Not Your Ordinary Walk in the Park by Sandy
Chapter #11 - Chapter 11
Buffy drew in a deep breath and headed in the direction of Spike's crypt. During dinner, Willow had casually asked Buffy if she were going to see Riley that evening. Buffy had made the excuse that she didn't know exactly when Riley would be back. Which was true, even if it wasn't the reason she wasn't going to see Riley tonight. She knew that tomorrow, or the next day, whenever she did see Riley again, she would have to break up with him. It wouldn't be easy because she really did care for him, and she was aware of how much he cared for her. Plus, he had been her way into The Initiative, and she really wanted to know exactly what they were up to. But that was a worry for tomorrow, or the next day.

The sun had set and the vampires of Sunnydale would be on the prowl, but for tonight, Buffy was concerned with only one particular vampire. Maybe, at some distant point in the future, Buffy would recover from the experience of Spike, but for now... Buffy's heart stared pounding and her body warmed at the thought of Spike, and she started walking faster.

She was halfway to Spike's crypt when she started to slow up and finally stopped completely as the realization of where she was going, what she was planning on doing when she got there, sank in.

Oh god, she whispered desperately to herself. I'm rushing to have sex with Spike.

Not just sex, Buffy's irritating little internal voice told her. You want to see him, talk to him. You miss him, and it's only been a few hours since you were with him.

Buffy groaned, leaned against a tree, and lowered her head to her hands. She couldn't argue with herself over that. She did want to see him, be with him. She was well aware that he was irritating and arrogant and, well, evil. But he could also be sweet and considerate and funny. She'd come to know a whole different Spike on their adventure. And when it came to making love... Buffy flushed at the memory of their lovemaking.

But it all came back to one thing. Slayer - vampire.

I can't do this, she thought miserably. I shouldn't do this. What would her friends think? What would Giles think? What would her mother think? She was seriously thinking about breaking up with a perfectly nice, normal guy so she could date another vampire. Well, okay, she was going to break up with Riley no matter what; she'd decided that even before she'd had sex with Spike. But she just couldn't continue with Spike.

She was the Slayer. She knew what was expected of her. Being with Spike was wrong. She knew it. Not seeing him again was right. She knew that too.

Why did she feel so miserable about doing the right thing?

She pushed away from the tree, glanced in the direction she'd been heading, and determinedly turned in the opposite direction. She'd do what she'd told her friends she was going to do. Patrol. And when she was finished, she'd go back to the dorm, study, and go to bed. She'd put Spike and what had happened between them out of her mind. As for Spike, well surely he would realize she'd changed her mind when she didn't show up.

When she found herself standing outside Spike's crypt thirty minutes later, she sighed. Okay, she felt guilty about just leaving Spike hanging, waiting for her to show up. She'd do the right thing and tell him she wasn't going to be with him. That way she wouldn't have her conscience nagging at her. Opening the door, she was surprised to see the interior of the crypt was pitch dark.


"Down here, love."

Buffy glanced around in confusion until her eyes adjusted enough to the gloom for her to make out a glow coming from the floor near the sarcophagus. Walking cautiously over to it, she saw that it was a trapdoor leading down to a lower level.

"Spike? You down there?"

"Yeah. Come on down, Buffy."

When Buffy reached the lower level she saw Spike holding up a tape measure against one of the walls of a chamber that appeared to be carved out of the bedrock.

"What are you doing?"

He glanced at her with a smile. "Grab the end of this, will you, love? I'm measuring to see where it'd be best to put the bed."

"Bed?" Buffy asked weakly.

"Well, yeah. Don't expect you'd want to use that sarcophagus upstairs when you come to visit so I thought I'd fix this room up. Bring in a nice comfy bed. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Spike, look, we have to talk," she said uncomfortably.

He looked at her and pulled the tape measure away from the wall.

"Don't tell me," he said with a sigh. "Let me guess. You've changed your mind again. You're the Slayer; I'm a vampire. This is wrong. Blah. Blah. Blah."

"It is wrong, Spike," Buffy said quietly, "and you know it is."

"Yeah, I do know it, Buffy. And I don't care." He came up to her and laid his arms over her shoulders, clasped his hands together and leaned into her. "I don't care if it's wrong," he repeated softly. "I just want to be with you. And you want to be with me; I know it."

