Love Comes to Town by Soul of the Rose
Chapter #51 - Prologue Part Two - Love in Bloom

PART TWO - Reality

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”

- Philip K. Dick

Prologue Part Two - Love in Bloom

“My heart was a desert
You planted a seed
And this is the flower
This hour of sweet fulfillment

Is it all a dream, the joy supreme
That came to us in the gloom?
You know it isn't a dream, it's love in bloom.”

 ~ Bing Crosby


In the eternal summer of his private gardens, Eros and Aphrodite gazed into the ornate marble reflecting pool that served as one of his many portals. The deep shade beneath the dome of the matching Carrara pavilion provided just the right light, blocking the glare from the bright afternoon sun.

“It was a stroke of genius to pair the Dark Slayer with her very own ‘dark angel’.” Aphrodite smiled approvingly, drawing the image closer with a wave of her hand. The lovebirds were currently cruising along Route 9 in the vampire’s classic Plymouth, hands entwined sweetly on the seat between them. With the younger sister in the back they looked for all the world like a family out for an evening drive. Eros hoped that’s exactly what they would become.

He admired his handiwork with satisfaction, not that he could take too much of the credit. All he’d need do was draw the vampire to Sunnydale and to Faith. Their natural affinity for one another took care of the rest. He gave a brief, courtly bow to the goddess at his side and returned her smile.

“Watching you master your craft is a true pleasure, Cherub.” She cupped his cheek with affectionate pride. “The Powers are most pleased. You’ve strengthened their greatest earthly champions with bonds of deepest Love. Together they will serve the White for years to come.”

Secretly Eros didn’t give a satyr’s fat rump if the Powers were pleased or not. He’d done this for his own pleasure, to gift a deserving Slayer with the Love she longed for and reward a demon’s uniquely romantic heart. His thoughts turned to his favorite vampire and with a small, semi-circular wave over the portal he changed the scene to Buffy and Spike. The pair were curled up contentedly on the floor of a dusty warehouse, sprawled across a canvas tarp with the Slayer resting her head on her beloved’s bare chest. The vampire had cozily wrapped them in his leather coat and held her tenderly. Eros raised an eyebrow with knowing amusement. You could roast marshmallows over that afterglow. To think the girl had once (nearly quite literally) run from his charms.

As he watched their heartfires ignite into one brilliant light he felt a sense of deep contentment. There was nothing more beautiful than bringing Love into the world. Eros found he couldn’t remember the last time he’d created a true match. It felt like decades since he’d made even an attempt - and longer still since he’d felt real fulfillment in his calling. He suspected these new pairings would last beyond even death into other lives and found himself looking forward to watching their love stories unfold in the years to come.

With a downward slice of his open palm, he split the portal screen moving the image of Buffy and Spike to the left, then bringing Faith and Angel up on the right with a scooping wave of his hand. Eros tapped into their hearts then, feeling the stirrings of what he’d so recently created. New Love pushed up into the world like seedlings reaching for sunlight. Rarely did anything so pure or genuine exist on the mortal plane - or anywhere for that matter. It renewed his very soul. And yet... a feeling of unfinished business nagged at him. There was more to do here. He could feel it.

“What’s next, Mother?” he asked, gaze turning from the pool to the goddess at his side. “I sense our work here is not yet complete.”

Aphrodite appeared contemplative, finger to her lips as she observed the two couples.

“Your instincts are sharp, my dear.” She replied finally, breaking the silence. “Now we’ve seen to the Lovers here, what of our as-yet-unmatched mates in the homeworld?”

But of course!

He’d been so wrapped up in machinations and plotting he’d all but lost the origins of the story. A visit to the homeworld was well overdue. He passed a flat palm above the waters of the pool in a clockwise circle, closing the portal and revealing the ornate tile mosaic beneath the water. Cherubs played among the clouds, raining arrows of love on the unsuspecting countryside below. It never failed to charm him.

“If you only knew the battles to come, Eros…” Aphrodite mused, tone thoughtful. “We have never needed these heroes more.”

Her words cut him with a sharp stab of worry. Now that he’d brought them all together and watched the seeds of the love he’d planted begin to bloom, he couldn’t help being protective. He felt like a doting parent fearful of his children’s first steps into the wide world. These Lovers would face challenges rarely seen by mortals. He hoped they would be ready.

May their Love grant them strength.

“When shall we leave?” He turned to his mother, eager to get to the task at hand. If he could make such legendary matches here, what might he accomplish there? Who knew what challenges awaited. He found himself invigorated at the thought.

“Let us not delay, Poppet.” Aphrodite replied, a far away look in her eyes. “I can feel the weight of the prophecy unfolding...the clash with the Beast draws near.” She turned to him frowning. “And all our warriors will be needed in the battle to come.”

Eros nodded solemnly. When he began this mission he had no notion of its import, he was simply attracted to the Bright Vampire’s burning heart. Now it seemed whole Universes hung in the balance. Mother often said Love was never simple, he had no idea how right she would turn out to be. They met on the steps of the pavillion to stand in the sun, side by side. With a quick nod in her direction he signaled his readiness.

Aphrodite reached toward the Heavens, hands together as if in prayer. With a grand, sweeping gesture of her open arms they were instantly transported back to the Universe where it all began...