Not Your Ordinary Walk in the Park by Sandy
Chapter #17 - Chapter 17
It took the rest of the day to get everything ready. Giles, Willow, Tara, and Anya worked out the adaptations to the spells that would temporarily paralyze Adam and imbue Buffy with Spike's strength. They also worked on the timing of the spell castings. Since Giles wasn't sure how long either spell would last, the power-up spell, as Xander was calling it, needed to be cast first closely followed by the paralyzing spell. It was decided that Giles and Anya would cast the paralyzing spell, and Willow and Tara would cast the power-up spell. To allow Buffy to have the maximum amount of time possible to extract the power core, Buffy and Spike needed to be in close proximity to Adam before the spells were cast.

Both Spike and Buffy had been antsy through most of the day. They'd tried to help research by going through the reference books that Giles was using to adapt the spells, but they both quickly became bored. Xander at least had gotten to leave the apartment on several occasions for doughnut, hamburger, and, not without a scowl, blood runs, and had driven Anya and the two witches to the magic shop to pick up needed supplies.

Spike did his best to hide his edginess. He'd said that he was willing to give Buffy his strength, and he'd meant it. He just hoped that whatever mucking about they were doing on the spell didn't bollix things up.


Spike was standing at the window watching the light fade when Buffy came up to stand beside him.

"They're almost ready."

Spike nodded. "All right."

"You sure you want to do this? Give me your strength?"

Spike turned to her and ran the back of his fingers down Buffy's cheek. "I'd give you my soul if I had one, Buffy."

She captured his hand and pressed a kiss to it.

"Let's do this then."


There was some discussion as to which route to take to Adam's lair. The tunnels from Spike's crypt offered more protection from early detection, but the route through the hills was much shorter. In the end it was decided to go with speed over stealth, and so everyone piled into the two cars for the trip to the hills by Kingman's Bluff.

Spike was a little concerned that they'd run into more of Adam's soldiers, but to his relief, they managed to reach the cave without interference. Once they were inside the main cavern, Giles, Willow, Tara, and Anya quietly went about getting everything ready for the spells. Spike and Buffy waited tensely for the nod from Giles that would be their signal to enter Adam's lair.

When the signal came, Buffy put her hand on Xander's arm. "I'm counting on you to watch over everyone out here, Xander."

"Don't worry, Buff. I'll take care of everything here. You just go and kick Frankenstein's ass."

Turning to her partner, Buffy said, "Come on, Spike. It's showtime."

They burst into Adam's lair. Adam was once again seated in front of his computer console and looked up in surprise.

"Spike, what is this?"

"Little change of plans, mate. Instead of me leading Buffy to her death, I'm leading her to yours."

Adam calmly stood up. "You surprise me, Spike. I don't like surprises. Forrest, kill him."

"With pleasure."

The cyber-solder lumbered up to Spike and swung his fist while Adam attacked Buffy. Spike ducked out of his way, twisted around and landed a hard kick on Forrest's stomach that sent him stumbling backward onto the ratty sofa.

Buffy jumped up onto a nearby ledge and caught Adam in the jaw with the toe of her boot. Adam's head snapped back, but it didn't faze him, and he grabbed for Buffy. While Forrest struggled to get up, Spike turned to aid Buffy, kicking out and catching Adam on the side. It distracted Adam enough that Buffy was able to handspring onto the floor and out of reach.

Finally back on his feet, Forrest came after Spike again. Spike threw a punch that caught him in the head. Shaking out the pain in his fist he grouched, "Goddammit, these things are tough."

"Yes, which is why we'll win. Too bad you won't live to see it," Forrest boasted as he struck out. His fist caught Spike in the stomach, knocking the vampire against Adam's chair. Spike stumbled as the chair rolled away from him but quickly caught his balance. Grabbing it, he threw the chair at Forrest, who batted it away and came after Spike again. Spike ducked out of the way of another punch and swung around to find himself back-to-back with the Slayer as their opponents closed in on them.

"How's it going, love?"

"Not bad," Buffy said as she weaved out of the way of a punch. "You?"


They threw themselves in opposite directions just as Forrest threw a punch. It landed solidly on Adam's solar plexus. Adam grunted and backhanded his subordinate sending him flying across the room to crash against the cave wall. A small rain of dust and rock cascaded down onto the soldier.

"Good one!" Buffy called to Spike as she tumbled out of the way of Adam's swinging fists. Springing up behind Adam, she kicked him in the back of the knee, causing the large cyborg to fall to his knees. Snatching up one of the computer monitors and yanking it away from its power cord, she crashed it down on Adam's head.