"Spike-" But she got no further as he captured her mouth. Buffy's knees betrayed her once again and she grabbed onto him for support. His arms slid off her shoulders and he wrapped them around her waist, drawing her tightly against him. Their mouths parted and came together again as the frenzy of their passion grew. Spike lifted her up and pushed her against a wall, his hand trailing down to pull up her skirt. Buffy lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist as his hand slid up her thigh and over her hip. His mouth caressed her neck and Buffy's gasping breath filled the small cavern.

"Need you, Buffy," Spike whispered as his hand trailed around and pushed aside the crotch of her panties. Buffy gasped as his fingers slid over her clit and she titled her head to give him access as he nibbled at her neck. "It's been too long since I've had you, love."

"This morning," Buffy panted.

"It was morning there," Spike said is a growling, passion-driven voice. "Days have passed there since we were together. I can't be without you for days, Buffy." He pushed a finger inside her. She was so ready for him that he easily slid inside. He added another finger, stroking her swollen inner flesh until she sobbed in need. His hand left her then, and he fumbled at his zipper trying to free himself.

The sound of the door upstairs slamming open and the shouts of male voices broke through the haze of their lovemaking. Their heads snapped to the side as a voice called out, "This crypt's occupied, men. Fan out and search for the HST."

"Riley," Buffy whispered as she pushed Spike away. The sound of Riley's voice had immediately cooled her ardor. She straightened her clothes and then turned to Spike. "I'll get rid of them. You stay here and keep quiet."

Spike nodded and glanced nervously up at the trapdoor. Buffy hurried to the ladder and then hesitated a second. She came back to Spike, took his head in her hands and kissed him. "Goodbye, Spike," she said softly with a hitch in her voice.

"Buffy," he whispered, desperately grabbing at her, but she slipped from his grasp.

She scrambled up the ladder and shielded her eyes when several flashlight beams blinded her. "Hey, guys! It's me."

"Buffy!" Riley hurried over to her and held out a hand to help her out of the opening in the floor. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing. I thought you guys were out on marauders."

"Maneuvers," Riley answered with a smile. "And we were. We got back about an hour ago. We reported in and Professor Walsh had an emergency assignment for us. We're searching for a Polgara demon that was reported in the area. Have you seen it?"

"Nope. Never heard of it," Buffy said casually leading Riley away from the trapdoor.

"So what were you doing down there?"

"Down there? Oh, uh, just taking care of the crypt's occupant. You guys don't have to worry about him."

"Good. So, you want to join us in our hunt?"

"No, thanks, Riley. I really need to get back to the dorm."

Forrest was standing next to a small TV set and as he turned to leave, he lifted up his rifle preparing to smash the butt of the rifle into the TV's screen.

"Stop!" Buffy shouted.

Riley looked at her in surprise.

"Uh, it's just that if that TV works, uh, Xander needs a new TV and maybe he might want it."

"At ease, soldier," Riley officiously told Forrest.

Forrest scowled at Buffy and left the crypt with the rest of the unit.

"He really doesn't like me, you know."

"Sure he does," Riley insisted.

Buffy shrugged, not really caring if Forrest liked her or not, and followed the men into the cool night air. Outside the crypt, Riley stopped her. "I'm not sure how long we'll be tonight, but if you want to wait in my room..."

"No," Buffy said a bit too quickly. Calming down a bit, she explained, "I really need to study tonight. Could we meet up tomorrow for coffee or something?"

Riley gave her a pleased smile. "Sure, I have a free hour at ten. We can meet for coffee then if you like."

"Yeah, okay. That's good for me too. I'll meet you at the cafeteria, okay?"

"Okay." He glanced around to where his men were waiting for him. "Look, I've got to go. See you tomorrow."

Buffy watched for a bit as the men moved away, and then looked once more at the door to Spike's crypt. It was hard to resist the desire she felt to return to Spike and finish what they'd started, but she pushed past her feelings and left. She walked through the cemetery with her arms wrapped tightly around herself as if holding herself together.

Tomorrow she was going to break up with one boyfriend because she was afraid she would never love him, and tonight she'd broken up with another because she was afraid she would.

Welcome to my life, she thought miserably.