leaned back from the threatening finger.  He was glad at that moment Anya was no longer a Vengeance Demon, because he had a feeling more than his nose would be in jeopardy.
"They want a show trial and so we'll give it to them.  Only difference is it'll be a fair one and we'll win."  He smiled smugly, "It'll be a good thing."
"Good for you maybe!  You get to be a famous lawyer like those Dream Team guys with O.J. Simpson. Only I'm not guilty and you're not stuck in a cell."
"That's true, but you are safer in that cell than you would be anywhere.  I made sure you will be treated well.  It's not the Ritz, but it’s clean and comfortable and, again, safe.  You'll be like a politician caught stealing, a real VIP."
Anya wasn't buying it,"Why?  Why me?  Why do you want a trial at all?  I can't see you making a fortune defending random demons."
"Well, not any more, that's true," Lindsey shrugged.  Defending demons had actually made him quite a comfortable life for years while working for the old firm.  "And the reason the trial is good is because we can help expose lots of stuff going on, help the cause, make you into a martyr and a rather fetching one at that.  It's a great way to aid the resistance."
Anya digested this and didn't succumb to his embedded flattery.  "Can't I just fund raise?  I'm great at that.  I'd much prefer getting people and demons to reach into their pockets than try to make them have sympathy for me.  Believe me, I'm great at that, just ask Xander.  I'm not too good at public relations; you can ask him that too."
"You haven't had me there to coach you," Lindsey tried to mollify her.  "Look, it's not like I picked you out and started this.  They already had you targeted and arrested before I came along.  I'm making the best damned lemonade ever made out of their pile of lemons.  I'll have everyone drinking it and toasting you as they do."
“So, gentle viewers, the world is beginning to take notice of the darker, more nefarious plans of the so-called Global Human Initiative.  The proof is mounting that, like the best super-villains, the real goal is not getting rid of a threat but gaining control over the entire world.
Join me, gentle viewers, as we replay this uncut, verified vid of U.N. Secretary General Beldescu and the late madman leader of the GHI, Quentin Travers, as they discuss just who will hold the reins of power when all the dust settles. “
Andrew hit play on the console and looked at Willow for approval as the broadcast of the damning video found its way onto televisions and the internet across the world.  Willow grinned as her best hacking job ever worked like a charm.
There were plenty of congratulations to go around.  Andrew had proven to be not only capable but strangely compelling as a “host” for these broadcasts.  If it hadn’t been for Charles Gunn, they would have no video to broadcast at all.  The vids showing the conditions in the labs had been shocking to the populus.  This latest one, however, had gone viral within a day.
It had been a stroke of luck that Charles had been summoned to security backup during the high profile visit to the labs by the Secretary General and even better luck that his microphone had picked up the quiet conversation between the visiting dignitary and Travers.  It had been all Charles could do to keep a giant grin off of his face as the two megalomaniacs had discussed future power positions.
The world had at last sat up and taken notice beyond mild disapproval of the extermination of demons.  Suddenly everyone’s well being was at stake.
”And in breaking news, representatives from countries not part of the Global Alliance are reported to be in secret meetings in Norway tonight discussing a joint effort and possible declaration of war against the Global Human Alliance and all its member states.  Confidential sources tell us that concerns were raised by a controversial video purporting to show a private conversation between U.N. Secretary General Beldescu and the former head of the Global Human Initiative, Quentin Travers.
Those sources claim these nations, all of which have refused to be part of the Initiatives efforts to protect humanity against demon kind, claim to fear eventual loss of their sovereignty.  These nations have been providing varying degrees of assistance to demon refugees and are suspected of aiding and abetting various demon terrorist groups in their attacks upon law abiding humans.
Secretary Beldescu and the new head of the Global Human Initiative, Crispin Starling, have stated repeatedly that this insidious video is fake, having been created by demon-run propaganda organizations.
Neither Beldescu nor Starling could be reached for a comment on this latest rumor regarding potential warfare. However, they have issued a statement that any attempt to use force against the GHI or the Alliance would be met with extreme force.
Secretary Beldescu is quoted as saying, “We will not permit these misguided nations to jeopardize the important task of ridding Earth of demon scum who terrorize and threaten humanity itself.  The people of this world have our solemn pledge to serve and protect our citizens and build a world for humans only as designed by the Creator.” 
“Is the defense prepared to begin their opening remarks?”
“If it pleases the court, yes, your honors.”
Lindsey glanced at the prosecutor with satisfaction.  His worthy opponent’s opening had been weak at best, without much content of note.  Clearly they were abiding by the agreement to make this mockery of justice a fair fight with no last minute tricks.  McDonald’s vetting of the jurors had him fairly certain that they were all malleable enough for his presentation to sway them his way.  There were other files at the old W & H archive that he wanted to get his hands on, just to be certain he had extra ammunition in case he needed to persuade anyone else to give Anya the acquittal she deserved.
He drew himself up and faced the jury and gave his best confident smile.  “Good morning.
“You have heard a lot of far-fetched speculation on the part of the prosecution this morning.  I say far-fetched because we all know in our hearts and minds that the long history of our world, our people, is filled with religious strife, revolutions and wars.  As the old adage goes, ‘there is nothing new under the sun’.
“We also know that such world-changing events are not caused by one particular person or event.  Some might point, for example, to the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand as the match that lit the fuse leading to World War I.  Any reputable historian however would point out that there had to be a fuse there to light in the first place.