Spike grinned at her. "That's my girl!"


Spike threw another punch as Forrest got to his feet, this time aiming for Forrest's nose. The sound and feel of crunching bone and sinew made Spike laugh.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt," he smirked.

Forrest bellowed in outrage and pain covering his injured nose with his hands. Spike jumped onto his back, locked an arm around his thick neck and tightened it in a choking hold.

With another roar of outrage, Forrest reached up and grabbed Spike's head. Bending over, he threw Spike over his shoulder. Spike sailed over the sofa and landed in a heap behind it.

"Spike! You all right?"

"I'm fine, love," Spike called out as he bounced back up.

Squatting down, Spike hooked his fingers under the couch and heaved it at Forrest. The heavy sofa hit Forrest on the chest, knocking him to the ground and trapping him under it.

The demon arm flexed and Forrest tossed the sofa off him and out of the way. It landed upside down against the back wall of the cavern. Spike took advantage of the extra room to build up speed for a flying leap. Just as Forrest got back on his feet, Spike's boots connected with Forrest's face, knocking him back once again. He banged into a desk that held more computer monitors. The monitors and Forrest crashed to the ground with a horrendous sound of breaking glass and fried electrical components. The air was thick with the smell of ozone.

Spike was aware that time was running out. He needed to finish this fight and soon. Bouncing back to his feet, he glanced over to see how Buffy was doing in her fight. He was just in time to see Adam grab Buffy and throw her against the wall of the cave. She hit hard with a grunt and landed in a heap on the floor.


He took two steps toward her, but she rolled instantly to her feet, unhurt, and began to toss punches at Adam. They had no effect, and Adam was able to land another punch that sent Buffy flying into the passage outside of the cavern.

In his concern for Buffy, Spike had ignored his own opponent for too long. His inattention allowed Forrest to come up behind him and lock strong arms around his torso, trapping his arms to his sides. Spike struggled against Forrest's hold, but his feet left the floor as he was lifted up. With a heave, Forrest tossed him across the cavern. He landed on his back across the upturned couch, and his head cracked sharply against the wall. Before he could gather his wits and straighten up, Forrest was looming over him, his face a bloody mess. He wrapped his demon hand around Spike's neck.

"I'm really going to enjoy pinching your ugly head off," the creature sneered and tightened his hold. Spike wrapped his hands around Forrest's fingers and tried to pry them away. Despite his efforts, Forrest increased the pressure on his neck.

And then Spike felt his strength start to drain from him.

Oh, bugger, he thought.

"Oh, yeah!" Buffy yelled out and Spike could hear the sound of punches connecting solidly and grunts of pain from Adam.

"That all you got?" Buffy taunted.

"No, I've got more," Adam answered calmly.

As Spike continued to weaken, he heard the snick of something sliding - like a sword from a sheath, the sound of heavy footsteps, a small grunt from Buffy, and then the sound of something snapping.

"Broke your arm," Buffy gloated.

The sound of Buffy's triumphant voice was followed by more blows and more grunts from Adam, and Spike knew that Buffy was taking advantage of her increased strength.

His own strength was nearly completely gone now, and he could no longer struggle in defense. His hands fell limply to his sides, and he knew that Forrest would have his head off in a matter of seconds. He cursed the fate that had given him Buffy only to let him die twenty-four hours later. He could only hope that once he was dust, Buffy would keep his strength. It would be his last gift to her.


A sound that could only be Adam being thrown against a wall and another grunt from Adam immediately followed Buffy's cry of alarm. Spike heard the sound of running footsteps, and then Forrest's eyes suddenly went wide and he stiffened. His hand slipped from Spike's neck and he fell to the floor, dead. The bone skewer that Buffy had snapped from Adam's arm was firmly imbedded in the back of Forrest's skull.

Spike's legs could no longer support him and he began to slide off the couch. Buffy grabbed him and carefully lowered him to the floor.

"Sorry, honey. Gotta go," Buffy said with a brief caress of his face, and then she was gone.

Spike was as limp as a rag doll, his strength completely gone. He couldn't even turn his head to watch Buffy fight. He could hear the battle though, and by the sound of it, things were going well. Buffy was making quips and confused consternation came from Adam followed by the sound of grunts of pain from rapid-fire blows as Buffy's increased strength allowed her to dominate the fight.

Then it went quiet.

"What's the matter, Adam?" Spike heard Buffy say. "You're looking a little stiff."

There was the sound of flesh meeting flesh and then a sucking sound.

"Ooh, look," Buffy said. "Pretty."

"How?" Adam gasped, and then there was a loud thud as he collapsed.

"Through the power of love," she said softly.


The two warriors sat side-by-side, resting against the wall of the cavern. The power-up spell had faded and both Spike and Buffy were drained from the experience. They watched quietly as the day's final spell was performed.

"Are you sure this power core won't do any damage to the world we're sending it to?" Willow asked.

"Positive," Anya said briskly. "There's no life on this world, and it has so much of its own radiation, this little bit won't even be noticed."

"Sounds good, Will," Xander said. "Dial 'er up."

Willow nodded and began chanting. A small portal was opened and Giles tossed the power core into it. Willow stopped chanting and the portal closed with a small popping sound.

Everyone gathered their belongings and headed for the exit. Xander slung his axe over his shoulder and said as he headed out of the chamber, "I'm voting for Apocalypse Now and deep dish."

"Not again, Xander," Willow wailed as she followed him. "I want Bedknobs and Broomsticks and thin-crust. And no anchovies."

"Well, I don't mind deep-dish," Giles's voice drifted back to Buffy and Spike, "but I agree with Willow. No anchovies. And I think we should watch Branagh's Henry V, this time."

"Guess it's time for the post averting of apocalypse ritual," Buffy said as she and Spike wearily pushed themselves up from the floor. Spike staggered a bit and Buffy caught him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"You all right?" she asked in concern.

"I'm fine, love," Spike said, warmed by her concern. "Still just a little wobbly on m'pins."

He laid an arm around her shoulder as they headed for the cave exit.

"So, what's this ritual you were talking about, love? We go back to my place and shag ourselves silly? Because that sounds good to me."

She shook her head and said with a tired smile, "Nope, sorry. Rule number two of the hero biz: always have pizza and a movie after every averted apocalypse."

"You're joking."

"Nope. And besides, you don't seem to be up for a shag right now anyway."

"Give me a half-hour and a couple pints of blood and you'll see just how up for it I am."

Buffy grinned at him mischievously. "Well in that case, after the ritual, I may be able to talk Willow into spending the night at Tara's."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? And just why would you want to do that?"

"Well, I thought maybe my boyfriend might want to come to my dorm and spend the night."

"I think that's a brilliant idea," he said, pulling her into his arms and crushing his mouth to hers.

When they came up for air, Spike said with a devilish twinkle in his eyes, "If we're voting on movies to watch first, I'm voting for Deep Throat."

"Ohh," Buffy said in mock anger, "I'll give you Deep Throat."

Spike grinned wickedly and pulled her tighter against him.

"That a promise, Slayer?"

Buffy blinked when she realized what she'd said, then smiled her own wicked smile. Sliding her hand down his body, she found what she was searching for and gave him a squeeze. At his groan, she whispered in his ear, "Yes, Spike. That's a promise."

They kissed again, but drew apart when they heard Xander yell for them to come on. Holding hands, they walked out of the cave and down the hill to Giles's car.

Walking away from Adam's lair, Spike couldn't help but feel a pang of regret that he'd walked away from his chance to get his chip removed. Still, he was confident that one day he would, and that he'd be his own man again.

But even if he knew he'd never have another opportunity to get the chip out, he wouldn't have done anything differently. He longed to be free of the chip, but if he had to choose between Buffy and the chip, Buffy was always going to come out the winner.

It wasn't going to be easy for him, this hero biz. He'd loved his life as the Big Bad, and all his instincts led him in a direction completely opposite from the path of a hero. But it was the path Buffy trod, and so he vowed to walk it too.

They were a team now.

Strange how the smallest decisions could completely change one's life. If he hadn't decided to take a shortcut through the park all those weeks ago, if he hadn't gone to investigate the sound of fighting, if he hadn't stuck around to watch the Slayer's pas de deux with the little demon, things would have worked out very differently. He would have accepted Adam's offer and done his best to betray Buffy and lead her to her death, just to get the chip removed.

The very thought sickened him.

Buffy settled beside him in the back seat of Giles's car, and he pulled her close up against him. She smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder. He remembered how he'd told Buffy that the most anyone could expect out of life were a few rare moments of happiness. He closed his eyes, nearly overwhelmed by one of those golden moments.

And he knew deep in his being that for him, those moments would no longer be so rare.

The end