“Did my client grant the two wishes the prosecution has described?  Yes.  Did those granted wishes cause the events the prosecution wishes to lay at her feet?  No.
“I will present to you facts, not speculation.  Facts from witnesses uniquely qualified to speak on the specific charges.  Undisputed experts in their field.  Every one of them will clearly show you the utter absurdity of the prosecution’s claim that this one woman, a Justice Demon at the time and known as the Patron of Scorned Women, is not responsible for the purely human actions and events that they are trying to attribute to her.  We will show a chain of events long preceding the granting of these simple wishes made by victimized women that actually led to the events in question.
“Further, we will establish that Ms. Jenkins has been fully human, just as she was before she began her  employment in aiding hurting females achieve a measure of justice when wronged.  She has made positive contributions to human society.  We shall show that her friendship with the Slayer allowed her to assist in keeping all of us safe time and again, often at great personal risk.  She has helped avert end-of-the-world sized events and has helped protect innocents alongside the Slayer, who was chosen by the very Powers That Be responsible for selecting the warrior for the people.
“We will show her as a productive member of society.  A well respected and successful businesswoman and entrepreneur, an asset to her community and human society in general.
“Ladies and gentlemen, when we are through, not a one of you will entertain these scurrilous charges as truth and it is my firm belief that you will do the right thing and release Ms. Jenkins to return to her loved ones and her life as the exemplary human that she truly is.”
“I don’t think that could have gone any better, lad,” Father Quinn congratulated Lindsey and slapped his back congenially.  “From the looks on their faces, you had them eating out of your hand.”
“I want to keep it that way, Padre.”
“We all do.”
“I was thinking it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get as many of the files left at the old archive as soon as we can, just in case we need more information to keep everything fair and square.  Might even be stuff in there that can help in other ways.  W & H had all sorts of clients, not just demons.  Plenty of politicians and business leaders came through their doors over the years.  Not a few of them made use of somewhat dubious means to their power either. 
“My old bosses weren’t above keeping blackmail information on them, and on others too, if they felt it could give them an ace in the hole.”
“Might be a good idea indeed.  In fact, since you tipped them off by letting them know there are files out there, they just might try to locate them first.”  Father Quinn got a look on his face that almost literally revealed a light bulb above his head.  “Think I know just the guy for the job too.
“So, Jonathan, think you’re up for the mission?”
“I’d love to do something useful.  If you don’t mind my asking…why me?”
Rabbi Goldstein grinned at the boy. “Well, son, you don’t have any obvious connection.  You can get to LA and to this archive without drawing attention.”
The smooth-looking attorney looked the boy over with a skeptical expression.  “You guys sure?  I mean, no offense, kid, but you’re kind of young and not exactly brawny.  Some of those file boxes might be bigger than you.”
Jonathan hated having his smaller stature pointed out, especially in front of people he looked up to.  “I can handle it.  I’m stronger than I look; older too.”
Chaim Rosenberg chimed in, “I’ll go with the boy.”
Lindsey let out a snort of laughter, “Again, no offense, but you don’t look like you’re up for heavy lifting either.”
“I’d go, but they’ve seen me in court every day,” Father Quinn said regretfully. 
“I’m still a young man and in excellent shape,” offered Imam Azim.  Kalil was compact but clearly muscled.  “I will go as well.  Between the three of us we should do fine, Allah willing.”
Lindsey looked him over and nodded.  “I’ll put together a list of the most important files to bring; anything else is gravy.  There are some computer discs too.  I’ll work up a map of where you’ll find the stuff.  The place is a gold mine, but I doubt you’ll get it all, so try for the essentials.”
Xander wished he could go, but, like Father Quinn, he’d be too high a profile.  “Spike and I can probably round up a panel truck that should hold as much as you can get without setting off any bells and whistles.”  He shot a look at the so-far silent vampire, who nodded in return.
“We’ll set you up, no problem.  When do you need the wheels?”
“I think the sooner the better,” Lindsey warned.
“In the morning, then.  Harris and I can appropriate the truck tonight and Harris can park it next to the Mosque.”  Spike already had in mind the perfect place to get his hands on a vehicle and a set of stolen plates as well.
Jonathan yawned and stood up. “Guess I’d better turn in then, so I’ll be good to go early.”
“I’m thinking around six would be a good time.  We can get to LA and blend in with the tail end of rush hour traffic.  Easier to get lost in a crowd,” Chaim suggested. 
Jonathan turned to his old friend Andrew and sighed, “Wish me luck.”
Andrew pulled him into a bear hug that made Jonathan slightly uncomfortable, for all that he understood the sentiment.  “May the force be with you, young Padawan.”
Willow hugged her grandfather as well. “And God go with you too, Zaide.  Don’t do any heavy lifting!”
“I may be an old man but I’m tougher than I look, sweetheart.”  Chaim patted his chest and smiled at his beloved granddaughter.  “Tough, like an old chicken, eh?”
Willow shook her head at his silliness.  “I mean it.  A girl needs her grandfather.  You take care of him,” she glared at Jonathan.
Jonathan nodded. 
“I shall also keep an eye on my brother,” promised the Imam. 
Willow looked puzzled.
“What?” Chaim joked, “You forgot Abraham is the father of all of us?  Kal’s my kid brother. “
“And kid brothers always watch out for their elders.”